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The Never Ending Story


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........Tom. "Ah to have a vote ma frinds, and ah say that hatson has been inititated"


"Why is that?" asked Quaver, taking a rest from giving out "creatives"


"Well" said Tom, "he says he likes the other bms, and then he tells us nothing, and then he says there's no point because it will all be communicated in good time, but a lot of good things are happening"


"They must give them all the same handout" said Turbo "remember the one where a fellow told us nothing, told us we would probably only be bored, and a lot of goo..............."



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Guest Andys@coffs

d things were happening.......


Meanwhile Andy drew himself up to his full width...........and said "My its a nice day here in melbournistann......ain't the weather just perfect .....for about another 20 mins before the next scheduled change........ Have you heard that the price of Tea in China......sorry Coal in China has just gone up........"


"What's that got to do with RosAus?"yelled Turdy And another mangy member with a bucket of tomatoes......


"Nuthin" said Andy, "but I was forced to not say anything on behalf of RosAus, just things on behalf of Andy, and I've been speaking RozAus stuff for so long that I can't find anything else to talk about so I might become a lurker like.........



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"Nuthin" said Andy, "but I was forced to not say anything on behalf of RosAus, just things on behalf of Andy, and I've been speaking RozAus stuff for so long that I can't find anything else to talk about so I might become a lurker like.........

....... Endo described ........ after all, the members don't give a Monkeys about the workings (or non-workings) of RAOZ, as all they want is to be kept in the dark and to fly."


Turdo noticed that Andy had drawn himself up to his full width (that is funny Andy) so Turdboy drew himself up to his full stoop and responded "..............



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"........you aren't at Melbournetstan goose chaser, you're at one of the dozen or so airfields withing 15 minutes of home for all the flies (sic) around Melbourne, there's not an FT within shooting distance and Melbourne, which is what we call it has been voted World's most livable City year after year.


"This is because of all................."



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Guest Andys@coffs

"The free entertainment available in Melbournistann......if politics are your thing then you can watch an independent user of fuel hold the boss polly by the nuts while that boss Polly speachifies about how the reverse is actually what is really happening and besides its the extreme pressure of his hold on the independents nuts that's causing the sweat on his brow and the high pitched voice tremble........if politics aren't your thing the there's all the stan's and stanettes all racing around singing either the chipper chopper off with his head song, or the Ally Ach bars up in their own dialect........"finished Turdy....


Andy and Rat both nodded in a similar way that one might well agree with any gun toting mental institution escapee and looked 110% convinced while stepping away and making a break for Tulla where the pilot of the Virgin said "welcome aboard folks, we'll be climbing until about 20 minutes before we land because it's all uphill until we reach the border, and for you fliers among us we have to climb out of class H airspace....."


Andy turned to Rat and said "never heard of class H airspace......I assume CASA has been at it"


No said Rat it's reasonably common where I work in deep open cut mines..... In fact used to describe any large hole...........


Dear Mod......I have posted a ripper as all NSW folk wil understand... To celebrate my success I wanted to give myself 9 by creative, 23 by what a top bloke, and 1 creative and another what a dick so people won't see through my own cleverness.......but I can't seem to do so can you please take care of it for me.......p.s ahlocks I think your a top bloke no matter what Rat says



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.....let alone the Albury-WaggaWagga dimple. NES readers will remember with fear and trepidation how the Dimple claimed our dear friend Bigglesworth, and he was unable to identify any.......

.......... roads west of Montague Island and thought that The Rock was the local equivalent of Mount Fuji.




"Now you are talking my ringo" said Acki as he drove his Roller up from Lethbridge to Toorak to ............



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Ratsack is pleased to advise that Goldylox is now 1/2 way thru his weeklong suspension and I report that it has been great.


Because of his suspension, we have been able to meet up each day at the flashest coffee joint in town for Spresso and Tiramisu, plus a good old chat about life in general.


I am looking forward to his next suspension.



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While Ratso has gone all ratty with Ahlo, there has been a massive outbreak of anti-board criticism, a clear example of the seething contempt of the non-voters, and it has become clear that this breakout is directly related to Ahlock's suspension, since while he's been on the job the only comments we saw were how Madge liked his comrades and they were all doing a good job, and the occasional member also saying they were doing a good job but adding an adjective such as "hoping".


Now the top is off the barrel and if Ahloxis doesn't get back soon there will be...................



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While Ratso has gone all ratty with Ahlo, there has been a massive outbreak of anti-board criticism, a clear example of the seething contempt of the non-voters, and it has become clear that this breakout is directly related to Ahlock's suspension, since while he's been on the job the only comments we saw were how Madge liked his comrades and they were all doing a good job, and the occasional member also saying they were doing a good job but adding an adjective such as "hoping".

Now the top is off the barrel and if Ahloxis doesn't get back soon there will be...................

..... a need for the Moorabbin Mauler to climb into the barrel, and we all know that when that happens, the ..........



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....to exit on his back after a burst of throttle (avrefs), only to find that FFFFFFTTTTTT had added a new one liner which..........

......... questioned the need for a "burst of throttle" (repeated AvRef) when the world is in such a perilous position with global warming/cooling/equilibrium-happiness (cross out those that do not apply [PCRef]).




Then PhhhhhTtttt (Flatulence -wordplayRef) added "Flat spin recovery should be mandatory and taught using just the "Smidgeon Tickle of Throttle, Save Fuel & the Vironment at all costs" principle, where .........



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......sheep and cattle breathe cleaner air, the oil industry doesn't make so much money but you finish up burying the nose in the dirt, so....

...... so that's another wanton waster of fossil fuels gone, and good riddance I say" added PhhhhhTtttttttt "Save the wales, save the mosquitoes and save the tsetse flies".




"Flat spins are one of the greatest weapons of the environmental movement" said that Greens senator sheila with the cat's eyes & the double barrel name who loves the camera.




"I agree" said Osama bin Ali bin Usef bin Everywhere Man, the leading ISIL aviation spokes person "I call on all Recreational Aviators (and WreckFlying Moderatorri) to join our flat spin jihad and ...............



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Guest Andys@coffs

Hang on yelled Tubs.... Jihad is out today, at Ye Olde Bang it holme the Melbourne rain multiplier effect has been at play and 1 inch of rain has lead to 3ft of water lying around and any attempt at Jihad is going to result in wet ankles! We WreckFlyers all always up for a tilt at windmills....and merrygorounds but wet ankles leads to jabiru bore corrosion and........



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.....an outbreak of screaming Atheists, all wanting to be..................

....... Little Miss Helpful and suggesting stuff to Hatshat on the Forum now that the Board is stable and working well.




But Tubb is a tough cookie and had never before been wary of being ankle deep in anything, for he had often been ankle deep in outboard spare parts, in Speedway controversy, in Forum backlash to his outspoken comments ......... however now he realised that he actually was ankle deep in water as he stood ankle deep near the shores of the Mosul dam. Tubb did a spoonful and said "I have always wanted to be involved in JiHard, but now that I am over here it has gone GeeSoft and my ............



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Guest Andys@coffs

Vim vigor and lil blue tabs of viagrah seem to be over there near them jihardist......who seem to have taken to smoking them under an umbrella.......which gave Tubs an idea, there wasn't much that he hadn't smoked over the years, if some of his forum posts were to go by..... but viagrah taken smokily wasn't in that long list......as he watched the Jihardist he noted their Kalashnikovs seemed to point more strongly towards the sky......If I smoke the crushed little blue tab then I reckon my.................



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Vim vigor and lil blue tabs of viagrah seem to be over there near them jihardist......who seem to have taken to smoking them under an umbrella.......which gave Tubs an idea, there wasn't much that he hadn't smoked over the years, if some of his forum posts were to go by..... but viagrah taken smokily wasn't in that long list......as he watched the Jihardist he noted their Kalashnikovs seemed to point more strongly towards the sky......If I smoke the crushed little blue tab then I reckon my.................

....... reputation with the Lygon St Chicky-babes will be enhanced and I'll be known as Viagraman (see below selfie taken by Tubb while attending the recent RA-OZ AGM, before he headed off to the middle-east to ..................




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...try and convince the jihaddists that 72 virgins was 70 too many to supply, and would they settle for 2 virgins, 3 used wives and a couple of the Gumly Gumly CWA matrons (dont let Elratto know) who had heaps of experience with......



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.....self destruction, following years of eating the left over scones and sponge cakes from thousands of catering gigs around................


Turbo notes that Salty is sadly on the path to destruction, having descended from fine scottish whisky to that distilled horse **** that Russians feed to their chickens.



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