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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. I agree in which case you should actually check the facts. I am interested to know how you know what caused the pump to fail when you haven't even looked at it. The fuel pump was not switched on when it failed, it had been off for several minutes and only ceased "burning" (When something fills the cabin with smoke that to me is a fire) after I had turned off the master switch not the fuel pump switch. And had been on for less than 2 minutes prior to that as per the check list for swapping from one tank to the other. You quote the procedures for operating the fuel pump, I would like to know where you found them because I have the POH for that aircraft in my hand and there is no mention of the fuel pump in it. Nor is there a circuit for it in the wiring diagram. For me to get the wiring diagram that showed the fuel pump, I had to email the factory direct. I agree the pump was switched, and there was a blade fuse there which was not wired in accordance with best practice nor the eventual wiring diagram. The incident did not happen as you say during a long low fuel flow descent. So if you decide you want to bag the pilot before you do an investigation and find the "FACTS" you should first at least take the time to gather some evidence. Because I have plenty. Being a qualified Electronics Technician put me in good stead when I fault found the aircraft, and I find it interesting how quickly the factory determined to remove the fuel pump and evidence prior to a thorough investigation. But not quick enough to prevent me doing my own. I have been sitting back waiting for the factories response and from what you have written here there will not be one. So if you would like the facts by all means ring me some time to discuss them.
  2. Does anyone actually know when the new engine will be released? Both 4 and 6 cylinder?
  3. I would think that if the thought of killing himself will not work then not much else will either.
  4. Like the Foxbat that had a fuel pump fire in an unfused fuel pump. Still haven't got a response from the manufacturer on that one except that they are no longer fitting fuel pumps. So now no return line and no fuel pump. 24 rego does not guarantee safety.
  5. I have been going to do it for a while Danny but can't work out how. Someone had to make that picture smaller for me as it is.
  6. Oscar I am not going to switch my engine off to check but I would suspect that most of our RAA aircraft, a total power loss at 3 mteres would have you on the ground well before you had time to react. In most cases you would be in ground effect building airspeed.
  7. First thing to do in an engine failure is get the nose down to maintain airspeed. At three metres and possibly just above the stall you would want bloody quick reactions and even then once the nose is down you are heading for the ground which is only 3 metres away. Yep I can see the potential for a major crash. Guy probably would have had more chance at 100' but then I wasn't there so I am only guessing.
  8. That was the 88hp version. The 125hp version gives a similar weight to the 6 cyl Jabiru give or take a few kgs.
  9. Yes I did. Not good. Was hoping to talk to Dan about that one I would have to shoot you if I mentioned. Apparently he knows it.
  10. Kev I love that Drifter. I was so disappointed when Bill sold it to Brett.
  11. Mark from my memory when I did the maths it was about 5 kgs heavier then the 80hp Jabiru with all the plumbing and cooling.
  12. I used the Guy that Dan recommends, he was brilliant and supplied everything I needed. I have his card up at the Hangar and if I get up there tomorrow I will grab it for you. As Mark said not cheap but then up there you don't always want cheap, you want good.
  13. Well of course if I told you that I would have to shoot you wouldn't I. Are you or Dan going to be at the field tomorrow?
  14. There is a sign on the gate today saying Hangar space for rent $25.00 per week. So the new hangars in the short term could flood the market. I expect that very soon we will be back to finding it hard to get space but more aircraft around as I think the availability of space will attract more members/aircraft.
  15. I have seen it happen on 3 separate occasions. Admittedly not on aero engines. I have had one engine that you could put your head in the hole that the piston had punched through the block on the way out. It also poked a hole through a Bonnet and took out a steer tyre at the same time.
  16. By the way Skee excellent achievement. I remember looking at photo of that in the 3rd floor apartment and thinking how innovative you must be and now to follow through to this conclusion. Awesome effort. And can't wait to hear some reports on the D-Motor.
  17. I was taught to put the flaps away at 300'
  18. It is 20 nM from YCAB to Tangalooma so you should switch mid point. I actually switch after I cross east coast Bribie but I monitor area from the minute I take off from YCAB. I give calls to Tangalooma on 126.7 at 10 nM and stay on that to give further calls to Dunwich at 10 nM. Coming from south I would be on 119.0 and monitor Area until 10 nM from Straddie. Then I would switch to Ycab 125.8 as I left Tangalooma and still monitor area. I would like a second radio to monitor Redcliffe but don't have one. YRED/YCAB and Moreton Island are very busy and need diligent radio monitoring. I always keep and ear on area mainly because of the meat bombers in the region.
  19. Yep I did the Level one trial course 3 times. Each time I did it , the system crashed after submission and told me that I had timed out. I question RAA's ability to test me if they can't get a simple online test to work.
  20. Well I am thinking of selling my Hanuman. I am in two minds because I still love flying her but at the moment there are two aircraft on the market that I would love to own. I have had a huge week playing catchup all week after the storms that hit Port of Brisbane last sunday and am heading of to bed now. Tomorrow if I feel the same when I wake up I will do up a proper add for the classified section. But then again I might just go for a fly to Chinchilla for breakfast instead. Ahh flooded for choices.
  21. You need 2 hours under the Hood to get Navs swapped over so that will only leave 1 more hour dual.
  22. I have on several occasions landed and fueled up when all the maths was telling me that I was good to get home. In every case had I not landed I would have gotten home comfortably. I just have this thing in my head, that when the fuel gets below 50% I start to question my own judgment. Not sure how to overcome it, in fact I am not sure if I want to overcome it, but it does affect my perceived endurance.
  23. Check their safety culture. You will feel it when you talk to them.
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