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Sport Pilot article- Flying Online


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Has anyone read the article in the October Sport Pilot mag, titled "Flying Online"? This article is (if I've read correctly) suggesting that an online logbook, linked directly to RAA, be used, as a condition of membership. It then suggests that the next logical step, is that we all be required to submit flight plans through RAA.


I will be responding in the negative to this ridiculous concept, we're recreational pilots, in our own aircraft, not military pilots in gazillion dollar machines armed to the teeth. I can see it as part of their SMS, where, you be hard pressed to get approval in a timely manner, then hunted because you flew without approval.


I shall be responding with the traditional unwritten lyrics to "Am I ever gonna see your face again".



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Guest Maj Millard

Couldn't agree more M61a1, Probabily some stupid idea dreamed up by ops, we fly what we fly to get away from all that paperwork rubbish....once again trying to turn us into GA as quick as they can. Besides I'll often take off with no idea where I am going (as I did yesterday) and make a decision once airborne depending on conditions, or simply change my mind. I always find somewhere to go ! Are they expecting us to update a flight plan in flight ?...this is after all recreational flying isn't it ?....really stupid suggestion that deserves to be treated accordingly..........Besides I don't do online logbooks, I prefer to do paper ones and have about five stacked up already,hopefully they will make interesting reading sometime in the future !..................Maj...013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif



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Another example of office wallahs with little else to do ... I guess these numbits don't ever actually get in a plane and go exploring. What is it with these people that instead of enjoying the freedoms we fight for, and which we have a right to (note that the CASRs all state ....blah blah, satisfy this and that, then CASA MUST approve blah blah, might well be a 'privilege' but it's also a right) they instead constantly undermine those rights by voluntarily subjecting us to further restrictions than necessary? Plain stupid!


So how are we going to respond to this lunacy? I suggest a RecFlying petition to be sent for publication in the next Sport Pilot, if it's only discussed on here then only a small percentage of the RAAus membership will know of our thoughts on the subject.



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I see it as just a stupid idea of the author and nothing to do with any RAA suggestion. Like many individual's stupid ideas posted here from time to time. Even if one considered the idea, it is not workable - many areas and pilots don't have computer access in areas that they operate their aircraft from, Australia is a lot bigger then Victoria.


Just ignor it and it will go away.



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Guest Maj Millard

Well when I read it, and if it is a ridiculous suggestion as offered, I'll send Brian an Email with my views. And I would suggest as many others as possible do the same !................. Maj......



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The way I read it is that it is a concept of possibility. I don't agree with the big brother approach but think that there should be the ability to supply information to RA-Aus on-line including registrations & membership but only on a voluntary basis.


Credit Card companies, loyalty schemes (flybuys, everyday card etc), phone companies, facebook, google, etc have amassed enormous amounts of information about our purchasing of browsing habits and target you with advertising etc to try and extract even more money. I think most people would be horrified to know the amount of information these organisations have about them.



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Guest Maj Millard
I see it as just a stupid idea of the author and nothing to do with any RAA suggestion. Like many individual's stupid ideas posted here from time to time. Even if one considered the idea, it is not workable - many areas and pilots don't have computer access in areas that they operate their aircraft from, Australia is a lot bigger then Victoria.Just ignor it and it will go away.

Brian Bigg is actually based in Ballina or Coffs one of the two, I spoke to him recently during the NQ voting fiasco. Yes a very unworkable idea for many reasons......................Maj.....013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

We are already required to carry the latest very capable Eperb with us when leaving our local area. And this is a idea I support fully. Additionally I know most would leave some form of flight notification with spouse or someone when going flying.....crazy if you don't really.


Also those of us who use Ozrunways and naips already have the option of filing a flight plan online with naips, if you so choose..........Maj.....



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In simple language, the regulations state that a VFR flight from control to control must have a flight plan lodged, other flights it's up to the pilot but without a flight plan could result in a delay to get clearance into a control zone. flight plans are normally a lodged document by fax or NAIPS with relevant info but also can be done by radio on approach to a control zone as most recreational GA pilots flying GA or RAA aircraft would do. I am fairly sure all IFR flight require a flight plan but I am not up on IFR procedures.


The short answer is Yes RAA aircraft operating in control must comply with GA requirements.



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"Also those of us who use Ozrunways and naips already have the option of filing a flight plan online with naips, if you so choose..........Maj....."


Not quite right Ross, [depending on what you are calling flight plan, I suppose] but for VFR OCTA the only options are


[1]Sartime [2] Flight Note [3] or No Notification.


See AIP ENR 1.10-6 2.20 - Summary of Flight Notification Options.


Any PPL should know this anyway but I would suggest it would not be a positive thing if a whole bunch of RAA aircraft flight plans started clogging the NAIPS system just because it is made easy by a computer APP. when clearly this is not an offered "option".



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The way I read it is that it is a concept of possibility. I don't agree with the big brother approach but think that there should be the ability to supply information to RA-Aus on-line including registrations & membership but only on a voluntary basis.Credit Card companies, loyalty schemes (flybuys, everyday card etc), phone companies, facebook, google, etc have amassed enormous amounts of information about our purchasing of browsing habits and target you with advertising etc to try and extract even more money. I think most people would be horrified to know the amount of information these organisations have about them.

Yes, written as an idea. That's where it should stay, in my opinion, somewhere inside his head, the editing function between brain and mouth shouldn't have let it get as far as it has.



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I have read the Page 29 article Flying Online. Mid way it says "Making it a requirement that all our flight planning be done on an RA-Aus app or website? Submitting our flight plans to NAIPS through RA-Aus itself. That way RA-Aus would know at a glance where we are all going and whether or not we are doing it safely and legally."




I can't see the pilots I know doing the computer thing, some because of remoteness, others because of lack of technology or knowledge of it. Then, whose full time job will it be in Head Office to monitor and collate (and chase up the recalcitrant pilots) and reconcile to reported hours flown at renewal time?




So far as data mining goes - have a look at p.25. My first reaction was that there surely was more than 90 pilots in SA! Studying it again, I think SA is actually NT, or perhaps SA is SA+NT and the 90 pilots are Overseas or Other.







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Guest Maj Millard
I have read the Page 29 article Flying Online. Mid way it says "Making it a requirement that all our flight planning be done on an RA-Aus app or website? Submitting our flight plans to NAIPS through RA-Aus itself. That way RA-Aus would know at a glance where we are all going and whether or not we are doing it safely and legally." 


I can't see the pilots I know doing the computer thing, some because of remoteness, others because of lack of technology or knowledge of it. Then, whose full time job will it be in Head Office to monitor and collate (and chase up the recalcitrant pilots) and reconcile to reported hours flown at renewal time?




So far as data mining goes - have a look at p.25. My first reaction was that there surely was more than 90 pilots in SA! Studying it again, I think SA is actually NT, or perhaps SA is SA+NT and the 90 pilots are Overseas or Other.





And of course the need to have someone there to chase up unclosed SARtimes.....!!!



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Guest Maj Millard
"Also those of us who use Ozrunways and naips already have the option of filing a flight plan online with naips, if you so choose..........Maj....."Not quite right Ross, [depending on what you are calling flight plan, I suppose] but for VFR OCTA the only options are


[1]Sartime [2] Flight Note [3] or No Notification.


See AIP ENR 1.10-6 2.20 - Summary of Flight Notification Options.


Any PPL should know this anyway but I would suggest it would not be a positive thing if a whole bunch of RAA aircraft flight plans started clogging the NAIPS system just because it is made easy by a computer APP. when clearly this is not an offered "option".

Frank I understand all that ...however a 'flight watch' or SARtime lodged with the appropriate centre is way better than nothing when your out over very remote country. They'll still want to come looking for you if you don't close either, the same as if your don't close a flight plan...............Maj....



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So far as data mining goes - have a look at p.25. My first reaction was that there surely was more than 90 pilots in SA! Studying it again, I think SA is actually NT, or perhaps SA is SA+NT and the 90 pilots are Overseas or Other.


I think the 90 pilots listed as "SA" should actually be "ACT". The other SA number quoted is 1092 which seems much more realistic. Looks like a typo error to me.



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Never ever suggest to the powers that be that they should have more control. Don't even think of it when in their presence. Tell them nothing and take them nowhere. Suggestions like this may sound good to the person who thought them up, but they will eventually become bad news.



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Never ever suggest to the powers that be that they should have more control. Don't even think of it when in their presence. Tell them nothing and take them nowhere. Suggestions like this may sound good to the person who thought them up, but they will eventually become bad news.

A bit like anti-bikie laws......I've already seen a few pics posted of obviously not-bikie riders being hassled under the excuse of the new laws. We don't need any new laws/regs.



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We seem to be forgetting why we fly under the RAA banner in the first place. ( maximum fun, minimum regulation, minimum cost, minimum intervention by an overbearing big brother ie self regulation). We are loosing on all fronts !!. This bloke is the editor of our national magazine - the major conduit to the members and public.



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