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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. I can understand that using an unapproved radio is illegal, but is simply owning one and having it with you illegal? rgmwa
  2. Ian, do you have an idea of the cost of the 15's? rgmwa
  3. A worthwhile read. http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/airworth/awb/55/010.pdf rgmwa
  4. Much sleeker looking aircraft than the old one, so it probably flies better too. rgmwa
  5. "Have you or are you considering changing your religion?" "Have you ever applied for a false passport?" etc.. rgmwa
  6. Impressive flying, but very little room for error in some of those stunts. rgmwa
  7. Yes, sadly I suppose you're right. We'll just have to suffer through more of the same rubbish. I've often wondered what those trendy young executives you see sitting at footpath coffee tables all day long sipping latte and yacking on their phones actually do for a living. I guess this is probably one of the important things that keeps them busy. rgmwa
  8. What a short-sighted naming convention. Only another 14 iterations to go. I give them about another 3 years before they have to close up shop. rgmwa
  9. I don't think there are any skills common to driving and flying as far as operating the controls goes, and being a great driver doesn't mean you will be good pilot, or vice versa. Nor is not being able to drive necessarily a handicap. In fact, riding a bicycle is probably better training for flying than driving a car, because it requires balance and coordination. I think the most important transferable skill common to both driving and flying is situational awareness. You need to be aware of everything that is going on around you for both, but particularly when flying because you are moving in three dimensions and there are no visible roads or traffic signs to guide you in the air. Also, trying to fly as accurately as you can is good, but too much reliance on flying `by the numbers' without also trying to develop a `seat of the pants' feel for what the aeroplane is doing is not so good. Your eyes should be out of the cockpit most of the time. But that's what your instructor is there for. While some lucky people have a natural feel for flying, others have to work harder at it, but most people can learn given enough time and practice. Keep at it. One advantage of having your driver's licence is that it will make it easier to get to the airfield to go flying. rgmwa
  10. Form 028 http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_90240 rgmwa
  11. Let's guess the time for the bullet to stop is about 1/25th of a second (the proverbial `blink of an eye'). That makes the deceleration 610/.04=15,250 m/sec2. For a bullet with a mass of .0026kg, we get an impact force of .0026x15,250 or about 40kg. That's a fair punch in the nether regions. rgmwa
  12. Only a 22lr? I'm disappointed. He obviously didn't have the balls for the job. rgmwa
  13. Really? Surely the energy of a bullet fired at such close range from a weapon like that should at least have made him stagger back a pace or two? Even with his protector firmly in place the jolt should have been severe enough to knock the grin off his face, even if it didn't knock anything else off. Don't try this at home is all I can say. rgmwa
  14. Being successful or famous is not an issue, but being egotistical and arrogant with it won't win you any friends. rgmwa
  15. I'm right handed, but was trained with left hand on yoke and right for throttle, flaps etc. It seemed natural enough from the start, even though I was using the `wrong' hand on the controls. Wouldn't even be able to sign my name with a pen in my left hand, so I think it's just what you get used to when you don't know any better. I'd have a lot of trouble firing a rifle left handed because I've never done it that way. Have flown right seat with a stick a couple of times. Used my right hand then but was conscious of having switched hands, although either felt OK. Sitting on the right seemed a bit strange though. rgmwa
  16. They did an update on the latest version of the Lightning in April this year, and it got a much better report. As I recall, the previous example got a somewhat negative appraisal in the earlier article. rgmwa
  17. Buy them each one of these and see how they go before you start on the real thing. Not much to lose and you could end with a decent toolbox and part of a wing.. http://vansaircraft.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?ident=1432469078-12-195&browse=misc&product=toolbox http://vansaircraft.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?ident=1432469078-12-195&browse=misc&product=training-project rgmwa
  18. Well that sure explains why that engine hasn't made an appearance yet. rgmwa
  19. And I do like that nice big aviator's scarf you got to go with the boots. Genuine silk from Target I presume? rgmwa
  20. Just shows it's the result that matters, not how you got there. rgmwa
  21. rgmwa

    First flight

    Thanks guys. rgmwa
  22. rgmwa

    First flight

    Thanks Yenn. It only drags the tail if I get the landing wrong. There's no wheel at the back. JB will do the real test flying. Once we know it performs as advertised, I'll complete the balance of the 25 hours after he's happy that I know how to fly it properly. Cheers Rob
  23. rgmwa

    First flight

    Thanks Poteroo, I'll try not to let the side down. Cheers Rob
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