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From the "What a nutter dept."


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In the states a Hummelbird was shot, it hit the prop, quick return to airfield had the Statetroopers/local sheriff and feds surround the local duck pond. the other shooters handed the culpret







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Guest sunfish

One of RVAC's Warriors has a dent in the cowl that matches a Twelve gauge slug. I think the incident may have happened at Coldstream but I could be wrong. If it happened near a strip and there is a registered gun owner living in the vicinity, then questions might be asked by the Police.........especially if it was me that got shot at.



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A mate told me he found a bullet hole in the tail of his tecnam a few years back, had no idea he'd upset some one so much that they would try to kill him!

Hi Met. . . . .


The perpetrator obviously had no experience with clay pigeon shooting, . . . .the idiot probably aimed at the cockpit end. . . . . . ( Luckily. . . . ! ) In the early 1970s, I once found a rather interesting hole in the left side of my fin following the flight,. . . the diameter was consistent with a large bore projectile of some kind. . . . , angled upwards at an angle of around 20 degrees ( my very rough guess. . .) the exit wound on the other side of the fin was blown out to around two inches and splayed out like a baked bean can . . . . . possibly a low velocity round of some sort. . . I'd been doing some surveying carrying two cine film photographers for proposed new roads in Indonesia, and doing some low flying along various gulleys and valleys etc. . . . I never noticed any impact or noise during the flight in the airframe ( C-210 ). . . .Just goes to show how many BORED people there are out there with firearms at their disposal to have a casual pot at an interesting moving target. . . . . probably a worse risk nowadays, with AK47s selling at around fifty dollars $US each in certain countries . . . .



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Wow so many bullet holes & no return fire? As a kid I always wanted to be a Spitfire pilot. 8 x 303 Brownings & the later ones with 2 x 20mm canons as well. From what I see around this neck of the woods I won't be doing any low level flying unless I get a few of those cheap AK 47s mounted under each wing.



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One of RVAC's Warriors has a dent in the cowl that matches a Twelve gauge slug. I think the incident may have happened at Coldstream but I could be wrong. If it happened near a strip and there is a registered gun owner living in the vicinity, then questions might be asked by the Police.........especially if it was me that got shot at.

That's interesting Sunfish. . . . Did you mean the dent matched a PELLET from a 12 gauge shotgun. . . ? I've fired solid 12 bore projectiles, and these are a rather large slug. . . , but don't have a lot of range. . . . NOT a nice thing to have fired at your aeroplane in "Peacetime" though ! ! ! I'm totally unsurprised at what happens in the USA of course, as with so many guns in private hands,. . and small sections of ANY community which allows laxity in firearms regulation being; shall we say, of less that what most of us would term "Reasonable" mentality,. . .then anything can happen, if one of them gets a bit irritated . . . . we had some fun a few years ago at our current site, when the (then) manager thought it was a good idea to let a bunch of hooray henries in their green wellington boots with their purdey shotguns and top of the range BMWs and Range Rovers come on to the site to shoot some poor pheasants. . . . .


Problem was,. . .the shoot was directly beneath the approach to our runway 07,. . . . we didn't get anyone shot down or injured actually, but we weere told that there were a couple dead swans down there the next morning. . . . Giving guns to idiots is rather like giving them aeroplanes too. . . . ( ! )


We are fortunate ( ? ) in the UK in that if anyone fires a projectile of ANY kind at an aircraft OF ANY KIND is prosecuted under the Prevention of Terrorism act, and will get a stripey suntan for many years. ( if the weather improved of course. . .)



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My mate Chalkie down at the pub ( ex-Lancaster radio op ) said that if you wanted to shoot the missus, then an AK47 would be his prime choice,. . .when I asked why he said that, NATO uses 5.56 mil calibre rounds, so if you shoot her with an AK, ( 7.62mm round ) the cops would assume she was done in by a foreigner. . . . . . .



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Not that I know of Sprite. . . . . . . but if this was the case, then I'd obviously know that she was done in by "Friendly Fire" due to the projectile dimensions. ( unless the crafty assassin bought a secondhand AK just to put the cops off the trail. . . ) Can't trust these foreigners Y'know. . . . . .


Dunno about NATO. . . . . . but she nearly got done in by EFATO recently, but as fortune would have it in this beatifully green country we live in. . . . . there was a conveniently positioned golf course right where I needed it to be. . . . ( And NO. . . I DIDN'T roll over a green either,. . . I'm not a fan of golf. . . but I'm not a philistine either ! )



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They are good as airports. Keep out of the sand trap


Make a MAN of yourself.... AK47 only used at church on Sundays, by a little old lady (disguise)


The suicide bomber instructor... Now watch carefully.. I'm only going to show you this once..... Nev



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They are good as airports. Keep out of the sand trapMake a MAN of yourself.... AK47 only used at church on Sundays, by a little old lady (disguise)

The suicide bomber instructor... Now watch carefully.. I'm only going to show you this once..... Nev

OOOOOH Nev. . . . . . I can't comment on the Suicide Bombers, as it's politically incorrect over here, and GCHQ monitor every key depression. . . . . . . and that's TWO keywords. . . ( ! )#


We,. . . or rather those, poor sad sods who play the game called G O L F . . .( I'm told that this mnemonic stands for G entlemen O nly L adies F orbidden ( ? ) call your sand traps "BUNKERS" as do the septics. And I didn't roll into one of those either.


Being a consummate Gentleman aviator. . . . I'm not fussy about where I force land, ( I have thirteen thus far.. . . ) but if I was force-landing at a local country village fair,. . . I would not be so disrespectful as to crash into the Womens' Institute home-made Jam stall. . . . . . . .I DO have certain standards Nev.



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Where did the term "force" land come from? Forced means that you have no option but do it. "force' has something to do with star wars No!.


Why do you guys put up with all the surveillance / nanny state conditions.? When I think thing's are tough here you make my day. Why do the womens' institute have their jam stall home made? We have roadside free range eggs here but they always make me pay... Nev



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Found a 22 hole in one of Schofield's Warriors that was traced back to a market gardener at the end of the strip.


Remember the opening scene from Air America? Most dangerous thing to a ground attack pilot is " man with rifle".



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I had a fishing rod chucked at me once. Nev

I remember reading (former CASA Director) Dick Smith's book about his around the world helicopter flight a few years back.


He was shot somewhere over Alaska leading to a fuel leak: not a nice place for a forced landing!



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I had a fishing rod chucked at me once. Nev



I like that one Nev, and I'm sure there is a very interesting tale to accompany it. . . . . . .


on the 12th of the 12th 2009, at 12 minutes past 12,. . . . . . ( my most unlucky number it seems. . . .) I had picked up my Daughter Leanne from work, and had been driving my crewbus, when I was headbutted by this Bloke for no reason at all.


The problem was,. . . he was wearing an uninsured Ford Focus 1.9 injection hatchback at the time. . . . . . . . . I still have not got any bloody compensation thus far. . . . . . ( I hate lawyers. . .) So when I finally get my thirty odd grand. . . . . . I'll be looking to buy yet ANOTHER aeroplane. But I'll make sure it's got fishing rod deflectors on it. . . . . .



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