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Everything posted by shafs64

  1. Found this on you tube some helpful tips.
  2. great work mate looking forward to see a plane for the masses
  3. So when you say GFPT you mean the recreational which replaced the GFPT.
  4. I was going to fly the 162 at flight one until I got screwed on my medical. so it was back to RAA
  5. Ok so apund have you move to a new flying school? They had two slings online there. I am sure they will be snapped up by RAA schools.
  6. you will have to change over to a RAA Pilot cert to fly some of the above aircraft and also you will need a class 2 medical. i have no idea of camden tower hours but if the tower is not open at camden you don't need a medical. but at bankstown you will need one.
  7. I refueled Gill Lyatts aircraft a few time and they look very well worn. But they must be doing something right.
  8. I work just around the corner from Archerfield. I sometimes have lunch at the old terminal, i like to sit on those old couches. and watch the world go by. i noticed that it was very quiet airside. at this time i was not aware that the club had shut down. when i drove past on the way back to work. I saw what was going on at the club. i worked for the refueler who had the contract with the club but lucky for me i left a few years ago. but i feel for all the guys and girls who will lose their jobs because of this. I think i only saw two aircraft on there line. which is a surprise as most days they were two deep.
  9. there is a drifter up for sale on eBay. look like the one that is based at heck field.
  10. I always use a checklist before every flight and do a double check flight controls just before i taxi onto the runway. I once flew with a person did a start of the day preflight and we landed in three places before before we returned to the hanger.
  11. being a sports bike rider i would have to agree.
  12. Now that we don't get the magazine in the mail anymore i thought they would have plenty of Cash.
  13. I would hope that they do investigate this accident and make the report public as this could help pilot safety
  14. why would they be looking at it? RAA would have to investigate
  15. if you have a look at the add when the aircraft was for sale and after it was sold to the flying school you will note that the BRS handle can not be seen in the pictures on the school website
  16. Sorry I should of said do not try this in your aircraft its just an example of a spin.
  17. Most of us here have more chance of getting cancer than dying in a plane crash.
  18. if that aircraft came under the 600kg MTOW rules and it had the chute fitted and if you had two guys pushing 100 kg you would only be taking 1hr fuel + reserves
  19. A person who has flown the aircraft has confirmed it didn't have one.
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