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Natfly workshops, forums activities


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Hello aviation enthusiasts,


I am in the thick of organising the program at Temora for Natfly. Wel have the lend of 6 new hangars to fill with activities, so now is your chance to suggest workshops, forums, and non-aviation activities that you would like to see happen.


We are planning maintenance workshops, GPS workshops, accessing wx and naips workshops, beginning metalworking workshops (how to cut, bend, rivet, drill metal), perhaps one on composite repair, CASA, Airservices, Bushdance night, music night (bring your guitars and join in), the ladies hangar program with plenty of sessions for the non-flier lady, an antique car display (just for a change)..... These are only the start. I need your help and your ideas and interests.


So put your ideas down and I will see what I can do.


Cheers, Cazza



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Cazza, there are many fast build kits out there so I was wondering whether one could actually be built over the duration of NatFly...from start to finish and visitors can keep popping their head in to see how it is going over the duration of NatFly. I know it may not be possible to get a kit built in that time but just in case there was some chance of putting our thinking caps on. For example can several people own a kit and build it together? :hittinghead:



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Ian, what a fabulous idea. Let's put a call out for someone who has a quick build and wants some extra helping hands and who is willing to bring it to Natfly. Slartibartfast, you don't need to bring a piano, we have stacks of keyboards here. Shall I put you down for a number?





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How about information on glass cockpits. What is needed, such as senders. What can go wrong and how to fix it. recommendations to make it safe even with electrical problems. How to use them. Samples and videos of them in use.


I have never used them and am thinking of building again so for my part that would be great info.



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I guess I'll have to play something now Caz. Big mouth. I'll have to bring some sheet music because I never remember scores (no talent).


While I have you (and slightly off topic - sorry), on flying days at Temora I prefer the space at the aero club to watch the displays and take photos, but I miss the expert commentary. Is there some impediment to piping the PA to the aeroclub? If everyone pays their entrance money sometime during the day, I can't see it being a commercial decision. Should be easy.





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I guess the answer is that not everyone pays their entrance money. In fact all the aeroclub watchers are freebies so the price of a free show is that you don't get the commentary. Naturally the Museum is reluctant to give all the freebies everything.





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With the large number of new aircraft available overseas now, how about a presentation on what is required to bring in a ready to fly or kit, and what can be included in the kit (51% rule and exceptions). Costs/fees/document requirements/etc. (Steve Bell???)


I am currently doing the exercise and find it quite a large topic difficult to understand a lot of the implications.



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Just thinking about the Ladies' Hangar, even if we (temporarily) ignore the possibility of a pilot's partner being male for a moment, do any pilots bring a non-flying mate along who'd possibly be interested in the "safety from the right hand seat" style of sessions, but who wouldn't go near them because they're in the "Ladies' Hanger"? How about calling it the "Non-pilot's Haven" or the "Right Hand Seat Sessions". :)


Besides, we don't do much to attract young female pilots to the ranks when we have separate "pilot's" and "women's" areas, do we? 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif



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Besides, we don't do much to attract young female pilots to the ranks when we have separate "pilot's" and "women's" areas, do we? 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif

Yes very true... will have to make it sound a little more... universal or something!?



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Ol Reggie Ansett got himself into trouble when he made a comment on women pilots flying his aircraft, something along the lines of it being a cockpit and not a box office.



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Hi Heon,


No worries, will check it out. I have managed to get a presenter to do a session on the glass cockpit and am working on finding some kit builders, or at least a building session that is going on for people to look in on.





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Hey Gomer,


Last year we had a non-flying ladies tent for the first time. It was a HUGE success, all the non flying gals finally had a program to keep them interested in attending Natfly because there were presentations not to do with flying. However, we will be presenting some "skills for right seater" sessions, probably NOT in the ladies hangar.


Trying to meet the needs of everyone. I'll see what I can do.





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Hi Cazza


an Idea (but would probably be shot for this)


What about some pay for seminars to cover thier travel costs and accomadation.


One Idea would be the gent from the Ballarat flying school that teaches precise navigation.


or just other specilized techniques low level flying, formation flying etc.





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Thanks John. I have scheduled you on Friday morning, April 2. You'll read about the session in the magazine in February. Check in with me when you arrive in Temora and let me know if you have any problems and can't make it. My details are in the magazine under Board Members in NSW (Carol Richards).





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Hi Tangocharlie123.


You won't get shot, but we try not to charge for sessions unless we have to buy food. Your mate at Ballarat sounds interesting. Maybe he would come and do some sessions and bring brochures and generate some interest in training with him as a result of his sessions?





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