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The Never Ending Story


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Suddenly the CI heard the smooth purr of a 3300 (replete with 3 blade prop) in the distance, above the nearby low rumble of prognostications from billious. Alarmingly, the CI's chest started to glow green.


Meanwhile, a short distance away, the Rat was testing some new aviation accessories he had aquired at some interesting "shops" on his sojourn north. He was delighted to see that his new computer had already acquired a target and was busy painting it with the laser. Zooming in he saw a familiar shape on his screen....reminiscent of an old fashioned cast iron stove.


A wry smile spread over the Rat's face like the dawn of a new day, briefly glinting golden in the setting sun.


"Missiles or guns?", he mused, as his thumb deftly flipped up the safety covers........



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Suddenly the CI heard the smooth purr of a 3300 (replete with 3 blade prop) in the distance, above the nearby low rumble of prognostications from billious. Alarmingly, the CI's chest started to glow green.

Meanwhile, a short distance away, the Rat was testing some new aviation accessories he had aquired at some interesting "shops" on his sojourn north. He was delighted to see that his new computer had already acquired a target and was busy painting it with the laser. Zooming in he saw a familiar shape on his screen....reminiscent of an old fashioned cast iron stove.


A wry smile spread over the Rat's face like the dawn of a new day, briefly glinting golden in the setting sun.


"Missiles or guns?", he mused, as his thumb deftly flipped up the safety covers........

... "Hang on, he thought. What does 'replete' mean and what type of person uses such a term in the NES tome?"


"An edumacated one" replied Suzette "One that probably doesn't deserve a good rocketing, and one that ...........



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It seemed that the NES was replete (Turbo used this word several times a day, because it was always an argument winner) with an enigma (which hopefully the Rat will not confuse with enema - that's the problem with attending Rodent High).


Who could understand what Thompson meant? Did he mean Suzette? Did he mean the cast iron stove (Savanner)? or did he mean the eventual equilibrium of cognisance.


This enigma, with Raybans stuck to his skull has had a GPS named after him (Tom Tom - from his earlier days when he wasn't quite sure where he was going) helped conduct the most successful Air Show in the Southern Hemisphere (the first it appears without the bad behaviour which routinely takes place at ************ and ***********)


Not only that but he can fly a Caravan which certainly confused one poor correspondent who was trying to come to grips with how you would fly a Millard.


But I digress, the Enigma was about to speak........



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It seemed that the NES was replete (Turbo used this word several times a day, because it was always an argument winner) with an enigma (which hopefully the Rat will not confuse with enema - that's the problem with attending Rodent High).

But I digress, the Enigma was about to speak........

......... 64345 438273 6549872 53 4778" he said. (Technical tip ... there is a Enigma machine in the National Science Museum Of Repleteness (NSMOR), so use code # 257b, subsection v.i.i.i.m.c for the answer).


"9373645" replied Acki, who was right back into it "I feel 55 years younger he said, when I was a replete recruit, resplendant in my ...............



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.......rice paper shorts. "But OMG (he was clever enough to use Facebook and Twit) how that paper used to chafe my undercarriage (aviation term)..."

.... but the Amolin always helped (when applied by a young nurse) .... but I digress" said Acki who was reminded by the Nob that OMG made a great supercharger for the Zero, which was smuggled to Japan via Alaska (and the Elusion/Emulsion/Alusian Islands [it's th Islands what Dick Smiff chop-chopped over, so cross out those that do not apply] and sold as an ACME to Kawasaki by that well known Eskimo smuggler and Amolin salesman .......



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..but that comes across as a kinda donkey, thought Aki. Which clearly don't go climbing sewer pipes... which brings up another problem....



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..but that comes across as a kinda donkey, thought Aki. Which clearly don't go climbing sewer pipes... which brings up another problem....

..... which, according to the definition on Twitwikiface, refers subliminally to that area 4 inches below a Queenslander's .............



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A rare photo of the well endowed Golden Toothed Rat[ATTACH=CONFIG]18515[/ATTACH]

....taken by that well known key-hole peaking, possum stuffing, Holme Banging, home wrecking, Tooradin flying, Truck Industry influencing, gold-tooth rat photographing stud, ...........


PS But where is a photos of the even rarer AH-(choo)-Lockslie who has gone missing and doesn't even return the Golden Toothed one's emails



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..where the cucumber sandwiches taste remarkably of outboard motor oil. 066_naughty.gif.b89c2da7d619f57a774d625ba24a42f0.gif


"Come to order!" scowled the possum skin clad chairman as he wielded his mash hammer menacingly. :patch: "Next on the agenda is parking for B triples in Toorak and...



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..they won't make their minds up if they want Thcanias or Ithuzus to extinguish the Thaabs or Dathes that might mith the runway..:rolleyes1:"


"I can't keep up!" :ne_nau: interjected the member for Taswegia (:stirring pot:) as he leafed through the submission."It's like it's all been written in riddles with a completely foreign dialect." he tried to interpret 033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif


"Tz ezi m8" ;) consoled CoastalCam, "sthrnrs r Ez 2 Ustnd itz FnQldrs tht R skitz"..



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