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Lismore airport closed

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I think it would be nice to send flowers, cards to Wayne's family, so they understand what he meant to our small aviation community, Tim (ausadvance) can advise on where to send them.


I have also spoken to Steve R and several board members about Wayne receiving an award for his achievements in the pioneering of ultralighting in oz.


I hope this is appropriate. I'm still in disbelief that he is no longer here.....



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This is terrible! Flown with Wayne on occasions, he was a character but he taught me how to be one with the aeroplane... Thanks mate.


Wayne was the Steve Irwin of the skies..



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"I have also spoken to Steve R and several board members about Wayne receiving an award for his achievements in the pioneering of ultralighting in oz. " David Mason


Perhaps a memorial as part of Easter services at Natfly? We lose pilots every year who also deserve remembrance of course, but when someone as well respected for his massive contribution as Wayne dies whilst flying, again helping a fellow aviator, maybe special recognition is worth considering. I never met Wayne but his excellent reputation is reinforced by the intensely emotional posts here.


My condolences to his family and friends. Vale Wayne.



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My deepest condolences to Wayne's Family.


I have been away from civilizeation for a few days and have just found out this tragic news and I am still stunned.


What a loss, he had forgotten more about Drifters than most of us will ever know.


A humble man.


I first met Wayne in the mid 90's when I was looking for advise on rebuilding a Maxair Drifter I had bought in bits and was given his number. I rang him and asked if he knew much about drifters and his reply was "a bit".After a couple of long conversations I loaded all my bits up and drove about 1300km down to Lismore only to find his "bit" of knowlege was a vast understasement. We have been friends ever since I have flown over 10,000 hrs his planes and did my biannual with him recently and could still make me sweat.


After a few beers one night in 2000 we decided a 912 Drifter would probably make a good mustering plane Wayne did the designing and I did the building under his supervision and I am still impressed with the results.


Wayne and I were planning on building a super drifter later this year but unfortunatly that will now never happen


What a loss.





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My condolences to Wayne's family and friends. Such sad news! Does anybody have any clues to the cause of the crash? Being such an experienced pilot, I'd be interested to hear what went wrong.


Once again, this is very sad and I hope that his family is alright after this awful news!





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To everyone that knew and loved our father we thank you for all your wishes and support at this time. We are still making arrangements, however the tentative plans at this stage are to have a fly in memorial at Lismore Airport on Friday the 5th of April to commence around 11am. Full details will be confirmed in the Northern Star and on Facebook. Please spread the word to everyone and all are welcome to give Wayne his final send off. We are touched by your love, support and offers of help, in lieu of flowers if you wish to contribute a donation towards funeral & memorial expenses would be appreciated.


Love Lauren, Dayle & Krystal



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Guest Maj Millard

Thank you Lauren, Dayle and Krystal for joining us at this trying time on this site. All of us, and all of Waynes' many friends in the flying community do share your pain immensly, and I know we will be able to assist you at your time of need. Hang in there, we all love you too........................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Where can the donations be made?

David, There were some posts from a guy called Tim "Ausadvance' I think. He was allegedly going to give us banking details for Wayne's girls. But I have just gone back to get you a reference and all his posts are gone including a quote on one of his posts that I made.

So to echo David's post can someone tell us where donations can be sent please.



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Where can the donations be made?

David, There were some posts from a guy called Tim "Ausadvance' I think. He was allegedly going to give us banking details for Wayne's girls. But I have just gone back to get you a reference and all his posts are gone including a quote on one of his posts that I made.So to echo David's post can someone tell us where donations can be sent please.

A couple of posts were removed at the request of the user

Until something publicly is announced, the only way I know of finding out is to ask, by way of a Private Conversation, the site user Ausadvance



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A couple of posts were removed at the request of the userUntil something publicly is announced, the only way I know of finding out is to ask, by way of a Private Conversation, the site user Ausadvance

hey guys, just to keep you posted as to where i am with the situation, i was one of the very early ones to be aware of what happened and a couple of far more experienced people in these situations suggested that i put my hand up and come forward as a contact on this site, as it was unknown at that stage who knew what, and which of waynes family and far closer friends had found out what had happened. it was always only intended as a intrem point of contact for those slightly more removed from waynes close circle of family and friends in order to give them a bit of space just until somone better suited as a contact came up. a wonderful lady very close to wayne who is directly connected with waynes family and friends now has everything under control together with his family. i have pased on everything sent to me to her and it is now time i remove myself from the situation. though i must thank everyone for the beautiful words i have heard from everyone about this great man, and it has all been passed on. i think there is no doubt everyone will get kept up to date from this point forward.



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To everyone that knew and loved our father we thank you for all your wishes and support at this time. We are still making arrangements, however the tentative plans at this stage are to have a fly in memorial at Lismore Airport on Friday the 5th of April to commence around 11am. Full details will be confirmed in the Northern Star and on Facebook. Please spread the word to everyone and all are welcome to give Wayne his final send off.Love Lauren, Dayle & Krystal

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We have been overwhelmed by the situation and your thoughts mean the most to us. Love Lauren, Dayle and Krystal (Wayne's Daughters)

You can be assured that you are in the thoughts of thousands of people just at the moment, your father was a very much loved man and his influence will always be widespread. I am one of what I imagine will be a large number of people who would like to attend the memorial and pay my respects to a great man.


No doubt you will have much to arrange before next week, if you need any help with any of that please post a call-to-arms on the site here, I'm sure you'll have plenty of support.


Take care, Alan



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there's not much more that can be said that hasn't already been mentioned - i am so devastated by the loss of this lovely bloke that i am really lost for words, but i'll try


firstly, to Wayne's family - you may never know exactly what immense impact Wayne had on the ultralight community, but i guess by now you will be getting some idea


an absolute legend - humble, talented, perhaps a little eccentric??? but such a nice bloke, and his talent and demeanour will be sadly missed


he had the tail off my Drifter in what seemed a few minutes, made a decision instantly about what was required to resolve the problem, and fabricated a second tailboom brace (and fitted it) in no time at all


then he said "one wing is lower than the other - OK, left gear strut is bent" - 5 minutes late the wheel and strut was off and in the hydraulic press, straightened and back on the aircraft in a flash


"hey, some of these rivets are not stainless steel, they're aluminium - not good enough" - and the drill was out, rivets removed, and new ones in in the blink of an eye


and when i got the bill (finally) i could not believe he had done such magnificent work and charged me such a paltry figure - Wow...


i spoke to him only a couple of weeks ago about a radio control Drifter - we talked for quite a while and i actually felt big-headed that as a RC Drifter flyer, i could give the great man some advice about an aviation subject


i will be there for the memorial on Friday, unfortunately via car due the the inclement weather


i would imagine that all Drifter/Fisher afficionados (not to mention all the other Wayne Fisher fans) will get together, on a perfect flying day in the near future, the mother of all Drifter/Fisher fly-ins to pay tribute to the great man


RIP Wayne, and again, heartfelt condolences to his family - a true treasure lost to the ultralight community, who will never be forgotten





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