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Ben Longden

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Everything posted by Ben Longden

  1. That is so fantastic... a perfect example of Chinglish To be honest, it would have been better if they just left it in Mandarin, like my mate with the Chinese lettering on the front of his cap... gibberish until the cap is turned on its side.. Ben
  2. You are indeed a fortunate man.. Robyn is 100% behind me when I fly.. and is even willing to be a passenger.. albeit a nervous one.. Ben
  3. :thumb_up: Too good a bloke to lose from the Aviation Industry.... Hope you stay around mate. Ben
  4. Correct me if i'm wrong, but lightning is usually associated with Cumulonimbus clouds. And correct me if I am wrong, but to avoid lightning, you simply dont fly near Cb. Mind you, if you want to get home at all, in one piece Cb is best avoided. Which begs the question, why do you then need lightning protection? *mind you, this is a bit of a thread hijack, so apols* ben
  5. er.... um.... lightning protection? :raise_eyebrow: Something comes to mind about flying and proximity to Cb.... Ben
  6. In here, in heerre iiiin heereee. Percussion storm; badambadambadam..... guitar solo rising.... ;) Ben
  7. Finger food? be a bit boney, eh? Tim Penny did the CASA briefing at Shepparton along with Michael White and covered the subjects of Situational Awareness (read; wheres the bloody power line) and operations at uncontrolled airports (read; fly the circuit properly and use a bloody radio). If anyone has not been able to get to one of the briefings, and wants to know a bit more, then Shepparton Aero Club videoed the two talks. Be advised they are an hour long each. My suggestion would be to approach instructor Stewart Greig at Shepparton and ask if he can copy a disc for your aero club. That way everyone can watch them, and they become a teaching tool of your club. Ben
  8. Hey Bigpete, I thought that was you I heard on the CTAF departing Echuca.... Mark, that is bloody great news. Now I have another spot to call into when tootling around! Ben
  9. Oh gee, I cant see the screen for tears of laffter... Ben
  10. We have that now in Victoria with the Collingwood series of stamps.... Ben
  11. Using the CTAF or area freqs, I can see a 'bit' of a problem, but would they get into strife using the 'numbers'? Ben
  12. If you do Temora... then make it for a Flying Weekend. They have the only two airworthy and flying Spitfires in the country. A great place, with a bloody fantastic and enthusiastic aero club as well. Ben
  13. Might pay to whack a UHF CB radio in the AC instead.... I wonder if there are any regs against using a CB for non aviation conversations from air to ground... Ben
  14. SWEET! It really is tragic that Wallan has closed. But bloody brilliant that Locksley is open! :thumb_up: Ben
  15. I have to agree, Bigpete. It was a top one. Great to finally meet you Kaz -n- Matt :thumb_up: Ben
  16. I'm astonished RPT was still flying.... Ben
  17. Not sure if this was the right place for this. Ben 08:32 AEST Sun Jun 29 2008 Gale-force winds have stopped nearly 20 flights in and out of Wellington International Airport, as officials warn it is not safe for passengers and aircrews to walk onto the tarmac. Some people boarding small planes had been blown over by winds up to 140km/h after leaving the terminal, Radio New Zealand reported. Bigger planes on main trunk routes were not affected because they use air bridges. Car ferry crossings between the North and South islands were cancelled because of seven-metre high waves in Cook Strait. Police closed the main highway linking Wellington with New Zealand's biggest city, Auckland, to the north, because snow made it too dangerous.
  18. Yep... I flew Neils Storch a few times during training, including a dual navex to Wang. Danged nice plane and a dream to fly. :thumb_up: PM Neil for more info.. Ben
  19. :thumb_up: Sad thing is; its true..... :devil: Ben
  20. ROFLMAO!!!! Pete George tells me the Jab is back and in action - and was ferried back from the factory by the man who walked away from the prang in the first place. I dips me lid. :thumb_up: Ben
  21. Not too deadly, but deadly painful. This is what happened when one bloke decided to pee on an electric fence.... Ben
  22. Usually along the lines of "caaaanyerlendustwentybucksmaaaate" Ben
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