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Everything posted by bull

  1. the new iron ore flying blimp transport airships being designed by the best draftsman and minds among all the rec/flying experts, a collaboration of …………… [ps aviation flavour was sadly lacking lately in the NES so ,all you experts chime in some ideas about future heavy transport..]
  2. Very sad about another couple of aviators dying in an accident,but it was just that ,,,an AIRCRAFT accident I,m really concerned when you use a generic term"ultralight" as if they are still the old REAL rag and tube ultralights 99% of those fatalities occurred in aircraft that are best described as ,light sport AIRCRAFT not ultralights. The true "ultralights are few and far between nowadays and painting those accidents as ultralights really will do no service to the remaining TRUE ultralighters who are not flying into terrain at over 100 kts nor trying to get a heavy large ,light sport aircraft into really tight strips that serve true "ultralights well but are not so friendly to the quasi GA aircraft of today.
  3. the buffet,,,"fuck cried bull, they spend 60 million after the cyclone to fix this joint up and they don't even get the flick man in,as he squashed another of the rats distant relos..
  4. fuel up the 230,and head south,,,What said turdy and bull??we only just got here and the pub tarts,opps sorry pub darts where supposed to to be pretty good ……………….[beaten to the punch by the very slippery turbo,,at least we both said to head south,,lol]
  5. Bull in the back mumbling about "true virgins again" and turbo cracking a stubby, the captain for once was not rancid as usual, he had found a gutter drain and had a bath ,,as per attached evidence...……………..
  6. .of epic proportions,unbelievably Tink and co has amassed over 1400 ferrets on a first class ferret track with live bunny bait. The announcer started his spiel...Ladies and Gentleman welcome to an event beyond...………….....………………
  7. But turbo and other NES contributors are just a bit more on the eightball then Cappy and after looking at said photo and realising that if you look really close ,you car,nt see any bulletsin the revolver as any shooter worth his lead knows "if your looking at the front of a 44 at that range and the gun is loaded you can quite clearly see the bullet tips in the chamber of the revolver,,,So we will have to put in some "sanctions" [good word that one ah,,watched Trummpy sayit on the telly] against the rat and I think limiting his ability to...……………...PS update ,,,sorry for being a bit slow on the uptake here guys/gals/in-betweens /etc.
  8. get back to you after I get back from our labor party meeting after paying off shorty to be quiet. Cant have those NES people knowing too much about...………….
  9. Holy scumolly cried Bull! Putting down his beer and reaching for his glasses he moved closer to the screen and read the last couple of posts on NES again,,slowly turning around he said,,,,,,that posts of cappies and turdy where sooo nice,,,maybe I,ll get an upgrade from ,"well known member" to maybe Well paid member???
  10. Meanwhile , Bull had had enough of this self flatulence of some of our NES members as the room was starting to pong a bit ,so fired up his trusty jackaroo and flew off north , before he went he could be heard talking to himself muttering ,,True virgins make dull companions, True virgins make dull companions over and over again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now whats all that mumbo about virgins cried out the Tink??? Don't really know said Cappy ,but I think he was trying to navigate somehow as he had had his plotter/gps knocked off while he had his hair cut . Suddenly...………….
  11. of her way of...…………[is it just me ??or does that racket seem to go somewhere???]…..
  12. This cappy is off his cap!! Ian slap his wrist [the limp one will do]he is making a spectacle of himself [again]and is upsetting the locals,,,cheers………..
  13. finally after much ado The Captain got out to the taxi way,and the check list could be heard being checked,but the last one on the list was disarm explosives before takeoff,,,so the cappy diligently leaned forward and flicked the switch...………………………..
  14. According to all the latest"legal" [all I could find in 5 min on the net]advice,,, my depiction of a ww2 submarine firing out a torpedo is just that ,, a depiction of a ww2 submarine firing off a torpedo,if this is taken or viewed or understood in any other way ,then maybe there are some members on here moderaters[[iIIAAANN]that have a bit of strange thought processes and maybe should seek some professional help...………...Bull from Bone...…………….
  15. his undoing ,as the Chinese suddenly came over in the middle of the night and stole tubs submarine from Freo and towed it back to india for scrap.
  16. and the disappearance of sir Nobu ,[who was last seen after a late night meeting with Turbo in the cross looking for that harlet that calls him randy]
  17. Wheres that turdy boy anyone seen him ?, I cant find him anywhere said bull,
  18. everybody knows the rat[captain] does not take negative views of him lightly,,,,,well after the dust had settled and the police and ambulances where gone ,a feeble voice could be heard whispering,,,,[has he gone yet?]from under the table. poor old turdy was in a bad way ,what with bruises on bruises and about a 1/3 of the blood required to sustain intelligent life. Now the other wreckflying crewsat down and had a long thought about what should be done about the fangiocaptain, I know said onesie from way over at the bar drinking gin and tonic,why don't we...………….Ps turdy is also known as randy some times [about twice a year,from that harlet in the cross...……………………]ps,after reviewing the latest posts , Bull has discovered he is one page behind on this post,,,but after reviewing his post again has found it flows with the story anyway so will remain up .
  19. a droning noise could be heard,,looking up the Turbo and Bull saw a "drone"[really just an old rc hustler with an os 40]circling above . Oh no screamed the onesie boy ,,cappy have found us ,what will we do now? Well said Bull maybe we...……………...
  20. war against those wreckflying buddies of the cappy,[but unbeknownst to the cappy the turdy and bull and that onesie boy had fired up sir nobbies zelo and stealing an idea from that Hollywood movie [flight of the phenix something or other] the zelo was seen to be climbing out with nobby flying and the rest hanging on to the wings as it banked away[avref] and set a course for...………………….
  21. the mention of what happens at those camel race meetings in Suady Arabia [at this point the biggest tunnelling boss screamed out ,,,,"calling all good soldiers of the caliphate" A fatwa is declared against that cappy @#$tard and I,ll give 13 young virgins and the state of prictoria to the brother who brings me this cappies scalp!!! suddenly the tunnelers started dancing in the halls as they prepared for...…………... !
  22. when suddenly , out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash and a trail of smoke heading towards him [unbeknown to him the "rats [who had come to bone as 457 workers sponsored by their relative cappy] had just launched a...................................
  23. and I,ll go sit with bull [holding up the bar at the North Aus in Bone],,reaching the pool room he said to bull, hows the stitching holding up bull?? Well after awhile a low growling sound got louder and louder as bull slowly stood up and turned his backside so turdy could see the fresh bandages,,,After 14 surgeries and 150 "real" stitches and the looks from the ladies at the Bone rissole I am now just waiting for my rat trap to work. ………………... Now this intreeged/intreuged/@$$#%@ it ...,,,,,,,puzzled the turdo master who was quick to ask , and what might that be he asked????…………………………...
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