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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. was going to ask what are you doing with the old prop?
  2. Far out, wonder what was going through the guys mind. stealing heavy equipment is common - easy to sell to unsuspecting farmers etc... no registration, very unlikely to be found again. but to keep going after all that. he must have known he was never getting away. absolute desperation.
  3. sound is important. same reason we all want a V8 ford... when the turbo 6 is a better car we all miss the V10 era of formula 1 for the sound. or get excited at the startup of a Merlin atmosphere (not the physical kind) is a huge reason of flying recreational. especially for someone like me who flies once every 3 months for an hour. its why I choose to pursue tail wheel - its a whole experience, more visceral if im taking off and landing at the same point. then I 100% want the most emotive experience in that time. its what makes it so so satisfying and keeps me going with that feeling high though-out the day, buzzing from that time in the seat. the feeling of the aircraft is as important as the scenery
  4. is there more to this story? i have so many questions was this stolen in a trailer, or flown? how did the helicopter pilot know to track them?
  5. could be, what size container.... 40ft with fit a lot of engines. like anything bulk quantity gets much better prices. and freight is a killer for anything pallet sized. whole lot different buying 4 compared to 50
  6. Is it as simple as Boeing decided to compete on price not tech? so appealed to the minimum cost customer - who also has the minimum cost service divisions. sure it might not be their fault - but is a direct result of the strategy they put in place. they chose to compete on price
  7. until

  8. until

    hey. was great to meet you. (im the oilpath guy, just recognized your plane in the display photo) thanks for the chat and the story's. part of why I enjoyed the event was basking in the shared enthusiasm for aviation. I don't think they expected anywhere near the attendance number. and so many young families and teenagers purchased some art, and talking with the artist as he was packing up (had him hold it, so I wasn't walking around the show with a tube) and the gate numbers were confirmed to be over 10'000. reckon they had almost every food van in Adelaide there was there a STOL display, saw a Vixxen and carbon cub on the flight line, but missed them flying. only thing I heard disappoint was the Citabria just doing circuits around lunch time. I understand that the focus was women in aviation - and it was a young 17 year old girl - I guess showcasing youth flying. but with such a action packed display, it just seemed out of place. Heard a few people voice the disappointment during its flight not understanding why or what it was about. (I am 32 and found it bloody hard to hear the commentary when you had the helicopter flights departing every 30 seconds, had to be standing right under a speaker. I did catch in an interview later that she was meant to be talking while flying but the PA system malfunctioned during her flight). Was a great day out, well worth the admission.
  9. which all goes back to my original reason.... its so damn cool. never underestimate the rule of cool
  10. Because its so damn cool. but my guess from wikipedia: Main spar location[edit] The aft location of the main wing spar would lead to a more efficient interior arrangement with more usable space. Inward spanwise flow[edit] Spanwise airflow over a forward-swept wing is the reverse of flow over a conventional swept wing. Air flowing over any swept wing tends to move spanwise towards the aftmost end of the wing. On a rearward-swept wing this is outwards towards the tip, while on a forward-swept wing it is inwards towards the root. As a result, the dangerous tip stall condition of a rearward-swept design becomes a safer and more controllable root stall on a forward-swept design. This allows full aileron control despite loss of lift, and also means that drag-inducing leading edge slots or other devices are not required. At transonic speeds, shockwaves build up first at the root rather than the tip, again helping ensure effective aileron control. With the air flowing inwards, wingtip vortices and the accompanying drag are reduced. Instead, the fuselage acts as a very large wing fence and, since wings are generally larger at the root, this raises the maximum lift coefficient allowing a smaller wing. As a result, maneuverability is improved, especially at high angles of attack.
  11. yep, absolutely useless if you need a runway the size of the space shuttles
  12. what is the landing distance? and what is the landing speed? cant exactly do a missed approach. I dont know of any urban gliding operations...
  13. All good, admittedly I did quote you, Just wanted to show my argument with events advertising to what is most effective with the target demographic. (i was raised in the church, so parables and examples are my go to with demonstrating a point) also completely agree with your point that this site's news and events are only as good as our posting. I imagine in this case most of us assumed it was common knowledge - so no one bothered to post it. and unlike a fly-in. this is "general public" event. so while its of interest to us, probably isn't the priority of the organizers team to post on a special interest group forum to advertise it.
  14. My post was aimed at Red750 and his comments
  15. I think it is a bigger event with a broader interest range. I Dont expect many here knew about it - as it wasn't relevant to them. and it was a different location. they were not the applicable market. It was pointed out that there was billboards on Eastlink - one of Melbourne's busiest roads (probably second to the monash) there is also live reads on the breakfast radio stations. there was talk of Facebook - and photos after the event. ... but were you subscribed to the page before the event. (I know the Aldinga airshow is coming up as I am subscribed to the Aldinga page) you cant whinge and complain about it not being advertised, just because its not in the Media you use - especially when you are outside the target demographic. I think we would all agree a full page ad in a newspaper would have little impact now compared to a decade ago.
  16. The lack of it on the media that the readers of this forum use... The Adelaide Motorsport festival was on yesterday, did anyone here know about it?
  17. Why so a dozen old men can attend? hate to break it to you, but not many - if any on this forum are the target demographic. we are not young families with kids.
  18. its as close as you can get to an old all-over field. there is 4 runways to choose from, none parallel there has been a few times ive been grounded from flying lessons, but the big risk was ground handling in the tail dragger. most of the time the nose wheelers were still okay Don't think we have gone up and called it a day due to crosswinds. Just re-adjust the circuit and swap to a more suitable runway. had a few days where the wind is between runways, but its still angled not directly across. Radio contact really important. been a lot getting used to the situational awareness. us taildraggers use the dirt. where as the other aircraft favor the sealed runway.... so can be several different circuits going on at the same time. making for interesting moments.
  19. spenaroo

    Sukhoi Su-24

    Under-rated aircraft IMO, I never saw the value in them till the Ukraine conflict
  20. I suspect its actually hung. looking at the "chandelier" where the "rotor" blades meet. not sure if that makes it more or less scary
  21. You cant travel to the USA without showing the visa at check-in. should be the same for travel to Australia - must make a customs decleration at check-in
  22. because one is sexy and makes good optics. the same reason why air forces are freely spending on fighter jets - but don't spend the same money on bombers.... (I bet you more bombs have been dropped then missiles fired in the last 30 years of warfare) Honestly it amazes me customs catches anything. every time I return from overseas its a self declare and walk on through. remember questioning about a timer frame painting I had. and they didn't care, just waved me past. never had a bag searched. unlike my experience with African countries, (remember the USA more concerned with finger prints and visa's - and walking through Italy without talking to anyone just scanned the passport) and then you have parcel and packages.....
  23. I have a memory of a flight where I purposely kept it stalled while descending. from memory it was power pulled to idle and pulling the stick back. and showing that the nose would always drop in this aircraft un-stalling it. I could be wrong, but it was part of the instructor getting me comfortable in the aircraft
  24. Probably for a veterans organization, I've seen a few examples online of helicopters fixed to trailers they can take around to shows etc. and have kids sit in
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