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Piet Fil

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Everything posted by Piet Fil

  1. Well, I have watched others have the joy of posting the news that they gained their pilots certificate and today its my turn. To Quote J.G Magee "Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter silvered wings; Sunward, I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth, Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things, You have not dreamed of -wheeled and soared and swung, High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along and flung, My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long delirious burning blue I've topped the wind swept heights with easy grace, Where never lark, nor eagle, flew; And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod, The high untresspassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand and touched the face of God." Sorry for the length of the post, but young Magee's words sum up some of the joy I feel. I appreciate the challenge of what I have achieved so far and cherish the amount of learning yet to come. A big thanks to Michael Apps (Snowy Aviation Academy) down at Cooma for his instruction and helping me learn. Today is a good day! Phil
  2. Good stuff Motz, This is what aviation communities should be about! Like others, I never fail to be surprised by some peoples generosity. BZ Solomon, Liz and Motz Phil
  3. Well done a big CONGRATS to you Phil (close behind you on the timeline)
  4. Puddles, I used the Dyson Holland HPL book, found it was pretty spot on for the exam and easy to read. BTW - If you get the question on heart disease, even though all the options given are true, they all contribute, just remember that smoking is the root of all evil regarding heart disease Phil
  5. Mike, Well done on the solo! Its something no-one can ever take away from you. Enjoy Phil
  6. Congrats, awesome feeling isn't it. There are those that know how you feel (fliers who have gone solo) and then there is every one else. well done and it goes to show persistence pays. :clap2:
  7. Jake, I appreciate the frustration, between weather and work I haven't been able to go up since 25 Jun. This sunday for sure!!!!
  8. Welcome Virago, Look forward to hopefully seeing some photos of your build as it comes along.
  9. Dex and FT, Thanks for the two video clips, some excellent info in them. Really highlights the balancing of turns and releasing of back pressure. As well as height is life. Thanks for the thread everyone.
  10. Well done Ben, Its a great moment ...... and one to certainly treasure. Phil
  11. Tomo, well done ...................... keep on learning (and keep posting the cool vids) Phil
  12. Great news Jake, remember its more about enjoying the learning journey. there is always more to know on every aspect of flying. I think thats why I find it so fascinating, the learning never stops. Yay Phil
  13. ReD, Funnily enough, I say the same thing to myself "If I never get my certificate, would I still be happy having my instructor along every time I flew....... you betcha ... its still flying! (which beats being mortally landbound anyday)" Phil
  14. One of the things I did between flights (whilst walking my dogs) was to mentally visualising the process, including talking through everything as I would in the cockpit. I would start by mentally saying to myself "Ok I am approaching the aircraft" then talk myself through a pre-flight, engine start, taxiing, run-ups, take-off, circuit and landing. I would say aloud all my checks and radio calls as well as what I was doing, even physically moving my head as required. for example I would say " ready for my downwind turn, check left (look left), check right (look right), check over(look forward and up), check left (look left), lead with rudder and then gentle aileron, balance the turn, "Location Traffic, Jabiru XXXX, turning downwind runway 18, location", gentle roll out and balance the plane" (led to some weird looks from other dog walkers but who cares). What I found was that by doing this, once i was in the circuit my head could cope a lot easier with the workload and I still verbalise my intentions to myself, using a if it doesn't sound right then it may not be the right thing to do. Worked for me
  15. 30 years Navy, first ten as a sailor, trade as a shipwright/boatbuilder, last twenty as a Marine Engineer. A few more to go and then I'll think up something new to do for retirement (apart from flying ..... horse riding .......... skiing .........fly fishing .......) Phil
  16. Richard was one of my instructors at Cooma, his generous sharing of knowledge, kind words and cool head will be sorely missed in the right seat. I only knew Peter (Heon) through his sage words on the web, he could be relied upon for a thoughtful point of view and a passion for the sport. Both men will be missed by all that knew them. My thoughts are with all their family and friends. Phil Ridgway
  17. Congrats Evan, make them enjoy it as much as you do!! :chat:
  18. A sad sad event, My thoughts are with both families and all those involved. Phil
  19. If you like bored military being creative you might like
  20. Well done, Jerra, you were most probably a little bit psyched out with the impending solo without knowing it. I know I have been flying heaps better from the flight after that first solo. The self pressure is off and the absolute enjoyment of flying has really kicked in. Anyway we all have good days and some not so good, its just a matter of remembering that your worst day flying is better than the best day ever in the office :thumb_up: Phil
  21. Kaz, You are sounding like a ship driver who doesn't trust electronic charting (NCDS). BTW if you want a good read that involves usinga sextant whilst flying have a read of Sir Francis Chichesters biography. Phil
  22. Nunans, I'm at the 15hr mark and just gone solo, enjoying the bag out of the learning process, every flights a joy. Just wish I had more money and less work but then I'd still have to balance family and flying. Ahhh lifes good.
  23. Well Done Scott, I can only imagine what that feeling is like, its in my future somewhere and it happens when it happens. Congrats Phil
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