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RAAus website....accident and incident reports....

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

Would like to advise that incident and accident reports are now posted on the RAA website by ops. They can be found under the heading 'operations' for perusal by members. Additionally there are other features that make for interesting reading such as Coroners reports etc. There are currently 40+ entries so far for 2014 so don't make the mistake of thinking its a one page deal.


Hopefully these will keep the membership informed and up to date with some of the matters that those who run our organisation have to deal with on your behalf, on a daily basis..................Maj....014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif



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just had a quick read through the 2014 incidents, Im shocked! well, not by the prevalence of engine issues from somewhere, but more by the obvious lack of training displayed resulting in large number of preventable accidents! how does one get distracted, and loose control of an aircraft while landing?? what are they thinking, flare height, speed ok, look down the runway, speed ok, oh look a birdy! wow, interesting colours, oh crap, i forgot what i was doing, oh thats it, Flying an aircraft, opps, too late, landed nosewheel first/ hit something etc etc..


i cant help but wonder, who is teaching these people! and signing them off as competent to fly?


i wonder if these same people who require retraining are the same who brag about how they went solo after just 5 hours? got my licence in the minimum time, to tell everyone how good they fly?


and how does a light 5 kt quartering crosswind (whatever that is) cause loss of control and prop/wingtip strike? 5 kts at 45 deg (if thats whet they mean), so a 2.5 Kt crosswind and you lost control? seriously?


and not to mention the over reporting of everyday issues, "engine ran rough during runup, flight aborted"


yes, correct result, but was it carby Ice? running a little rougher than usual on 1 mag? is good airmanship worthy of a formal incident report?



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Engine running rough. Flight aborted. Love it. Seems like just good sense, but to make it known that it is done and you don't get tarred and feathered, or worse, made to shout the bar, might be a good message to get out there. It does seem a bit HO HUM to regular flyers like yourself U/L.. Nev



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Guest Maj Millard

Yes we had a high fatality count last year and all those will come back to us as Neg or Pos Coroners reports. Unfortunatly this is just the ammo that CASA and SASAO needs to impose further restrictions and regulations upon us.


And as mentioned above, many incidents are a result of inproper or through training, or easily avoided incidents if the pilot in question had tightened up a bit, or exercised more good judgement.


I always say flying is a dicipline to be perfected so that you are always a safe and compenent pilot. Just like achieving a black belt in a martial art, you need to dicipline yourseft to achieve efficiency every time you fly.


If you can't handle conforming to known guidelines, then please move onto another sport. ( please not skydiving ....as it requires even more discipline at critical times ! )


I spoke with a friend this morning who was watching another pilot operate his aircraft with a less then perfect running engine...and giving rides !!! My friend (with low time in the sport, and lower hours than the subject) spoke to him and identified the obvious serious engine problem. His brave actions rightly grounded the suspect aircraft for repairs. I thanked him for doing it and told him ' congratulations...you probabily have saved somebodys life'...


Some people are more subsceptable to the Darwin theory than others, and we as a group have to be more active in speaking to these pilots when we see it is warranted.


If we do, we won't be reading so many really silly and unnecessary accident reports. At this critical time with CASA, last thing we need right now is more silly accidents..........................Maj.....



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Thanks for the info Ross.


I`ve just had a look at the Accident & Incident Summaries on the RAA web site and I`m not impressesd at all. Unless I`ve missed something,I don`t see much information of any real value. We`ve been getting information like that for a very, very, long time.





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Guest Maj Millard

Well Frank, there is only the information included on the incident report to go on, some are short some are long. What you do have is a bit of follow up on some of them, which we don't get a lot in the magazine listings. Plus in some warranted cases the remedial or suspension actions taken accordingly, which we also didn't get in the magazine. I don't know for sure, but there may also be a limitation on how much can be revealed, or published, due potential liability action in some cases.


Ops only informed the board that they were even on the website at the recent board meeting, so they will no doubt still be streamlining the whole thing, and I am confident that they will probabily improve in the future. It would of course be nice to not see any at all...but that's not in line with reality unfortunatly. Also there are no less than 41 entries in the 2014 column already...are you sure you have viewed them all ?...


I'm sure Jill and her team would not mind receiving any constructive criticism or comment you or anybody else may have...................Cheers Ross



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Guest ozzie
and how does a light 5 kt quartering crosswind (whatever that is) cause loss of control and prop/wingtip strike? 5 kts at 45 deg (if thats whet they mean), so a 2.5 Kt crosswind and you lost control? seriously?

Quartering crosswind is downwind coming over your shoulder.


Quote reformatted - Mod xx



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A quartering crosswind can be either quartering head or quartering tail. A quartering cross wind from the left (head wind) is a bitch in a C180 heavy with meat bombers, it is also a bitch in the DC3. LOL



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Guest Maj Millard

I've always seen the Brumby as being well built and designed. there was also a low-wing one for sale at Temora that looked pretty good. I know there have been a couple damaged in training accidents...but that comes with the territory. Some early ones were fitted with Jab engines, but I don't think I have heard of many incidents with them...............Maj....



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Good document Ross, similar to the old crash comics in the original flight safety mags, hopefully this will encourage more people to report.



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Just on the subject of the RA-AUS website - on registrations. My aircraft is shown as still having the original motor when I replaced it last year and advised RA-AUS that I had done so. Was wondering if updated information is meant to show up or is it just the original information when the plane was first registered?



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Just on the subject of the RA-AUS website - on registrations. My aircraft is shown as still having the original motor when I replaced it last year and advised RA-AUS that I had done so. Was wondering if updated information is meant to show up or is it just the original information when the plane was first registered?

Would should be update , it may have slip through give them a ring and refresh them !



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Guest Maj Millard
Good document Ross, similar to the old crash comics in the original flight safety mags, hopefully this will encourage more people to report.

Well there is a requirement to report as written into out ops manual.......it is actually ATSB who Prosecutes if you fail to do so. The fine can be substantial....so just a good idea to shoot one in I you have had an incident....also makes the big picture all that more clear for all of us...............................Maj......



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Guest Maj Millard

image.jpg.35aab3e75a68606fedfdbb1c46c2dc11.jpg Before........and after !...


Nobody is exempt for Darren's efforts to clean up the rego files ( now finally being put onto electronic media) I myself just re-registered and got a letter back informing me I had no hyphen in my rego numbers !.......this of course has little or no effect on safety, but it is written into our ops manual, and is the kind of silly shxx that the CASA boys pick up in audits.


Not a drama ..some black stick on and a couple of photos....and Bobs your uncle.....easy peasy. ...................Maj....





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Ross, good to the accident/incident briefs are now on the Webb site. I know you and I have been pushing for this for a very long time.





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Guest Maj Millard

Yes ave8rr many have also....for its educational value you can't beat it, and it wasn't right that we were being denied it in the past.


I think it's hats off to Jill Bailey and possibly Katie Jenkins the Nat Safety coach for making it happen on the website forums.......Big step in the right direction as I see it...........Cheers Ross



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What would help would be if someone did the same for RAAus as Jim Davies does in the Australian Flying magazine. that is dissect an incident report and comment on what would make flying safer.



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Thanks guys, I have many more I am still working on. While most of the causes aren't new hopefully the visibility and re- enforcement to members will go some way to a safer culture. The cause/ outcomes column was something I introduced to provide some degree of education and yes I could write war and piece but we encourage the individual members to write their own articles for the magazine in many cases as the real learning impact is when it comes from the first person.


Stay safe everyone and never stop learning.



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