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Everything posted by Bandit12

  1. Probably just one of many possibilities FT. Let's not put it out there as fact without evidence to support it.
  2. ....bail out of my Jiminy Cricket (the little known predecessor to Tyrojackowhatsocricket) faster than a Bored member can say "I just wanna little time with me kids ya know". "Careful where you say that sort of thing in public" advised the bronchial one, "I said that once while standing near a kindergarten wearing my flying coat over the the auld jump suit, and they called the fuzz on me - thought I was some kind of wierdo!" This reminded Tubby of a time when someone called flying cops on him after an inverted beat up over......
  3. "I think that we should all vote for Bob's Cat....err, maybe that isn't such a good idea, although it is a very attractive feline" added the Rocky Horror. "Cats???" shouted Mr Skinny Beaver "I stand for cats, and I stand for our right to have heavier cats if we want to. Whatayouall gotta say about that???" "I'm lonely" answered the cane farmer "Will you be my......
  4. Couldn't agree more, if you have a bad run you can spend 20 minutes of your hour driving around at Moorabbin before you can call it "flying". I've had much better runs than that many times, but it hurts when you get a long taxi to the southern end, wait for traffic and then do most of it in reverse to get back.
  5. Don't forget that doing NAVs doesn't automatically mean that you have to move up to the 172. There is no reason why you can't do it in a 152. While the same route may take you slightly longer than in the 172, I suspect the end cost will still be a little less. Be aware that it will be a little more cramped, but a 152 is more than capable of doing the cross country with ease. I knew a couple of guys who went back to the 152 to build hours for a CPL, as for the same dollar amount they got more hours.
  6. Off topic, but I am spitting, leaving on a family holiday to the States on the morning of the 16th, and when I got the email from TAVAS I knew there was no chance of making it. Take lots of pictures and start a thread please!
  7. ....is a real hit with the ladies, rolling with his hommies down to the aeroclub bar. "Hey Mods" bellowed the Harlot, "come and check out my Benz, did ya all knowz that I have pimped it with one of them chinaroo enjuns? Now the thing really flys!" "Flys?" questioned Madge, knocking back another iced tea and metho "That tub won't fly. Check out my beaver, that thing really......
  8. Hey Nev, what did you have in mind? A good old beasting or a little re-education perhaps?
  9. Secondary effect of ailerons in ground effect on the Lockheed must have been really effective
  10. ....is the sequel to the successful book "How to convert your Jabiru engine for use in a Volkswagen Beetle in 3 easy steps" Step 1: Remove engine following heavy landing and undercarriage doing "the splits". .......
  11. The Australian Emperor? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Australian_Emperor_in_flight.jpg
  12. ....."You can moderate my posts, you can even cancel my registration you little Pox. But you can't stop me flying my Tyro-ro-ro, at least in ground effect on a cool day!" You see, that is the problem when you go flying 20kg over the new MTOW (which funnily enough is 20kg less than the old one). The Hyphenator had considered whether he/she (gender not verified by independant sources) should sue, but always got stuck trying to work out who Sue actually was. "I know Sue" exclaimed Tubby "We had a wonderful weekend together back in the 80s, when.....
  13. Good luck mate, I'm sure that we will all like to hear about it after it is sorted out.....
  14. That would have made for awkward conversation on Mother's Day!
  15. Damn straight....us natives are getting restless
  16. I suspect that plans that have been truly released into the public domain would be fine. Just collect all of the information possible to verify the status in case it is ever challenged.
  17. Thoughts are it would be a heck of a lot easier to use those features than try to attract the same number of visitors to a regular website and offer the same services. And as far as advertising costs go, it is very cheap exposure!
  18. KG, if ever there was a good principle to follow, you just described it.
  19. But then you could argue that attitude is a large factor in how so many big mistakes have been made to date. I'll look into my crystal ball and predict that RA-Aus will not be overwhelmed by candidates with the requisite knowledge, skills and experience of running a national body in the near future. And that isn't hard to predict, because there hasn't been an overwhelming number of them for a while either. And if things are as bad as people like to predict, that could be a big disincentive for anyone with the knowledge to get involved, particularly if they feel that their personal assets may be at risk.
  20. Jim, you can respectfully disagree with any time :-) I don't want to downplay how important it is to bring appropriate experience in management. Rather that attitude is just as important, a willingness to learn equally important, and possibly most important to have people who are prepared to admit when they have no clue about a specific issue but have the foresight to seek the correct advise and not bumble around hoping for the best. There probably aren't many people who already have the skills, knowledge and experience to do the job well. But I hope that there are a few out there who have enough of the above to get started and the right attitude to get them the rest of the way.
  21. That video showed two things really well. First, just how far off the centreline the Fox had got. Second, this guy practised it, and still didn't do a great job on the second aproach. He touched down heavily with a lot of sink, sideways and on the edge of the strip. He needed to go to full power just to stop himself from wrapping it up in a ball.....
  22. Best of luck with it Maj, I think you will bring something good to the table if you make it there. Be careful of condemning the "posh over-educated clique" types though, as it isn't education that is going to count. Whether you are a PhD or a brickies labourer, what will really count is passion for the area, and willingness to learn what is needed and to ask for help (from the right people with the right knowledge and experience at the right time) when needed. The person with the right attitude will work to get done what needs to be done. The person with the right corporate experience, or the right flying experience, won't necessarily. Give me someone with the right attitude and none of the experience any day over someone with the wrong attitude.
  23. Re-re-re-re-retracted? I'm so confused Gawd bless em, if it wasn't for this sort of thing we would have nothing to do except talk about/go flying!
  24. I posted on this thread, reconsidered and decided to retract my post. Following legal advice, which I shall not share, it has been established that I am entitled to retract my post as it wasn't a real post. No one is entitled to argue with my retraction unless they are prepared to take me to court. Finally, this post shall exist as proof that I did not in fact post on this thread. Signed, A Poster
  25. Sorry to hear that the changes have hit you so hard Nev. It's a bugger of a position to be in, and I feel for anyone with dollars tied up in businesses/aircraft. I agree with what you are saying about Wayne too - sometimes the task just is too big for the resources. The market will take care of that for RA-Aus/CASA, as disgruntled people give up, sell up (maybe with big financial losses) and walk away very bitter indeed. Airsick's hypothetical is as good a projection as any I have heard, and Andy's post should be real cause for concern. The true costs of all of this won't be seen for a couple of years, and with a bit of hindsight members may be able to look back and say "gee, I hope we never let it get so bad again" but that will be little comfort to those who are losing now.
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