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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. I'm going to give "office works" a try, They did the Jab manuals quite cheaply
  2. Yup, That's been quite common for some time. Especially BMW and Triumph bikes with those Torq heads (which I have a healthy dislike for).... Not much happening on the Casa/Jab front is there?
  3. Have you ever heard of a idom that says "Drawing a long bow?"............................ I can't see this Jabiru thing ending well for owners/operators. We have heard that Jab have been canvassing schools for good news and disregarding those that don't have any. That doesn't sound good at all....................... I would guess CASA could enforce that certain "Updates" ( proffered by Jab. ) be administered. At the owners cost of course. OR more likely that nothing happens and we get a bunch of "How to run a Jab engine " bulletins. Then , when the thing goes bad (again) it will be "Operators Fault ".. "They could not have followed the guidelines, otherwise the engine would not have failed".......Time will tell....
  4. a woman in Australia has a baby every two minutes, and she's fed up with it..................
  5. all the 24 - reg types will look at that installation with envy..................
  6. bad idle with a cold engine, getting better as it warms up. my experience anyway....
  7. You'd be forgiven for thinking that there would be honour amongst fellow avaitors, maybe there is, but there are some awful exceptions. I was retorquing my (wood) prop a couple of weeks ago, amongst other things. I did it in the hangar, beautiful and new, ( I'm at the back ).... Torque the prop, fit the spinner, Go for a wee and come back then pull the Jodel outside, not easy as there's a six seater in front of me. Anyway, I go to pack up, load all the tools in the ute, well, I would have liked to load all the tools. But my lovely Tonichi certified calibrated Torque Wrench has gone walkabout....Really nice one, In a yellow and blue box. BIG dial with red needle and red trace needle reads only Nm. Some bastards had it away......At Tyabb of all places and from the back of the hangar....I would really like to know who has it ( or , more likely, who stole it) I would certainly do them some awful damage......Just goes to show, who/what we are dealing with............
  8. There is mention of EFI on the Jabchat page. According to Jabiru it is NOT going to happen.........Unless of course you do it yourself and go with E24- reg or 19- reg
  9. I fear that the "Happening behind the Scenes" is Jabiru wriggling off the reliability requirement hook, You could be forgiven if you thought that CASA showed a big stick to Ja. and Ja. said briefly "hit me with that and I'll not play" To which CASA would have replied " All right then, go out and play but promise you wont don't ever do it again!" With that what happened in the past will continue to happen going forward...... (god I hate buzz words)
  10. I cannot see Jabiru attitudes toward Jabiru engine operators changing soon in any meaningful way. I am (almost) certain they will continue to do things as they have always done. That is, bring in changes to address symptoms, charge the customer and say it's the operators/maintenance guys fault. I actually saw recently, a new, (4 cyl) replacement engine, break a through bolt and crack a barrel within 20 hours of fitting. Where's the maintainers fault there? I cant really see how Jab flyers can get their passenger rights back without replacing the existing engine with a new Camit engine? (should it ever be certified) ...The Jabiru jobby is not consistant enough at this time. If Ian Brent shares his Jab development expertise with Jabiru then I would be really surprised, I mean flabbergasted!.....
  11. wasn't there a nasty note from Jabiru's Rod Stiff that wanted the data plates from any modified engine to be sent back, as "they're no longer Jabiru engines?" Be careful what you wish for Rod
  12. Agreed, But for purposes of diagnosis, use a mechanical gauge.....If all is well then the mechanical gauge will agree with the electric sender one...If not you have somewhere to start...and you are dealing with known facts, not asumptions
  13. The info given here is very useful and valuable, BUT it's worth naught until the oil pressure is checked with a mechanical gauge...................DO THAT FIRST, it takes but a few minutes... unless you know the actual pressure that you are dealing with you are groping in the dark..........Those VDO ones are notorious for giving false readings....
  14. so, where's your engine then? When that's ready JE wont get a look in
  15. Get the Li-poly out of the discussion.. WE do not fly (in) model aircraft.................We are talking about LIFE04
  16. That picture tells a story, I wonder if they were trained by the Iraqi army ? The pilot must have been some sort of bandit to warrant all those guns.....If he was a suicide bomber they'd all be toast....
  17. Can I borrow yours? Besides the Bulletin does not mention which bolt to check. You must assume it's all of them...Quote AB "cracks were discovered between the cooling fins in and around the area of the hold down bolts" ie: check 'em all buddy"
  18. I found the Fullriver (yellow) to be better that the Odyssey, holding a charge better , longer at half the price....Given new developments I would spring for the Life04
  19. From what I can see you (everybody) will have to remove all heads to inspect. That means ALL Jabiru motors, Thousands! .... It's about 4-6 hours re and re 6 heads...And who is going to put them straight back on without inspecting plus replace/reseat valves ( Fools and Angels?) I certainly wont.........Looks like "Its an ill wind that blows nobody good!" All the Lame's and L2's are going to have a busy few days, especially as it's before next flight! Jabiru parts staff on overtime...............Unless? it's only the Top Bolt ? Then it's really only an inspection, The picture shows a top bolt by the look of it. But the AWB does not say that, does it?
  20. Bugger Red that's tough. I ended up with 5K in super!... But a much younger wife that earns...So, after 55 years of working I get no pension, nothing......But there are compensations
  21. "bexrbetter, There's 250 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria, ironically by "Islamic Fundamentalists" Yes America does NOTHING ......Luckily enough as the Terrorist group threatened to murder them (all of them) if they were tracked....Do you doubt that they might not?
  22. Loony right? Weird Greeny, or Union run left or That really strange person Jacqui Lambie ( who claims to be the descendant of an Tasmanian Aboriginal High Someone ) Who would you prefer to be in charge of combatting I.S. Or would you leave them to their own devices?
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