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Ben Longden

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Everything posted by Ben Longden

  1. Or this.... YouTube - Check This Out
  2. Thats good news. Any idea why the engine failed? Ben
  3. Is that what the folding stuff looks like? I never get to see any... mortgage takes it all.... Ben
  4. Nice stuff! Try angling it in a bit so we see the landing gear... then a few other shots from different locations on and in the aircraft - and a couple from the ground (or air to air)... three to four seconds per clip (after fades).. Lot of work, but the end result will be worth it! Ben
  5. If you look on the VTC, you will see the step... lots of them... Only too clearly... ;) Go over it, without The Nod and you can be sure you will hear about it from ATC....:hittinghead: But I guess thats just one sort of 'step' we can be talking about... Ben
  6. The problem is with the reporters at the paper themselves. Often they are inexperienced, know nothing yet know everything. Ben
  7. Unca CASA would have the 12th..... Venture not onto any runway without permission lest CASA smite the wreckage of thy craft.
  8. Way to go! One of the truly memorable moments in your life. Ben
  9. I showed it to a doctor mate of mine.... and he want to know if he can have a couple of crates.... Ben
  10. Heading to Swan Hill this afternoon from Shepparton, I heard of an EFATO - a real one at Swan Hill. All I heard was the pilot and plane are fine. Anyone? Ben
  11. I had a great day... You could (almost) say it was better than sex. I did a flight, the 150 nautical mile trip as part of the PPL, and decided to see the Swan Hill area from the sky. I'm used to the drive from Echuca with work, but I wanted to see the lakes.. Bloody hell, the drought is terrible, looking at it from the sky. Remember, farms produce the food you eat: No farms, no food. Check the piccies. The worst and most telling part is Lake Boga. The once secret Catalina Flying Boat maintenance depot is stone cold, motherless dry. Last winter it was magnificent. Now its not. The lake that is... the town and folk are bloody great. Swan Hill was amazing.. busy with 35 aircraft coming in and around for the Megafauna trip. It was an interesting experience coming in, listening to all the traffic and then hearing one mans training become instinct as he had a real engine failure in a Drifter doing a real forced landing north of the city. His instructor would be proud. The only real drama was one plane departing on Runway 22 - when its reciprocal, 08 was the active. Lunch was nice and peaceful. I even met up with a Movietone News stringer from the 1950s. Six landings all up,mostly touch and go including a pit stop at Kerang. I have to say the Universe was looking after me, as I did my best ever landing in front of the crowds at Swan Hill. Ben Approaching Kow Swamp at 4500 ft A sad sight - a drying up lake Worst of all, Lake Boga is dry and drought ravaged
  12. Or that Bush could be perceived as a malignant tumour... but thats getting a bit rough (to tumours..) or even that to have a malignant brain tumour, Bush is missing the essential ingredient, a brain. Ben
  13. A fly in? My thoughts exactly. Organise another for Echuca, and its guaranteed to rain here... Ben
  14. Too true, really..... Ben *never fly jetstar again*
  15. Sort of.... Its now up there with the rainmaking urban myth of polishing the car. Hang about... I DID polish the car the other day.... Ben
  16. Oh mate... We even had a Rain Dance down here....:raise_eyebrow: Serious. [/COLO
  17. Er.... a strange weather phenomenon is happening around here... Water falling from the sky. I dont seem to be able to find a definition for it, or a cause in the theory books - although, I understand this was a phenomenon seen in the last century. Anyone? ;) Ben
  18. I have to say that Mike hit it on the head... The last thing you need in the cockpit is an unmaneagable passenger. You really one that can and will take instruction... The next thing is that you need to be ready to take a passenger - defined as ballast who cannot help you when the flight goes not to plan. You also need to be ready to take a kid as a passenger, with the obvious responsibility that goes with it. When will that happen? Well, the answer is a bit cryptic really. You will know it when the time is right for you. Until then learn as much as you can, and practice those landings. Ben
  19. On the same day in question (for Big Pete), I had a news job to fillum in Cohuna. It was around lunchtime the fog started to lift there, but it was not VFR Kosher until about 2pm. Ben
  20. Good stuff Ferret, I find like Neil, that drawing the lines on a real map, will give you a better mental picture of the route. Also, I found the Wizz Wheel a bit easier to use than my flight computer.. besides, there are no batteries to conk out at the crucial moment Ben
  21. 'specially with solicitors..... Ooops, did I just say that? Ben
  22. :thumb_up: Ahhhh..... nice classic Cleese and Co.. Love the end line.... Ben
  23. Awwwww..... takes all the fun out of it..... Drawing the lines on the maps, working out the distances, and bearings... whizzing up the flight times and fuel on the wheel.... ;) Ben
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