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Everything posted by bull

  1. .the present Secretary,,of the Auf [avref] who,s aspirations where far beyond his ability but still persisted to cry out...........
  2. it aint over till it,s over, and doing wingovers [avref] whilst under the tree canopy can and will cause it to be.................
  3. .the red rovers flying club . Why just the other day..
  4. Fuel bill anymore,,We must do something about that Cappy said Sir Nobu, why he is always ................
  5. Eeeeenn the cappy has done wreckflying an injustice by referring to this as an aviation related thread,please discipline this incumbent . now back to the story..............
  6. buy a better broom with remote control override,that way when she flies over to annoy me i can...........
  7. Mother inlaws and their brooms,why just the other day turdo,s m,i,l, was seen to be suffering from controlled flight into terrain syndrome ,,[ref picture] this happened on a training flight . Why are you showing my m,i,l, bull? i get to see enough of her when i...................... ]
  8. somewhere to pull a few "cones"MyWay ,,what with the new CASA doctrine of infiltrating the masses and slowly pulling...........
  9. running ,just like bull is now a permanent resident of the apple isle, as he too has upset dictator dan by reposting the arrest of a pregnant woman for posting a fakebook post. Now i,ll definetly need a plane with shit loads more range to visit the big isle said bull,something that can fly around the communist state of prictoria and drop balloons full of shit on Poodundans home and then fly on cause if i get off the ferry or land in prictoria i face being arrested. Wow said hilo what........
  10. Loehle parasol all timber 503 made from plans https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Loehle%20Sport%20Parasol_combined.pdf?token=AWwWx0rIIN_zQtyvlqlelj6gX17OzvTQPrYDTzgY6wUyssrwPgS-WCbL2m8GSutHBLbklkSiG2LLb55IA_akX0forpKYtax9dh10kLWoSsyEpGX4q5NNpMVo-1Ok3iQm7fRo21AtBKE09Apbn9_qETnvBwcuMeB4LYc2ZfB5Qb8CEjvliZ7Ohcqp1OzFTm_2hxRdGN0jJhQQZ2YTad3JJ1skKSTSeQP3CkpkERwu-JaP5rV_-yxG7whmfA-vC2gzKjapNfx-u2ojKIPe9IZZNKtW
  11. said ,,,all you wannabe GA pilots with your 200 kt fantastic plastics really shit me she said. You have all lost the plot about what the AUF was all about cheap safe affordable flying ,she went off into a long rambling tirade about through bolts and such and then walked out of the room . [not before posting this little video and saying ,THIS was what it was all about FUN]....................... ....the room went silent and the stunned look on turdos face as he said ,,WOW someone actually flies those things,why they look bloody............
  12. an agent that colluded with rasg [resident aviators support group] to influence the result of the RAA [RESTRICTING AVIATION ASSOCIATION] elections for new board members. Now a name from the past {mavis] was put forward and...................
  13. he is protected,[glad you remember that little incident with my sister Iaann ,,said turdo] and can not be prosecuted. The wreck flyer forums erupted with the sounds of dissent, we are very ..........
  14. .get myself 14 virgins and go to the greek islands with Nobu in his zello, Thats a bloody good idea said turdy,got any spare virgins?.....maybe we could..............
  15. you car,nt do that screamed Poodundan,,,,,,,i promised Xi that i would give him NSW as well as South Austria. You cost me much money doing that and i,ll.......
  16. ..mixed breeds they are,,,why just the other day sir Ratty was telling us about his uncle the hedgehog who had...........
  17. .some crows as the rspca will.......................
  18. No no damage at all to air-frame,undercarriage absorbed all impact. i had an engine failure at 300 ft and that little track was the only place to go . Managed to get her down and on roll out hit that ditch that you can see just above the wing line only damage was undercarriage tubes and one prop blade nearly got away with it,, if ditch was not there would have been fine...she is repaired and flying again now.
  19. of covid 19 ,so everything came to screaching stop. Now people where starting to revolt and started strapping those $500 rotax thingys onto some bits of plywood and onmass started to fly out of Prictoria. Now the premier of Qweensland Topchook said ,call the airforce and shoot them all down ,,DO NOT LET THEM CROSS OUR BORDERS. Well the f18,s where patrolling along the border when..............
  20. report strange banjo noises coming out of the Forrest,now Poodundan was seen to be ...............
  21. rear orifice , "" POOO "" ,,,,, WHAT,S that smell screamed turdo after seeing the apparition call poodundan [witness protections new identity given to King Jon Dan] emerge from the septic tank where he had been hiding from...............
  22. the look on King jon Dan premier of Prictoria face as the real king of the big island put out a law that would wrest the commie control of Prictoria away from him..my god screamed Hilo, Commie Dan,s jaw hit the ground harder than a dambusters [avref] big boy bomb [avref] hit the turpitz[ navref]Commie Dan could be heard muttering under his breath ,flarrk how me pay back big china now shi shit he said , i,ll have to join the witness protection act after i get kicked out of prictoria,,,,,,No fluccing way a voice in the distance could be heard saying,,i,ll make sure they know where you..............
  23. hanger [avref] now turdo,s peck is not your normal peck either and the things that he did where..................
  24. the occasional peck behind the......................
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