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Need advice for Clubs and Schools


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There are several ways we can have Clubs, Schools and Clubs/Schools on the site for everyone and I am unsure which way would be the cleanest yet most functional for everyone. I believe we need to meet 2 functions in Clubs and Schools:


1. Enable a Club or School to create a presence here on Recreational Flying


2. Be able to provide a list of ALL Clubs and Schools for users and perspective students to be able to look up and find out about each one


Firstly we will have Groups (yet to be turned on) and this can have categories for Clubs, Schools and General Groups(for aircraft types, etc). It can function as a presence for the club or school here on Recreational Flying and is quite powerful in that each one can have their own Forum, Gallery, Event Calendar etc:




Owners/Admins of the Group can set its permissions as Public, Private, Invite Only etc.


The issue in just using the Groups function for Clubs and Schools is that not all Clubs and Schools will want a presence here or even be bothered to maintain their Group features


The second option is to provide a list of ALL Clubs and Schools in the Resource section of the site. This would simply be a listing of them all with basic information on each one:




I would enter the information that I can find about each one however that information could go out of date in due course without a representative of the Club or School here to maintain their entry


So, either way maintaining the accuracy of the information is a hard one. I wonder about having just either one as each one has different benefits but is using both with say a link in the Resource List one to their Group one would be the way to go or is that too much to have and perhaps may be a little confusing to a user who is looking for Clubs or Schools, finds one of the options here on Recreational Flying and doesn't know about the other.


What do you think???





















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Sydney will be a few less when Badgery creek airport opens.


Possibly lose the parachute training as well.



The parachute centre at Wilton will fall victim to the massive urban encroachment on its doorstep long before Badgerys opens , and I understand may already have secured alternative options to the North of Sydney . It currently drops from FL140 with clearance from SYD Approach as it’s operations are within CTR, it occasionally has clearance delays as airliners on a STAR pass nearby .


I see one Recreational Flying school in the Sydney area is advertising a PilotCertificate + cross country endorsement package at almost $20,000 or close to $400/ hr , I fear Badgerys will be the least of their worries .



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This could be a great resource, Ian, but do you have the time to build and maintain it?


Wikipedia has built an enviable reputation for accuracy and up-to-dateness (what's the word for that?) by allowing almost anyone to add info. and having a dedicated team of editors to tidy it up.


Perhaps each participating club could nominate one person whose job it is to keep their profile accurate.


You might be able to add an automatic function to delete that club (after automated warnings) if they haven't checked their entry for, say, six months.


In answer to your question, the second option appeals to me.



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This could be a great resource, Ian, but do you have the time to build and maintain it?

Thanks @Old Koreelah it is already built except for some more minor enhancements like having a booking system included in the Group calendar that can be used to book club aircraft or for schools a complete training session booking system and linked to a Google calendar etc, I would also like to have the ability to link the forum entries in a Club/School to a Facebook Group and vice-a-versa (2 way)...the development of this is already half completed.


As no one, apart from yourself, has helped me in deciding the best way to go I think I will use both. A Clubs and Schools section in Resources that has an extra field where the user can add the link to their Group here on Recreational Flying

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I think the option of using both will work best. I am prepared to keep my Club up to date, however many may not. In that case a link to their existing Web or Facebook page may suffice. Our Club gave up on our website as it was too hard to keep it up to date.


Does the events in Clubs link to the Events Calendar?





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Does the events in Clubs link to the Events Calendar?

Events can be made private to the club members only or can be made public i.e. open to all site visitors, users and guests. The reason why I haven't turned the clubs section on yet or the Event system is for this very reason. Currently they are two systems and I need to develop a way to have the Groups calendar and the general events calendar integrated. The Media component has been integrated with the Media section of the site already.



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