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a pilot has been appointed to federal cabinet


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Sussan Ley MP has been made Minister for Health and Sport. She has an interesting background: born in Nigeria, she has worked as a commercial pilot and air traffic controller (quoting from wikipedia).


Good to see this knowledge in cabinet, it'll be interesting to see how it pans out.



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A benevolent dictator is the only system that will work...and that won't happen worse luck. The problem is that everyone lives for the NOW not the WHEN. No one seems to have a vision anymore they just feather their own NOW....its our politicians AND our population. We have all been brain washed into it over the last 40 years



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I've met Susan Ley on a couple of occasions, and can tell you that she is a strong supporter of our general and recreational aviation industry. I've no doubt that she has influence already, but as a Cabinet Minister, her opinions will no definitely count on a range of subjects. She is on her way up the ladder in this government.


On the same subject, the MHR for Mallee, Andrew Broad, is also a current pilot and aircraft owner who is always receptive of any comment on aviation matters.


happy days,



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As someone who is married to a doctor, the prospect of having a pilot/air traffic controller formulating Federal Health policy is somewhat disconcerting. Seriously!


My experience, judging by the number of times I find myself sitting over lunch or a beer in a slip port trying to explain it to them, is that pilots know bugger-all about the Australian Healthcare system or the nuances and complexities of what proposed changes to Federal Healthcare and Medicare mean in practical medical terms (don't get me started on the co-payment which apparently isn't a co-payment).



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As someone who is married to a doctor, the prospect of having a pilot/air traffic controller formulating Federal Health policy is somewhat disconcerting. Seriously!My experience, judging by the number of times I find myself sitting over lunch or a beer in a slip port trying to explain it to them, is that pilots know bugger-all about the Australian Healthcare system or the nuances and complexities of what proposed changes to Federal Healthcare and Medicare mean in practical medical terms (don't get me started on the co-payment which apparently isn't a co-payment).

DR, I take your point, but if we relied on pollies to be skilled in the discipline for which they have responsibility - we'd really be stuffed! In theory, the Minister relies on his/her Department to provide them with unbiased advice. In the past, this has apparently worked ok....well, notwithstanding in Yes Minister! MP's all contribute to decisions on the national economy - yet few have any tertiary qualifications in economics or commerce. Some of the best performers in Canberra, (eg, Senators Xenophon, Heffernan), seem to be very effective and are not necessarily trained in every discipline known.


happy days,



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DR, I take your point, but if we relied on pollies to be skilled in the discipline for which they have responsibility - we'd really be stuffed! In theory, the Minister relies on his/her Department to provide them with unbiased advice. In the past, this has apparently worked ok....well, notwithstanding in Yes Minister! MP's all contribute to decisions on the national economy - yet few have any tertiary qualifications in economics or commerce. Some of the best performers in Canberra, (eg, Senators Xenophon, Heffernan), seem to be very effective and are not necessarily trained in every discipline known.happy days,

Yeah Xenophon is pretty smart but has the advantage of not being strapped to a Party Apparatus which dictates to him which way he'll swing on various issues. Departmental or other expert advice doesn't mean a lot when it conflicts with the preconceived ideas each major party brings to Government.

You had Brian Owler, one of the most respected doctors and neurosurgeons around, plus just about every other medical practitioner and nurse across the country, telling the Government how bad their recent health policy decisions were, and exactly why they wouldn't achieve what the Government seemed to think they would, yet they went ahead and did it anyway (in fact in a manner which is possibly worse than the original proposal). I don't know that she'll overcome this problem, even assuming she has the right ideas for her portfolio.


I guess being involved in aviation might help the aviation community if she happens to sit on a relevant committee, but whether she could influence Warren Truss in cabinet meetings is doubtful (and Truss doesn't impress me at all - he has said some moronic things in his time).


Yes, I know, it's a depressing picture I paint of Australian Politics, but deservedly so.



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Truss fly's his own aircraft. He doesn't impress me as a performer in politics. He might be a nice enough fellow but in his own electorate, the opposition candidate gained % against the trend.


The folio is now TRANSPORT when way back we had a minister for Civil Aviation... It's unlikely that many practicing pilots are across the politics of Aviation, enough for it to be a significant factor in being one. A minister will depend far too much on "connections" in the industry and unlikely to get a real picture of what's going on "behind the Scenes", or worse may interfere in the operations for political advantage, which has happened.. Xenophon does keep his ear to the ground when he needs to. Probably knows more than most or better.. Nev



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Even at local government level we have little idea of the value of individual candidates. I know of reps who put in awesome hours and have the integrity to do the best by their constituents- but have then lost out to higher-profile candidates with little to offer. If we vote blind at a local level, what hope have we of knowing what really goes on behind party-room doors in Canberra?



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