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Everything posted by bull

  1. doing a spit roast with the white man seasoned with.....
  2. ..the ballistic parachute handle! Nah said the rat,he had better watch out for those Amazonian warrior women ,they like those skinny boys in leather pants .Yes said Me,eat,men [the butcher of the local sausage eating tribe]those leather pants always make the meat more tender.We might have a................[Meeatmen and her sisters]
  3. a tiny little grass strip just within range , but..........
  4. fire up the old jeep with the ww2 flight pac fitted [AVREF] she flew alright the last time i took her up , hmmmm must have been around 1952 i think said Morton . Ok said turdy but where is cappy going to sit?
  5. I advise you to steer cleer of it ! Go west young man...Alice springs is pretty crowded, but ya might get a tie down spot if ya hurry said.................
  6. aerostar crashed at the end of the runway whilst attempting to takeoff whilst 1500kg overweight with bed linen and cocaine. The end result of this [TEPOC] investigation only recovered the bed linen as the cocaine had disappeared.[suspected to have been flown out via Cappy airlines disguised as..............
  7. Stop press: Asio has arrested the ring leader of the NES import company as part of the investigations into international money laundering, Sgt,Wegotja said that the Captain [alias ,cappy /Ratty/etc] was involved in the moving of funds from international crime rings into Australia. And a nation wide alert has been issued for the captains second in charge who we are closing in on ,beware this individual is classified as dangerous and the public is advised to NOT approach him if recognized and notifie authorities immediately. He is described as looking like a village people actor with a pentchant for tight leather pants. This is the only image we have of him at present and if seen report straight away.
  8. Arse, now the vespa was careening at a fast pace heading directly for.............
  9. around the bend at a great pace ! Oh sxxxt said........
  10. Notice! to all concerned , The Tigress progress association hereby deny any assosiation with the aviator called Issac or the other bottom feeding rat cappy as the last time we saw them up the tigress they...........
  11. very compromising way with .......
  12. The NES , who seem to have now gone to the redacted monkeys with 1980,s motorola phones and FBI/CIA/cappy,s weird dreams and conspiracy theories....................Well you have to roll[avref] with the times said turdy, why just now 88 was..............
  13. sound of Ahlox,s rotax 582 [avref] spinning up to his 6600 max revs was heard ,and heads turned to see...Ahlox,s blue machine soaring overhead ,flat out climbing at 400 ft per minute with all the weight of the..................
  14. ..the old massey could only do 20 mph flat out, so cappy now had a problem ! a mathamatical problem ,between stall speed [avref] and massey speed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??hmmmm said 88 maybe he should..........
  15. the Scottish and welsh was flowing thickly amongst the many many other diverse languages spoken by the rello,s of the cappy and turdo. Now i,m confused said 88[formally 87]why just now the rat was................
  16. .every morning just looking for his socks !!and dont get him started on those special custom made 3 hole jocks,,,,,said .............
  17. cooperated with the german submarine commander [the famous 88,,,then known as 87] to bring .................
  18. will forever be etched [literally] in stone [as he looked up just as it went bang and was seared into the courtyard]and remembered as the one who....................
  19. bit late cappy,and hilo and 88 where seen dancing around the conning tower and rolling around in fits of laughter after seeing the turd boy and cappy paddling away from the wreck on a Cowley float,,An evil laugh could be heard as 88 turned the submarine around and yelled to hilo ::ramming stations;and both cappys and turdys eyes grew ever and ever bigger as they watch the sharp.........
  20. Meanwhile 88 had checked the torpedo compartment and had found there was 4 perfect type 94 torpedos already loaded in the tubes ,you beauty he said to himself before he went and dragged old hilo back on board. After drying himself Hilo said "look over there " whats that boat it looks like the one the turd cruised to the gold coast schoolies on last year . Hmmm said 88 with an evil look on his face...
  21. .... he realised that it was just hilo,s BO, so he tied him to a rope and threw him over the side and towed him for awhile to get rid of the smell. Now Turdo and the rat had been living the life on Turdos private resort on king island after crashing the mighty gemini on the beach after running out of fuel just as they arrived. After many parties and liaison's with King island local girls ,they decided to go cruising on Turdos private yacht and after about 10 daiquiris and some 5 fingered tomato bush, the Cappy slurred to Turdo,,,Hey what,s that stick thingy following us in the water hmmm said the Turd i,m not sure but maybe it is ..............
  22. a faint voice calling out "",who,s that ?"" 88 got up and looked around and down on the beach sat hilo who was exhausted after his swim to the island after turdo flicked him off the thruster. After giving him some water from his radiator cooler bag he managed to snag off the thruster before being thrown to the tail 88 sat down and Hilo and 88 started to discuss how to escape to enact revenge apon the rat and the turd. Hilo said you know a bit about those old submarine thingys don,t you? Why,s that said 88? well said Hilo as i was swimming to the beach i saw a remarkably preserved type VII german uboat laying in a cove just around the corner there, as he pointed to the nearest headland, ok lets have a look said 88 and they started walking along the beach and as they rounded the headland where astounded to see.................this..,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,Mein gott,,,, said 88 ,in a previous life before the witness protection program i skippered one of them [88 in a previous life] and ................
  23. turdo,s hideaway on king island. Only one problem the mighty gemini just did not quite have enough range being so heavy with 88 still clinging to the tail of his [stolen by turdy] gemini. Ok said the whimpering pin cushion that was once cappy after fixing the punctured fuel line with a band aid,, we will have to..........
  24. These bullheads in my arse are becoming a real problem as i think one has punctured your fuel line as the fuse was slowly filling up with 87 unleaded[because 88 was always a cheap bastard] and they where leaving a contrail behind them,the internet went wild with the scream,,,,it,s chem trails again Dan dan is spraying all melbournians with DDT to kill the virus..................Na that car,nt be right said hilo i think it is just cappy peeing himself because Sgt Doughtfires Prictorian ultralight enforcement squadron, was closing in on the mighty thrusters tail .[see attached photo] Now what do we do said Cappy...............I have no idea said turdo [hanging on for grim death to the spindly fuselage pole as 88 said he was not welcome inside].Just shut up and watch said 88 as he threw the mighty gemini into a...................
  25. Corporate takeovers always stuff up a good thing,,,bloody shame to see this site [which has always been a "friendly" site] now turn into the 2020 """we want more and more""" just like the RAA has gone . Will be the death of recflying me thinks ,,,,,sad
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