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Everything posted by shafs64

  1. I think cirrus is a HP aircraft and a lot of pilots get behind the ball when the workload gets high
  2. for those who have see the video. think the aircraft was spinning when it hit the car?
  3. Aviate navigate communicate. from what I heard on the tape and video, the young lady was not doing aviate.
  4. I am sure that you replace a plane. but not a dead pilot who was a father husband son brother.
  5. I went last time they had natfly there. And met a few of the forum members. Ian had a tent set up there.
  6. Trying something different. I am converting to fox bat 22LS. its like a flying fishbowl and stalls are a none event flying around with the nose pointed strait up and not losing any height even the wing drops where tame. and it turns so tight looking forward to flying this aircraft a lot more.
  7. I saw it on 9 and they said a Maule! true to form our friends the media
  8. Hay guys I am going to be starting my first RAA navs soon. I have done my GA navs up to my first Solo Nav but didn't follow thought. I have chosen YCAB to YKRY I have never flown these legs but looking at WAC charts and Google earth it seems the terrain is rough. does anyone know a better route. Paul
  9. thanks most of the slings have the new rotax. and having one at Redcliff would save me 20 minutes travel.
  10. has that got the fuel injected rotax in that sling. and does it have two glass panels or one in that sling.
  11. thanks geoff. i haven flown since last november because of shoulder surgery and trying to work out if i should go back on the sling of try one of the foxbats. what panel does the vixxen have
  12. I have seen Chinese made made disc rotors shatter, so fro that reason I tend to stay away from them.
  13. you can buy replacement Chinese disc rotors for motor bikes and for half the price of the original. but when you are racing up to a corner and grab a hand full or front brake and they shatter. you would start thinking just before you go over the bars or hit that wall. maybe I should of spend a bit more and got the originals.
  14. here you go. you might have to scroll thought it. https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/accident-incident-summaries-2015.pdf
  15. The below happened on the 29/03/15 and 30/03/15 On returning from a cross country flight PIC experienced a sudden yaw (rudder) to the right hand side. The aircraft subsequently went into a right hand turn and PIC was unable to correct with left rudder however gained enough control of the aircraft (with crossed controls). PIC declared an emergency and side slipped onto runway 30, landing without incident. LAME discovered that someone had changed the tensioning springs that were part of the rudder pedals to nose wheel link that returned the pedals to centre after a rudder input. The replacement spring had a much lower tension. LAME took the springs off the Ballarat Sierra and fitted them to the Bravo. The test flight with the CFI following the swap of springs resulted in perfect flight handling. There was no record of the springs being changed in the logbook and no one is aware of any modifications however explains why the aircraft was flying perfectly for years and then suddenly displayed abnormal behavior. Aircraft owner Repco, Bunnings Aerospace and other automotive suppliers. Completing a check flight after inspection. Aircraft was on downwind RWY18 85 kts, straight and level. The aircraft rolled and yawed to the right without warning. PIC applied full left rudder and full power and the aircraft shuddered and recovered. Recovery was not instant but did return to level flight. Rudder required a lot of pressure to move much more than normal. Lost about 200 feet. Completed circuit and made a full stop landing without further incident. The Aircraft had suffered a similar incident on Sunday 29/3/2015. . Aircraft Grounded until fault identified and repaired. LAME discovered that someone had changed the tensioning springs that were part of the rudder pedals to nose wheel link that returned the pedals to centre after a rudder input. The replacement spring had a much lower tension. LAME took the springs off the Ballarat Sierra and fitted them to the Bravo. The test flight with the CFI following the swap of springs resulted in perfect flight handling. There was no record of the springs being changed in the logbook and no one is aware of any modifications however explains why the aircraft was flying perfectly for years and then suddenly displayed abnormal behavior. Aircraft owner Repco, Bunnings Aerospace and other automotive
  16. That's what concerns me. I hire aircraft and would like to think schools are doing the right thing and not cutting corners. it happened twice and they ended up grounding the Aircraft. I will see if I can find the report.
  17. The issue with the springs is they where not the same as the ones fitted to the aircraft. And a person flying back for a private hire flight suffered a jammed rudder and had to land it crossed controlled
  18. these weapons where there last stand. they where going thought a lot of pilots towards the end of the war as it turned into a number game. the allies where shooting down five Germans to one allied aircraft.
  19. Hanna Reitsch tested these aircraft very brave women.
  20. After seeing the report on ABC into Air Asia Indonesia. And casa giving them an AOC to fly into Australia. when most other countries would not let them including Africa was that political. or should all of us have mailing as Indonesia so it would make life easy.
  21. I was having a read of RAA incident reports. And read that someone had replaced some springs on a rudder they got from a new shop called aero Bunning's. And these aircraft are used for training and suffered from jammed rudder in flight.
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