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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. a c150 fits the stall criteria and will have room for about 280kg of people , fuel and baggage which is not too bad i suppose . the 150s currently under raaus only have 120kg.
  2. another thing but same topic. are they going to raise the stall speed min to allow a lot of the heavier craft to even qualify for raaus.
  3. i would stick to what rotax uses. hate to have to split a crankcase a second time.
  4. and to have an engine out landing and then fly the plane home without getting it checked out .
  5. remember matt was in this group looking for an airfield he could fly to around melbourne to commute from mt beauty for work. i think he had only just gained his pilot certificate then. they are involving geoff wood the cfi. geoff passed away a few weeks ago. he was 81 years old and a highly experienced and respected instructor. at the end of the day matt made a bad decision to take off when others didn't because of the weather on the day. thats not a training issue its common sense.
  6. It just seems like raaus is chasing the high end of town not the core membership which are in it for affordable flying. If us rag and tube people get dragged along with the current momentum we could end up paying annual fees worth as much as our aircraft. Hopefully raaus won't forget the low end of the scale.
  7. Are all these new privileges , If they happen going to raise the membership and rego fees of members with no interest in flying in controlled airspace or heavier aircraft. I don't see why we should be picking up the tab for the rich men's club with 150 K plus aircraft.
  8. I was told that Steve Cohen designed thrusters to be spin resistant. Does not mean it's true though.
  9. Good reply. I can see how a 172 would be quite expensive for 1 person to fly around.
  10. With a rag and tube plane like my xair or a thruster is a spin even possible. With all the drag and lightweight.
  11. What did you actually learn when you converted to raaus. I think they need to provide more information to converting pilots.
  12. i am only talking about australia. over the last 2 years, maybe i didn't take as much notice before.
  13. would you intentionally put a jabiru into a spin with such a small rudder. i mean in a training situation if it were allowed.
  14. what the hell. there is a new light plane crash on the news every week. why are there so many accidents. i know i said this a while back but it just keeps happening. this crash looks like it flew in fast.
  15. the p92 on a full flap approach slows up awfully quick if not watching it and the stall is a sudden wing drop. i am only a learner but most of its been in p92s.
  16. from what i understand limbach are the cream of vw aircraft conversions.
  17. Does 4 circuits in a tecnam count. A nice polished trophy would be good. 😁
  18. Were you on the Rotax design team nev. You are saying the engine has gone has far as it can go . How do you know what Rotax can do. It's the same as your comments about Rotax gearboxes. You reckon they are no good but people that own them have no trouble. You are a Rotax hater and I think it annoys you that they are such a great engine.😁
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