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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. Touche LOL I know I was being a pedant. I will accept the kick in the Ar$e.
  2. I still remember my flight test. It was without doubt the most valuable lesson I had in all of my training. In hindsight, I am convinced that I had passed my flight test long before we got to the actual test. As I said my actual test was probably the best lesson my CFI gave me in all of my training
  3. OK thank you but it is still 2 clicks instead of one. I know I am a sook.
  4. I never admit to my RV having more than a double Bed. I do not want the kids turning up looking for a bed when I am on holiday. They think we only have the double bed so when they visit they bring a tent and sleep outside. Stuff 'em Ohh and the MTOW 9.7 tonnes without the bikes on the trailer.
  5. Can it be put on the left some way, I have to scroll to the top to get that one PLEASE!!!
  6. All good with the Alerts now Ian. It was just the Anal Retentive in me causing me to worry about the highlights. Now that I know how to get rid of them it is not so bad. I actually liked the 21 day button it was my most commonly used button. I will get the hang of using new but I did like the old 21.
  7. I have two numbers up in red boxes. a number 2 against Aircraft and a Number 8 against media. How do i get rid of them?
  8. My daughter and her partener took the wife and I out to tea last night. When she commented that she never knew what to buy me any more I replied that she had just given me the perfect gift. What could be better than a couple of hours of your childs time.
  9. Freddy. In your experience is there a safe way to accomodate a heavier pilot. I also love to fly drifters and would like to buy one but my weight makes me question the safety of doing so.
  10. I am not certain but I believe it is legal in WA depending on the type of hitches involved. As I say not certain but I have heard of it happening and often wondered about the safety.
  11. As the OP it is interesting to see that approx 50% of the members think like me and 50% don't. I am not air showed out like some, it just never found my interest. Likewise I ride bikes and have for years. I could not think of anything more boring than a weekend at Philip Island during the races. I would love to ride there but then continue straight on. I will admit I have only been to one airshow so I have little to compare but I think the reason I like the flyin breakfasts is that I can get close to the other aircraft I could not do that at the airshow I went to. When I sent a friend a text and said "Boring" he sent back to me "Patience Grasshopper". Well sorry Jim but still waiting. :)
  12. How did you with the question about the Mag variation on wind Rowan?
  13. When I was doing my Navs , I had a plane booked for a 4 hour Nav and the weather meant we could not go. As I had the plane and instructor booked, I decided to gain some experience doing a bit of local stuff. My instructor asked if I would like to do a bit under the hood. It was 20 minutes of the most intense concentration I can ever remember. At the end of it I felt like I had been 15 rounds with Mohammad Ali. I would love to do some more, it was exhilarating after the event. It taught me two things for certain. One is I never want to go into cloud. Two is that if I find myself in there even with the correct instruments, without a lot more training I do not have very much time to get myself out. I would say 10 minutes at best and that is if I can fight off the panic that would probably be associated with it.
  14. In a word "Yes" Glad to see you are finally getting it.
  15. Maybe you could ask the girl on the weighbridge, she should know how to do it.
  16. I did it last year and plan to do it again. The weather was not kind last year I waited most of the day just to get in 1 quick circuit and a photo. Hope it is better this time around.
  17. First ly let me highlight that this is not an assessment of the quality of the air show that I went to the other day. It is just my observation of how I enjoyed it. I have been to a couple of flyins, not many. And on the weekend I went to the airshow at Watts Bridge. Yesterday I went for an hour and a half joy flight with no actual destination in mind just a quick jolly around the local area. I have to admit that I enjoyed my flight yesterday far more than I did the airshow or most of the flyins that I have been to. It may just be me but standing around watching other people doing fly pasts just doesn't do much for me I would rather be up there doing it my self. Am I on my own in these thoughts or are there others like me who are happier just to go flying? Having said all of the above I do enjoy going to flyin Breakfasts. You know land have a feed for 45 mins to an hour, a quick walk past the planes on my way back to mine, then of for another fly home.
  18. Shouldn't the chart read from the top down? I never saw a Field Marshal place below a Private on any chart I ever saw.
  19. I enjoy it as well. It is on my bucket list to do a season on the Ice Roads, has been for many years. I know it is just a show, but Darryl was one of the good ones.
  20. 'Ice Road Truckers’ star Darrell Ward dies in plane crash at 52 No details just confirmation of the incident.
  21. The one thing that Watts Bridge did extremely well for this weekends Brisbane Valley Airshow was to get information out about it. It was all over social media and when you saw the turnout today it obviously worked.
  22. Todays flight. 88 Knots, 5000 rpm, 3500 ft. I love my little airplane. :) Ohh and don't you just love my Panic button. The fine print says Push when all else fails. LOL
  23. If you are still there tomorrow mate either look for the white Hanuman or the Goldwing with the full Native American paint scheme.
  24. Headed to the field this morning and after a very thorough inspection even though it flew on Thursday, I headed out and did a few circuits. There was very little traffic about so I did 4 circuits, the first one was not to my liking but after that I slipped back into the groove and felt good. I then headed out on a bit of a fly, out to Kilcoy then on towards Kingaroy. A quick touch and go at Kilcoy and I felt that I had my MOJO back and would be comfortable to handle the traffic at Watts Bridge. So a quick diversion and headed through the saddle to Watts Bridge. I gave a 5nm call and as I did I realised that I could actually hear people talking over me. Thinking that this could not be good I immediately did a 180 turn and head back to Kilcoy to asses the situation. I determined without doubt that my radio had given up the transmit ghost so i headed back to Caboolture to check it out. I certainly had no intention of flying into watts Bridge without a fully functioning radio even though there would be no legal reason why I couldn't. So after landing and doing some tests it became apparent that my radio believes I have a flat battery. I disagree but have stuck the thing on charge overnight. I think I have either a faulty radio or a dicky connection. It was a fairly disappointing day really but these things happen. Tomorrow I am going to go up early and if the radio works I will do some more battery test and then might get to Watts. If not then I am taking the bike and going to Watts Bridge either way. Apart from all that Jim has done a wonderful job and the plane fly's better than it did before the incident. That is because Jim did a few jobs that I wanted done and have been looking to do since I got it back in the air. This gave us the opportunity to get those things done. So all in all I am very happy with her and as soon as that Radio is fixed we will be back to flying freedom.
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