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Everything posted by BigPete

  1. ....The Captain's post. A forlorn bugle call written to honour the deceased from past WidelyYours, SuperHeavyWeightUltraLight fly ins and adventure wildlife theme park participants who didn't bother to pay registration or camping fees. (and somewhat foolishly left their aircraft to get a better look at the lions and tigers) Not to be confused with the Last Post above (from tubby the turbo player). You will of course, noticed that I haven't used the obligatory emoticons. So...... Was it really me??? regards
  2. ...began to worry about YouBettaUse'EmPete who was bound to check in sometime to see if enough Emoticons were being used. By Jezz that turboplainer can churn it out, :ah_oh: SherriffPete said to himself as he counted the total of emoticons used by him. , and . NOT A SINGLE ONE - zero, zilch F:censored: All. This will not do. IncredulousPete :ah_oh: is now XXXXedOffTotallyPete. :yuk: What's with LeCrappee - he doesn't use 'em either thumb_down. The whole NES story is going in three directions at once :thumb_up::thumb_up: (which is a good thing - something for every taste (or lack thereoff)) but, USE "EM or Else. On a lighter note, (Eb concert) XmasHolidaysPete :big_grin: spent an enjoyable evening DRIVING around the 'burbs of Melbourne looking at front yards decorated with zillions (and I mean Zillions) :confused::confused: of xmas lights and decorations. :heart: Some of these guys burn enough electricity to power a third word country. I mean, serious gigawatts of power. i_dunno (Visable from the moon I bet). So, with dollars in hand, I'llSpendTheLotPete heads for the xmas light sale at GayMart (and there's nothing wrong with that ;);) ) and buys the entire stock of 12v xmas lights. :thumb_up: With staple gun in hand, They'llSeeMeForMilesPete clambers all over the JabiTrue and 2.1 million staples later, steps back to admire his handi work. :thumb_up: He is particulary proud of the illuminated candy canes afixed to the leading edge of the right hand wing. It may be a bit unbalnced in flight mutters LedPete, but those candy cane VG's will really give that wing a real lift, and as the left wing is attached, it will come along for the ride. :thumb_up: HardLeftRudderPete :confused: is sure he can fly the 400MillionCandlePowerJabiTrue, but realizing the standard 1.0 watt alternator may not be up to the task, searches for an alternative power source. I'll give the owner of the BabyPooYella flyer a call, he mused, Mark D has a lot of experience with HiPowa batteries......
  3. IDon'tBelieveItSomebodyPinchMePete is absolutley gob smacked at the amount of free flowing input :thumb_up: by the new kids in town. Unfortunately quantity never makes up for quality. :yuk: I mean, c'mon guys, thumb_down where's the emoticons Ya gotta use them. Ian paid zillions to get them. Go back and look at the earlier posts that have them. :confused: They add pizzaz ;) (I've always wanted to use pizzaz in a sentance) and colour, vitality (without the viagra) and style. :big_grin: FamilyGuyPete :heart: is off to Melbourne to do the family gathering Xmas thing.:thumb_up: If I can drag myself away :ah_oh: from all the drink and goodies, :pig: I'll check in on you lot - and you had better have been using you know what. :star: regards and merry xmas to all. regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  4. G'Day Ross, I've got a fair idea that the go-karting people balance their tyres on the axle. Might be worth investigating. :thumb_up: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  5. And so dear reader, :heart: with a flourish Biggles$2Worth joins the NES, and does it in style. :thumb_up: In two short posts he has already been allocated three alias: Biggles$2Worth (which can easily be downgraded to: Biggles2CentsWorth if he doesn't behave ;)), BigGles (OK I'll ask, what is a Gles? ), and Biggles W Orth - this one has me stumped! :yuk: But that's not all - BigglesWhereThe:censored:AmI? Is the first one to fly out of the new Hoxton replacement aerodrome YJCR: quote "a few circuits from Jaycar" so will he tell us just where this new airport is or keep it to himself. In the meantime, our hero is being granted SuperStar status by the Avalon authorities, because he flys one of the two Cheetas known to exist at this time. i_dunno(unlike the 1.3 million Jabirus expected to attend (where will we put them?). :yuk: It has been rumoured that the other Cheeta has been booked for highspeed cultivation demonstrations at the next Elmore Field Days. :black_eye: (No Slarti - we will never let it rest :big_grin::big_grin:) regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  6. G'day Jabiru lovers.......... Jaba Chat December 2008 is now on the Jabiru Web site... www.Jabiru.net.au Enjoy regards :big_grin:
  7. PoorOldPete won't make it Narromine this year, thumb_down but has been given clearance to attend Avalon :thumb_up: . To get the freebies, TighterThanAFishesFundamentalPete has agreed to fly in on Thursday and stay 'till late Sunday (or early Monday) and have his J160c on display for everyone to see (afterall they are so rare!(not)). As Ian (I'llSellMYNanaIfITHelpsAviation to his mates), will not be there with the Prop Shop Free Coffee Tent, I and hopefully others will probably hang around the RAA tent and make use of their free hot water (bring your own coffee & sugar) (Milk? real pilots don't drink it!). :yuk: I hear on the grape(withered?)vine that the infamous Biggles$2worth :big_grin: may give a lecture regarding his latest navigation exploits (xxxxx to Avalon on $80 of outofdate biofuel/kero mix and using a 1955 Sydney street directory AND rabbits foot "Get me there good luck charm") - if he shows up. :black_eye: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  8. Bigglesworth's story should have been posted in the NES (Never Ending Story). I think it's a great work :thumb_up: and I enjoyed reading it. BUT I did apply the above scenario. :big_grin: We are all different - we see things from different angles. Biggles mate, Ian owns the forums and is solely responsible for it's content - no matter who posts the story. Any flack will land at his feet. I think you have a real talent for story telling - I bet you could make a trip to the corner shop sound exciting and cavilier. You're a young man with a bright future. Give us older folk a little leeway as we tend to take things a bit more seriously (comes with age and experience) :black_eye: and we want everyone to fly safe. :thumb_up: So the verdict. Great story - I loved it, :heart: as did a lot of people. Please post in the NES next time (might get the Captain, Palexxxx, Planey and me (OilOnTheWatersPete) up and running again)) :):big_grin: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  9. OK - I'm goin' $1.55 at Echuca :thumb_up: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  10. Then again, you may not be. (Stuffed that is). According to Garmin's site there are two basemaps - Americas Land or International Land. International Land includes Europe which means the UK should be there and so is Australia. Lets make sure we're talking about the same machine. :thumb_up: See pic below. Garmin call it a GPS III Pilot. Mapsource is included with most Garmin GPS products these days. You can download the latest version, but you need a mapsource product to use it (usually a map). regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  11. Mate I think you're stuffed. The Pilot III has the basemap installed at the factory and cannot be changed. That's straight from the Garmin website. I believe the Jeppesen database is like an overlay for the units basemap (probably in ROM). Best bet might be to flog it on Ebay and look for a local unit. regards
  12. You got that right Doug ay. (Spent many a day in QLD during my army service. Loved the "but" or "ay" on the end of a sentence.) AND XXXX :thumb_up: regards :big_grin:
  13. BigPete

    the foxbat

    What's the difference between the two? regards
  14. Ricardo - Try installing Garmins Mapsource program - there is a drop down menu item "Utilities" and you will see "Get Item ID" This may help. www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=209 Use the above for Mapsource Garmin seem to be a bit slack, but to their credit - make all old and out of date files available. regards
  15. Hang on a minute - I've always pulled my Jabiru out using the prop. Two hands, each one right next to the spinner as close as you can. This what I was taught to do. I mean, the propellor pulls the whole 'plane through the air. What have I missed? regards
  16. Bum! - Mike I can't see your graphs - just a red cross - I'm using Explorer V7.0. Any Ideas? regards
  17. Is there an easy way to check fuel for Ethanol content? - like a simple litmus paper test or similar? regards
  18. Mate - you won't get much air time that way. There's nothing wrong wth a bit of cloud. :thumb_up: It's surprising what you can see when you're up there. ;) Flying around the rain is another skill to add to your flying. Go up with your instructor when there's a strong chance of rain :thumb_up: He/She will know if its safe or not. It all comes down to experience - use theirs to have a safe and rewarding learning experience. :big_grin: That's what they're for. regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  19. A very worthy post Adrian, :thumb_up: one that we can all learn from. Just one small point: Who cares If Barwon don't like visitors :yuk: - if you need to land, then land. regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  20. I guess you could be the lucky one here Geoff, :thumb_up: as you have a tank behind the seat - easy to upgrade to the new tank that can use 10% ethanol, while I'm stuck with fuel tank wings. thumb_down regards
  21. Jabiru advertising now states that their engines and fuel tanks can now tolerate up to 10% ethanol in the fuel. regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  22. I said no - and I will stick by it, but - AVGAS here at Echuca is now down to $1.55 a litre. :thumb_up: regards
  23. Fair suck of the sav Chris. :ah_oh: Ross has made an observation which could have been a factor in the problem. :thumb_up: Giving him a serve for contributing what you may feel is a "no brainer" :yuk: will only serve to inhibit people from sharing on these forums. kindest regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  24. So - what's the hold up, when's it going to happen? regards :big_grin::big_grin:
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