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British Petroleum "Heartbroken. . ."

Phil Perry

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News just In from the U.S.A. . . .BP has reported significantly lower profits and says it will need to reduce spending on much of it's exploration activities because of the fall in world oil prices.


Underlying profits in the final three months of 2014 were down 20% on last year at $2.2bn (£1.5bn). For the full year, profits fell 10% to $12.1bn.


The oil giant also said it would be cutting capital expenditure plans by $4bn - $6bn this year.


BP's share price is down 16% since last summer due to lower oil prices, which have fallen 50% in the past six months.


So...even in a bad year they MADE $12 BILLION, . . . . Gee, . . . . it's obvious why they're Heartbroken. . . . . .



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I think they got taken to the cleaners in the US. If it had been a US company would the outcome be the same? Haliburton did some shoddy work and the US government didn't stipulate high environmental requirements. It's Drill Baby Drill over there. Nev.



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I complained because I had no shoes, and then I met a man who had no feet.OME

Yes, I know exactly what you mean mate,. . . . . . . since the advent of Metrication; . . I feel the same . . . . . and not only that,. . . . NOW the bloody EU want to take away all me Yards and Miles as well . . . .Geez. . . . .



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You can still have a (small) backYARD and that should make you sMILE.


We got metricated some time ago. I still repair stuff using BA BSF Whitorth, gauge threads,Brass, British cycle BSP and UNF, UNC, UNFF UNPT American cycle, and the odd Buttress thread. The AN system with gauge on low sizes. PLUS the whole metric system including ISO. Nev



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We got metricated some time ago. I still repair stuff using BA BSF Whitorth, gauge threads,Brass, British cycle BSP and UNF, UNC, UNFF UNPT American cycle, and the odd Buttress thread. Nev

Now back to BP, co's this seems like thread drift!



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You can still have a (small) backYARD and that should make you sMILE.We got metricated some time ago. I still repair stuff using BA BSF Whitorth, gauge threads,Brass, British cycle BSP and UNF, UNC, UNFF UNPT American cycle, and the odd Buttress thread. The AN system with gauge on low sizes. PLUS the whole metric system including ISO. Nev


Now back to BP, co's this seems like thread drift!

Yes Nev,. . . .when working in engineering, I encountered SWG ( standard Wire Gauge ) as well as BWG ( Birmingham Wire Gauge, which were different. . . . . lots of interesting SI units, although back then they were not really "Systeme Internationale" at all,. . . . I've still got my Dad's own tools, rescued whe his factory was finally sold on his retirement in 1983,. . . some really good stuff there, I've preserved ( and still use ) his Moore & Wright micrometers, 0 -1 inch, 1-2, 2-3 etc. . . . plus all the vernier height gauges in imperial as well as metric,. . . . Joey Blocks. . . .remember them ? ? most engineers do,. . .again, Imp + Met.


IU recently gave away to a motorcycle engineering nutter friend a couple of tins of Shell Dromus oil. . .remember that . . ? commonly known as "Suds" when mixed with water to produce a cutting coolant fo machining. . . AAAAHHHHH them were the days Nev. . . . .yer tell that to the kids of today and they wouoldn't believe ya . . . . ( Apologies to Monty Python's Flying Circus. . . . )


Now look Planey,. . . . . ( sung to the tune of "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. . ) It's my thead, so I'll drift if I want to. . . ! ! ! !


Half the decent discussions on this forum seem to be "Morphed" from a totally different title. . . . .( ? )




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Yours Engineeringly. . . . . .





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Incidentally,. . . . . .My sincere apologies to anyone on this forum and elsewhere who may unwittingly have their pension fund or part thereof invested with BP. . . . . . .


No Offence meant. . . .



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Now back to BP, co's this seems like thread drift!

YES. . .BP owned the rig.


NO. . .BP were not running it when the leak occurred. . . .that was a conrtractor, a division of Haliburton.


Yes,. . .BP should shoulder a SMALL amount of responsibility because it was THEIR property


No . . .BP should not have to pay out ALL of the compensation because of the incompetence of the operating company, owned by Haliburton and staffed by Haliburton.


It seemed a little odd that this bit of irrelevant information seemed to have escaped the remit of the rather bellicose "news" outlets in the USA. . . .


The whole deal STANK, and I must add here that I have got no shares in BP, nor a lot of sympathy for a multinational profitmonger but for Obama to shield Haliburton from virtually ANY responsibility for that spillage is an utter outrage bordering upon a joke.


Rant over ( for now . . . .! )


( Anyway, I've already suggested to the management that, if the thread starter, starts drifiting the thread, then that's OK. . . . . but if someone else does,. . .then that's a flogging offence . . . .)







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You're big on the flogging, aren't you Phil! Weren't Halliburton the mob that made the most money out of the Iraq incursions? Dick Cheney closely connected with them?

Yes, I think they did, and I think he was mate,. . . . . . and as for the flogging,. . .I'm useless,. . . . have not successfully flogged a Thing on Ebay for ages ! ! !



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