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hi everyone, I hope you areall well and happy and here is my story:

Guest debra stewart

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Guest debra stewart

I haven't written for a while as I have been a bit preoccupied with pre-solo exams , rotten weather and more lessons as it was always too horrible for me to go solo until YESTERDAY !!!!


We were flying around the circuit in the most glorious conditions. It was so quiet it felt as though the whole world was holding its breath, and then Eugene, my instructor said, when we get down you can go solo if you like.


It took me a minute or 6 to process that, even though I was sort of expecting it, and when we stopped and he got out, I realised, "holycrap, this is real", but I didn't hesitate, I went back to the end of the strip, turned around and thought, "WOW", pushed on the power and was gone. I was aware of the difference in the weight with Eugene gone, so I made adjustments and did a lovely take-off. Everything seemed so light and easy and I moved over a bit more into the centre of the seat so that I didn't have the bar ( Skyfox Gazelle) across my vision anymore and continued on. We came (Scout and me) around for the landing and had a talk with Scout about how we had done this 200 times and everything would be Ok and then down we came. The conditions were perfect but still and all, I had less weight to contend with, no wind, so I was picking up some speed and even though I wasn't scared, the excitement was producing a fair amount of adrenalin, so I prayed !!!!!


Did a fairly good landing, a tiny bit bumpy ( I would have loved perfect) but I then wobbled all over the place laughing my head off and came off the strip, ran straight over to Eugene and hugged him with all I had.


It took me my whole first year to get over the ferocious fear I had, then another year to actually start to like flying and to feel comfortable with the plane and now this my third year, yes, 3, and I am finally here - solo !~!!. I looked back in hindsight and realised that every minute had been as it was supposed to have been and because I could only afford one lesson per week it had taken much longer than most but I experienced so many things in that time, with the benefit of an instructor beside me, that I knew I would be Ok on my own. A long while coming but at 60, I think pretty fair, all things considered. I began originally by being sick every week before a lesson and rigid with fear, but I persisted, always turned up and now I actually relax and fly and enjoy it. Amazing what one can achieve without that burning passion to begin with. I wanted to achieve something great before I got too old, and it feels bloody good. I have my gorgeous plane which I know inside out, and instead of giving up, as I think a lot of people thought I would, I plan to go even further now. I have no intention of ever giving up after all that hard work.


The most mind blowing, incredible sense of freedom and achievement. What a day!



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Well done Debra may you get fair winds and clear skies on your journey ,I didnt strart learning until i was 63 and it takes as long as it takes to go solo (1 year for me) and your first solo you will always remember, now the adventure starts keep at it ,it only gets better from here on


Cheers gareth



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Congratulations! Great, isn't it?


Make the most of our peaceful skies (on the rare occasions they come during winter).



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Guest debra stewart
Well done Debra may you get fair winds and clear skies on your journey ,I didnt strart learning until i was 63 and it takes as long as it takes to go solo (1 year for me) and your first solo you will always remember, now the adventure starts keep at it ,it only gets better from here onCheers gareth

thankyou so much. I appreciate any support as it is really lovely to know that others are happy for you.


Yes, now the hard work starts but I'm sure I'm up to it. I've conquered more than I could ever possibly imagine. My goal in the beginning was just to have lessons. I never dreamed I'd be able to fly alone, or land a plane, or fly with the power off and glide for ever, or do take-off engine failures and stalls and all that. It was terrifyingly obscure and I just hoped I could keep up weekly lessons. Wow. And good luck to everyone else who has mastered all this overwhelming 'stuff"-CHEERS !!!!!



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Congratulations Debra...It wasn't all that long ago that I did my solo and I remember the feelings well....so enjoy and have fun but the learning has just begun..





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Guest debra stewart
Congratulations Debra...It wasn't all that long ago that I did my solo and I remember the feelings well....so enjoy and have fun but the learning has just begun..David

thankyou so much David, yes it is completely exhilarating. Today I am even more silly if that's possible. I remember after I landed I couldn't control the plane because I was laughing so much and I thought I'd get yelled at for wobbling home, but I don't think he noticed !


Good god, how exciting ! Thanks again, debb



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Guest debra stewart
002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Congratulations Debra,Brent 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif

thankyou so much Brent, WOW is all I can say !!!!



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Guest debra stewart
Well done Deb, you'll never forget your first solo for as long as you live. Onwards and upwards now - good luck with it.

thankyou Bill, I appreciate the sentiment very much !



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Guest debra stewart
011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif....Goodonya Debra! All the best for the future and may every flight be a safe and happy one.Frank.

thanks very much Frank !!!! Same back at ya !!!!



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Brilliant stuff, Debra! 014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif


What you have done is inspirational, and I hope it encourages both more mature folk, and also more ladies into doing the same.


You are proof that with determination and spirit you can achieve anything you set out to.


I hope you enjoy the rest of your flying. My best moment was also flying a Gazelle, coming back from a trip about 6 miles out from my airfield I was joined for a short while by a flock of five or six ibis. I don't know how long they flew close by, but it seemed like it was for ages. Pure magic, and a totally unforgettable moment. I hope you experience something similar.


Best wishes,





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When are you going to do your drifter endorsement? Congratulations on your solo achievement. Obviously a fair bit of perseverance involved which paid off. The gazelle is a nice viceless aeroplane if ever there was one. Very enjoyable...Nev



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