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ISIS now getting simulated

Gnarly Gnu

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Jacqui Lambie is an Independent senator (for Tassie) and is not part of the current "fascist government" (as you call it) so that post doesn't fit with the previous ones.


I am getting a little worried about your hatred towards authority and a democratically elected government.



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Jacqui Lambie is an Independent senator (for Tassie) and is not part of the current "fascist government" (as you call it) so that post doesn't fit with the previous ones.I am getting a little worried about your hatred towards authority and democratically elected government.

I'm more than a little worried about yours (and a whole lot of others) believe that repeating the same old mistakes of the past is going to deliver anything but more of the same old BS.



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I think we seemed to have learned quite a bit from the mistakes of the past (e.g. out-and-out land exploitation of the environment without considering its effects long term).


It is the mistakes of the present I am worried about. It is clear from that clip that the plan is to take over a small European country by sheer population domination; the aim is to install Sharia law (with all the loss of liberty that this entails). As the Imam pointed out, there is no democratic Muslim, in his opinion: he likened it to a Jewish Christian. If we continue to fill the country with "refugees" in which IS has stated that they have embedded Jihadist soldiers, we do so at our peril.


So we do not, as FT seem to indicate in his posts, need to "murder", "hunt" or "get rid of" Muslims, we just need to reduce the number that we invite into the country, or stop the influx altogether.



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From a recent Donald Trump rally:


Quote from Trump supporter: "I wish I had my piece on me dude, I wanna shoot someone so bad" in response to an anti-trump heckler being removed and in conjunction with a bunch of anti-Muslim and anti-coloured comments.


This does not surprise me at all, and I know several people - born 'n bred aussies - who are grossly misguided in their adulation of Trump (they've quite badly leaped off the deep end of life).




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You really are that gullible aren't you Dutch. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif

No, I've had people I know (whom I've since unfollowed as a direct consequence) make similar comments, and post links to some quite extremist sites. Like the one which said we should've fixed up the nigger problem a long time ago and that South Africa had it right in the first place, for example. Several links went from Reclaim Australia to the United Patriotic Front/Australia First Party, then went downhill (way, way downhill) from there.

You want me to screenshot & paste them, from their private Facebook pages? I can re-follow them and get that stuff if you really want to see it.


Ah but of course you don't want to, do you? See no evil, hear no evil, right GG?



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What I can't understand is how anyone can't see Syria as being another Afghanistan. NATO goes in guns blazing and destroy all the infrastructure and innocent civilians, the Jihadis simply dissolve into Turkey or Iraq or Jordan or Lebanon or Iran or Yemen or Egypt or Libya or Tunisia or Morocco or Kenya or Sudan and then slowly sneak back into power via IEDs against NATO and intimidating and blackmailing the local population.


Jihadis have got the western military pretty well sussed over the last 15 years, look how well the Taliban are going in Afghanistan.



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except, you still want the fascists running the country, I assume this is based on the belief that they won't be coming for you straight away?

So FT, you're telling us the problem (which we all know by the way). but what are your thoughts on sorting it out?

You don't want the 'Fascists' (you mean the liberal party/coalition?) to sort it out, even though statistically they are the only party that have ever improved Australia?


They're the ones that make life better for the 'working' class who then get threatened with more taxes, (needed to pay for the good life) so they vote for the socialist (I'm in a union and don't want to work) party again, who promise tax cuts, hand-outs and so, until the country goes broke again.


You need to remember that most of the 'PC' people that are screwing up our ability to be ourselves and protect our way of life, all generally from the bottom end of the academia, studying the arts, sociology, community, and so on.


Not real tertiary studies like science, medicine, engineering, chemistry, physics, etc.


The 'PC' peoples favorite studies are usually written by Marx, Tolstoy, Lenin and the like.


The problem is that Communism (their ultimate goal) does not really work, it's a myth.


Show me a communist country, and I'll show you a country that is really socialist to enforce it's communism, and currently they're ALL falling apart and looking toward democracy.


Remember, USA is not a democracy, it's Capitalist, which is the antithesis of communism, they're each end of the scale.


Oh dear, I've run off at a bit of a rant.069_boring.gif.9cee54db3616ee9ac1231638d365dc2c.gif


Anyway, what's needed now is for government (I don't care which side) to grow a set of BALLS and start making real decisions for Australia, screw the rest of the PC world, minorities need to remain just that, minorities!


By the same token, I will have to grant you that you're mate Putin is getting the right idea, collateral damage is just a fact of life.



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Don't even post that in jest. People will take it seriously and run with it It's pretty clear how popular the mad monk is with the average person It's only Tony who feels he is still the anointed leader. He is probably suffering from PTSD. You haven't heard the end of him yet. When you are born to rule it's hard to accept ignominity . Nev



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By balls do you mean ditching Tony? [ATTACH=full]39849[/ATTACH]

Your infatuation with Tony Abbott is increasing: not only is he depicted in your Avatar but now you display a Bring Back Tony picture. Tell me: what do you see in Tony Abbott?



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Don't even post that in jest. People will take it seriously and run with it It's pretty clear how popular the mad monk is with the average person It's only Tony who feels he is still the anointed leader. He is probably suffering from PTSD. You haven't heard the end of him yet. When you are born to rule it's hard to accept ignominity . Nev

I saw a comedy skit once with KRudd skulking round in a "Phantom of the Opera" mask, waiting for his chance to knife Gillard in the back.


Tony is the new Phantom.



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By balls do you mean ditching Tony?

That was a good start.

It seemed pointless trying to stop religious fanatics when you had one in office..


I think the world has almost grown up to the stage we no longer need to have a society run by unaccountable groups preaching unquantifiable beliefs under the fear of retribution of the soul (?), while dangling the promise (greed) of eternal satisfaction, all the while holding the masses down a level to stop them thinking for themselves.


I'm talking about religion FT....


IS is about five hundred years too late, which considering that I-slam was only invented about eight hundred (?) years ago, means they were never in the running.


Yes, I know there are still lots of them, but there's just as many Hindus, almost as many Catholics, and neither of them are trying for world domination.



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Behind the west's attacks on the middle east is an element of religious persecution by the christian warriors, the level of savagery is acceptable because muslims lives are worth less than Christian lives.




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