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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. I thought that bloke who put down the dog was a sad bastard......
  2. "Any fool can find fault, it takes genus to find solutions" ..........?....................solutions found by family, that's odd.....Oh ! I must be the fool then? By the way, it would take anything 0.9 sec. to fall 8 meters. I think that the BRS folks are having you on.......Better luck at 50 meters... 31.30 m/s or112.70 km/h Time until impact: 3.19 Nope still doesn't work....
  3. Gee what a loud response............... All I said was" If you have a reaction time of 2 seconds then you should only fly a kite" Then I get a lecture from someone who does not know me , about how I would react to an emergency....What a crock...Reaction times are very important. I know engines well, I believe that an engine will give you warning that it is going to stop. (less so, for 2 strokes)... If you are listening .... That bit about "Oh Dear, is this happening to me " and "what shall I do next" or " My, what is happening" smacks of someone not expecting anything to go wrong and not paying attention....No wonder it would take someone in that frame of mind 15 seconds to take action.........I turn my noise cancelling headset off during take off and landing, and , occasionally during flight, just to listen to the engine and I've got a 0-200, which is fairly reliable.............
  4. if you have a reaction time of 2 seconds you should not be flying anything bar a kite
  5. What did he say? I wasn't listening. Blessed are the cheesemakers? That'll go down well in Tassie...............
  6. The report is in the new Sport Pilot. ...............Plus:- .......................Dear Bruce. I envy you your good fortune, You have indeed had a good run out of what can be a terrific engine. .... You must feel like one of the fortunate people in Sierra Leone that were passed over by the Ebola virus and wondering what all the fuss was about.......It appears that the series of improvements that have recently been made by Jabiru are having a significant effect on the Engine on, happy/ Engine off,unhappy ratio
  7. I read ( say: reed) with interest the report from Jabiru about their take on the CASA instrument. Whilst admitting that there have been shortcomings with the earlier motors, they claim that the new products with recent updates are A OK. I can believe that that may well be the case. However no mention was made of helping / assisting those owners of the 3 or 4 thousand engines already sold that need help and assistance......... What about me, it isn't fair I've had enough now i want my share Can't you see i wanna live But you just take more than you give
  8. geoffreywh

    Rotec TBI

    I would say simply you can't. Fit a TBI by all means ( I have one on my 0-200) You'll probably get better fuel milage due to better fuel atomisation and more accurate control. BUT you will almost certainly have to run ROP or you'll simply overheat the 3300. They are VERY delicate regards to heat input.
  9. which controls do you need to be altered? Hand rudder of course. If you have hand rudder then your hand is not available for the throttle. I made sip'n'puff throttle for David (passenger side still works normally) Electric actuator for trim, which was the easy one. David has air for the brakes, but you shouldn't need that. Flap up and down buttons are on the hand rudder. No alteration on the elevator/ ailerons stick. It really isn't difficult
  10. Dave Jacka is a quadriplegic, flew around the coast solo. I did the mods, not easily removable, but possible
  11. The Yamaha V4 is a thing of beauty....
  12. Jetjr...........What you write is probably the correct way to go about improving J engines. BUT, it is not CASA"s brief.......That belonged to Jab...
  13. Attack on Jabiru? Stating facts that's all..........But, I can see that the action by CASA may well have already harmed Jabiru................. But who's fault is that?.......... Jabiru makes the engines (and I sincerely hope they can come up with a permanent acceptable fix) .......................CASA has reacted to a situation not of its making...They are the Safety People, not the Engine People...Citizens not involved were at ever increasing risk, now they are less so... If Jabiru can get the reliability up (quickly) , then the job has been well done and Jabiru can come out of it all smelling as sweet as roses. or not?
  14. God what a lot of nonsense. you'll be looking for "Reds Under The Bed" next.....There is only so much scaremongering that I can swallow. .. the responsibility for this debacle rest absolutely and completely with Jabiru ......Jabiru engines had an ever worsening history of breakdowns. CASA , I believe ( you know, the Safety Authority) was at the end of a rope. Mr. S was doing nothing to help in denial. They (CASA) had to be seen to be doing something. And so they did.......Imagine if they had done nothing?. Another Jabiru engine failure happens ( as it inevitably would) someone gets hurt. It doesn't matter who. There, the sh#t has hit the fan. The person/s involved look around for someone to blame....The Safety Authority has allowed an engine with known fault(s) to pull an aircraft around, over built up areas...And done nothing. They would be hung out to dry. Headlines like ...."Safety Authority take no action with known faulty engine" ect; ...............They had to do something........ Rod Stiff showed us his position when he announced, (in print) that "There have been no through bolt failures since 2011!" Someone tell him he's dreaming he's as bad as you.....There have been MANY failures .....Including the increased sized bolts (7/16's ) plus studs breaking instead of through bolts and where the through bolts hold the barrel cracks...It is NOT fixed. .....................It appears to me that you (amongst others) are looking to hang the whole mess on CASA Internal politics and other red herrings. ....I think that Jabiru Engines should to be compared to the industry standard. If they don't measure up then they should be grounded and none sold until they do.....IF and WHEN they get to a suitable reliability standard they (Jab engines) will be free to be used as are all other engines used today....If they didn't fail then CASA would have nothing to do with Jabiru.......This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.....
  15. I find, as I get older, that I know more and more about less and less. Eventually I will know absolutely everything about absolutely nothing....
  16. Sorry , I don't believe it.........
  17. I would still like to see it more like the ISON Airbike, But not in a hangar, it defeats the whole purpose.... BTW....I looked it up, plans and kits are available , Jordan Lake Aero... Gary, Go thou and do likewise.....
  18. The wing still has to be removable! or foldable.........................Is it possible to go the way of modern F.A.I. a/2 gliders ? That is, the centre section (fuel tank ala Tiger Moth? ) Has a "pin" sticking out each side about 2" dia. probably a foot long . The wing has a receptacle through each of the root ribs as part of the spar . The wing slips onto the "pins" ...As the load is a compression /shear load the sizes can be minimal,, ( Dont forget it's a strut supported wing) Works under the very severe loads of launching (20g-30g) ..That Gee as in gravity not gram as in avoirdupois, although that's ounces............ Oh well never mind.......................................AHHHH , landing , negative Gee, it wont work sorry.....
  19. Dear Oscar, I appreciate your position, but I champion a poor bugger that bought a 230 believing he was getting a certified engine that had to be used as per the POH....He now needs a newer version of his engine, after 500 hours or so. ect ect ect....
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