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Everything posted by bull

  1. the blue oyster doing skid marks and traction events[don,t ask said cappy] . Well that is a fine..............
  2. And after doing the singing thing and seeing the photos of turdo,s new chaps,,Cappy decided that that leather look was just right for his next appointment,so after being online for 5 minutes his new leathers where on the way ,this is cappy,s new "assistant " trying them on for him,,,WOW said hilo you,ll look a treat at the grand reopening of the blue oyster bar [after the covid bullshit],,i bet you,ll get plenty of...................
  3. new undies, as he had not changed them for a week , and they where starting to..........
  4. I,m with stupid, with an arrow pointing at turdo,,,,,said cappys new shirt from Dan dan. I,m offended screamed.............
  5. ..border country of southern NSW?? Pan pan [avref]Dan dan said to the rat,,,,,it,s all the same now. The Prictorian SS BRANCH of CASA had taken advantage of the current pandemic and no flying to start snooping around all the very FULL hangers around the country to try and find all those raa flyers who had not renewed the rego of their hobbie cats with victas,,well said turdo........
  6. this new format reeellly suckkks ,and it is not giving out notifications at all. Arrghhh she be right said Salty [also just rescued, from the dark web] Eeeannn will change it again soon ,so don,t sweat it,it,s 2020 for flucks sake,,sake sounds like a good idea ,said Turdo [just back from Hiroshima]don,t mind if i do , he said as.............
  7. After months of being lost in the dark web,those chicko lolls sound awesome cried the decrepit creature that once was a proud and strong BULL , who was now downtrodden by EEEEannnn and his format changes and was reduced to begging outside the local FBO[avref]for joy flights just to feed his raging habit.. After searching hi and lo [he had nothing ] Bull stumbled on the NEW wreckflying and is to this point withholding judgment as to improvements or detriments....Flark where is my komono,cried Nobu,it was just here a minute ago.....
  8. home grown corona !!!,,this version you lot got ,is nothing compared to ours said Nobu quietly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,[now this really worried all the true NES fans because Sir Nobu is a founding character of "The Story" and his health is very important to us.],,,,,Geeeessse ,said.............
  9. All missed the underdog Bull who came climbing up on the polls to the point of a landslide victory as Vice President of the United States of America!!!!!!!!!! [hooly flark] said Nobu [just back from flying in his zelo avref] what do we do now?.................
  10. used to grow the five finger tomato bushes in his teens,why just the other day Salty had........
  11. The new keyboards has too many donut crumbs ,,lol Could be shouted Turdo,after dragging himself back upright [spin recovery,avref] he always had a history of.......
  12. AND from the corner could be heard the cry,,,,,,,you called ME a CAT !!!!!!! screamed Sir Ratty and blam straight to Turdo,s chin,,arse over head he went and as he was falling it could be heard.................
  13. the rat [captain] being escorted into parliament house to introduce his new road map forward for Prictoria ,after Chairman Dan asked the rat what he thought he should do. Now the plan that Ratty and Turdo had worked out one night after some Drambuie and rum was pretty intense .....Holly toledo said batman [hilo still in disguise] That has to be better then the Wuhan ....................
  14. .flight in the turbine loehle with twin drop tanks you can not drop . Now Bull from Taswegia had already done a test flight over Prictoria to drop shit on chairman Dans house ,but was intercepted by the rat flying a Jabiru who was so lucky just to get a fleeting glance at Bull, before his trusty jabiru went though some through bolts and smoke started streaming from the stricken Jabiru as it decended [avref] into the St kilda beach area and was last seen being arrested on the beach for not wearing a mask,,holy toledo batman[turdo in disguise] said..................
  15. .down to check out this flying interloper,just as turdo had exited the 152 the magpies where startled by this apparition emerging from this flying beast and went into a.................
  16. Eeeeen this time the turdo has been beaten to the punch by onesie,,,now this has to be a record and others NES users are starting to question his ......
  17. If you shag like a "bull" maybees ve vill come to some arraignment, you be vasting zee time with zee onsie, said bull on his portable long distance HF [avref] set from the mud under the bridge on the DMZ. He is still reading popeye comics and thinks getting laid is how you get an omelette....................[disclaimer: the cappy,s shagged dog had nothing to do with onesie, but the rat had to come up with some answers for the RSPCA when turbs dobbed him in]
  18. ..just could not handle that Korean Kimchi,,I,m just popping down the shops for some smokes ,said Bull as he careened out the door and slid into his custom made person carrying drone [avref] and escaped..................into the blue..............
  19. would always talk about beer prices,,,Why when i was a first drinking a 10 ounce beer was 35cents and a pack of durries was 95cents etc etc........
  20. turdo in a V neck shirt with long shorts and long white socks as well!!,,,,Nah thats no coincidence,,why he does ..............
  21. as turdo misses the beat ,smashed at the post by the rat again
  22. they even let me drive the tractor with the water tank on "that "trailer"[cappy knows about that "trailer"and the things that went on inside!] ,,,,, in which "Mavis lost her .............
  23. .in pain ,because the new $40 dollar pens that we are made to use are so hard to...............
  24. .the present Secretary,,of the Auf [avref] who,s aspirations where far beyond his ability but still persisted to cry out...........
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