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Everything posted by coljones

  1. A bit like the LNP claims about new jobs created. Full-time, part-time, casual, zero-hour, low price contract or student or 471 visa holder. Offset by sackings, closures, redundancies. I suspect that there are lots of people working unpaid overtime with new jobs being largely part-time or casual you might find that total work hours have fallen. Numbers of flying people will always go up and down. With wages levels pegged below inflation there is little incentive for people to go flying. The numbers issue is more to do with government policies rather than RAA behaviours.
  2. There is a lot of talk about how "much" people have in the tanks at the end of a flight of variable performance and environment. Perhaps we should be contemplating on how "little" fuel we have. If you run out of juice on the ground you can call NRMA. In the air, call AirServices. It is particularly embarrassing if you run out of juice in the circuit when you could have been processes straight in with a "Mayday Fuel" (or being vectored and cleared to YSCN rather than risking an outlanding on the way to YSBK)
  3. Nominations now open 1 June 2018 Recreational Aviation Australia is pleased to invite members to nominate for election to the board. With almost ten thousand members, we are the fastest growing group of aviators in Australia, and the role of our Board is to supervise overall business and compliance performance. Under the RAAus Constitution (Clause 36) two directors are required to stand down and nominations are called for from the membership to fill these vacancies. Current Directors are eligible to renominate. All candidates must ensure they are available to attend Canberra on the weekend of 3rd and 4th of November for a Board meeting and the AGM. Nominations open 1 June 2018 and close 6 July 2018, 5:00pm EST. Members are invited to attend the 2018 Annual General Meeting to be held in Canberra on the 3rd of November at 2:00pm. Please download the information pack for the 2018 Board Director Nominations. For more information please email [email protected] CEO [email protected] General Enquiries [email protected] Pilot and Student Enquiries [email protected] Aircraft Enquiries [email protected] Ops Enquiries [email protected] Safety Enquiries [email protected] This email was sent by Recreational Aviation Australia, Recreational Aviation Australia, 3/1 Pirie Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2904, Australia to [email protected] Unsubscribe
  4. How close do you really think you are to 30 minutes of fuel in the tanks when you think you have 30 minutes of fuel in the tanks?
  5. How much of that 30 mins do you actually have left? How imminent is "imminent"?
  6. They are after feedback from non-members as well (the wanna-bees and the yousta-bees)
  7. Bruce,. It may be easier than you think (don't overthink). Go and talk to a flying school, which will tell you what their process is to get you over the line (go and talk to a few of them - starting with the one that hates Jabs so that it will get easier - then have a holiday in Albany as I understand the CFI there is a good bloke). The only things which you won't have done is under the hood, CTA procedures, a medical and a flight review, which might be at a higher level. You will need a transponder for Class C.
  8. Australia was unable to use the Mirage in Vietnam because of French interference. There might be financial and engineering penalties in establishing an Australian defence industry but Australia is a long way from anywhere else and well provisioned defence forces and diplomacy are essential. Killing off defence industries or giving them boom to bust conditions, like they currently go through, is pretty stupid.
  9. Instead of just hours, RAA should record and publish take off and landing statistics. After all 90% of the trip is in the first and last 5 minutes. Ultra light pilots get much more excitement in those 10 minutes than jumbo pilots get in 12 hours (apart from Russian Scuds). I would estimate that a Jabiru engine gets much more excitement than any other engine, given the numbers doing circuits in training.
  10. Some things take time to show up. Is there a test for mad cow disease in blood? Some things take time to work through the system and you need info trails to chase down those affected. You can, with a lot of expense, recreate plans and drawings for a dam or refinery but not for the clients of bad medicine.
  11. The maps only show sources on line, not power available. Coal fired stations are very hard to put on and take off line and their pricing model might be that it is more economical to give the power away than to depower the station.
  12. The back up for wind is the windfarm on the other side of the hill (brought to you by the power of networking and smart engineering). The farmer may get paid rent for the land where the tower is but the wind farm operator only gets paid when power is being generated and placed on the grid. Turbulence? Bugger all. Navigation Hazzard - what you can see can alert you to where you are. My complaint about the grid is that they can be hard to see. I would like the power people to paint the tops Orange so I have an alternate to roads and rail for navigation
  13. Ah, mea.culpa (as Gough would say). Capitalism is the Govt. giving money or forgiving tax only to the big end of town.
  14. As evidenced by some recent enquiries, that is precisely how Capitalism works.
  15. An opinion piece about an opinion piece (probably about an opinion piece) - what has this to do with aviation?
  16. Somewhere, out there is a square. On one corner you have Abbott and the Rabbids, another you have the Lord will provides, another you have a very puce-faced Turnbull and on the final corner you have (the quite reasonable, fair-minded, honest) green power supporter. Is the solution anywhere inside this square?We should move this over to the other site and get your 737 out of the picture.
  17. There are times, Ron, when wind turbines are spinning uselessly because there is no demand, when no-one is cooking or running A/C in Summer or heating in winter. (Ignoring of course expensive aluminium smelting). There are also time when users don't consume expected power being produced by coal fired stations which can't be turned off instantaneously. All this surplus power can be used to operate water storage systems with energy available on a quick release basis to the network.
  18. QNH is the pressure. Temperature affects density with pressure remaining constant. If you heat up a pan of molasses the pressure at the bottom of the saucepan will remain constant but the mollasses will expand, become less dense and less viscous. Things that used to float in cold mollasses will now tend to sink. When the density of air decreases things that used to float, like an aeroplane, will now tend to fall and will need more power to stay afloat. An everyday example of this is an Archimedes thermometer where the floaty things depend for their position on the density of the fluid which depends on the temperature. An Altimeter with QNH correctly set will tell you how high you are. Density altitude tells you how well you will fly (if at all) and how long it will take you to take off (if you can). Most performance charts will make take off and landing distance calculations easy for you. A high and hot day can bugger up your plans.
  19. Burning anything in a small room is bad for anyone's health - that includes any unflued fire including those depending upon coal, which is probably worse than dung because of the presence of toxic tars and Radon gas. Occupational and Environmental Causes of Lung Cancer
  20. "State sponsored endeavour"? Hasn't anyone mentioned the banks and energy companies to you recently?
  21. Were the bags surplus to requirements (and not worth pulling out of the roof space) or are there holes in the insulation where they should have been placed?
  22. Before the 1900s most people walked.
  23. Number 2 is Orange NSW - I cheated, I flew there on Sunday (but no $100 hamburgers in sight)
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