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Aussie Immigrants join IS Fighters

Guest john

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Guest john

A family of 4 teenage girls who arrived in Australia on a boat from the Middle East a few years ago & whose family were granted political asylum in Australia, have now decided to return to their birth place in the Middle East to join the terrorist IS Fighters .


Their mother in Australia is pleading for them to return home immediately because the family has lost $1000 per week in family benefits since the girls have left Australia, & furthermore Uncle Aziz is complaining that he hasn't had sex for 3 months.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



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A family of 4 teenage girls who arrived in Australia on a boat from the Middle East a few years ago & whose family were granted political asylum in Australia, have now decided to return to their birth place in the Middle East to join the terrorist IS Fighters .Their mother in Australia is pleading for them to return home immediately because the family has lost $1000 per week in family benefits since the girls have left Australia, & furthermore Uncle Aziz is complaining that he hasn't had sex for 3 months.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif

I wonder if IS have centre link so they are not too inconvenienced



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Lucky we live in Australia with free speech and the freedom to be a bigot without having our heads cut off

I applaud the sentiment....but have to point out...we aren't free to use hate speech and in fact many of the actions a very small minority have come to see as normal could be construed as on the border line of participating in hate crimes when it comes to the comments I hear about Islam and Muslims... And there have been several recent plots uncovered by young Muslim men to chop the heads of Australians who they consider bigots.



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Interesting to see who strongly defends ISIS. Also interesting to note the original post didn't mention 'Muslims' or 'Islam' but the ISIS defender apparently knows they are one and the same. Hmm... maybe he's right?



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Interesting to see who strongly defends ISIS. Also interesting to note the original post didn't mention 'Muslims' or 'Islam' but the ISIS defender apparently decided they were one and the same. Hmm... maybe he's right?

No one here has defended ISIS. How dishonest of you.



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And there have been several recent plots uncovered by young Muslim men to chop the heads of Australians who they consider bigots.

While at times I think john goes a bit far, this sentence of yours intrigued me winsor.


Are you implying that they perceived all Australians as bigots or are you implying they were only going to choose bigots to behead?



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While at times I think john goes a bit far, this sentence of yours intrigued me winsor.Are you implying that they perceived all Australians as bigots or are you implying they were only going to choose bigots to behead?

Reports were they were going to attack Police so yes.... In their eyes no doubt they were planning to attack bigots.



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Lucky we live in Australia with free speech and the freedom to be a bigot without having our heads cut off

This is a forum and we agree to abide by the rules of the owner's choice , not a democracy.



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While I admit that John's posts, usually in this thread, can be somewhat tiresome due to their constant reliance on sexual innuendo, I cannot see why they should be pilloried as horribly racist when, as I have said before, there are plenty of posts here that rely on making fun of ethnic stereotypes. The ability of real Australians to take a joke is one of our great national characteristics, that goes way back in our history. Who hasn't chuckled at the humourous poems of Lawson and Patterson? Who hasn't laughed at a prat fall?


If I was to make any critical comment about the post, I'd ask John to give the jokes with sexual connotation a rest for a while and try to produce humour on other topics.


Old Man Emu



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I wonder if IS have centre link so they are not too inconvenienced

I wonder how the wool is so easily pulled over a large chunk of the Australian publics eyes time and time again...




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This place is a forum for people who are interested in aviation to come together to share their passion. Many of the jokes told in the Aviation Laughter section are in poor taste. The jokes are likely to be a turn off for a large section of the community, limiting broader participation in recreational aviation. Would you let your daughter read this website? Given some of the jokes I probably wouldn't which is a sad reflection on what could be a great communication resource about aviation.



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I tend to think of forums as campfires, what gets us to this campfire is our common interest in aviation. What keeps us here will be a common interest in a wide variety of topics. If we try to restrict all conversations to aviation, the forum will die a natural death. Likewise with thread drift, it happens as it would in a conversation around a campfire, to try and stop it will be almost impossible, nor should we. It keeps interest in topics and often generate more interesting topics down the track.


As for the standard of jokes, in general I find them amusing. Every now and then one oversteps my personal boundaries, I normally ignore it and move on. My one variation to that is when a joke appears to become a personal attack, be it sexist racist or religeous then I tend to get Grumpy.



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I agree with Geoff13", I have shown & told a few of the better jokes to my wife,spacesailor

I share some of the better ones but I shamelessly plagiarise them and pretend they are my own:hide:



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I wonder how the wool is so easily pulled over a large chunk of the Australian publics eyes time and time again...http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/may/27/story-of-australian-jihadis-overseas-and-on-the-dole-turns-out-to-be-a-furphy?CMP=soc_568

Crickey Win; does this mean our Prime Minister lied to us? Surely not, especially after the way he called Julia Gillard a liar for breaking one promise.



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