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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. I updated last week. The only problem I have noted is I have lost the ability to copy and paste from a pdf file. It may seem trivial but it is a function that I would use at least 50 to 100 times a day depending on how busy I am and how many hours we work. It is causing me no end of grief.
  2. I look at it this way. E&LAAA Vs RAA both hope to cater to a fairly small audience. For this to work E&LAAA will need to find a portion of that audience who are unhappy with the current regime. Reading through the threads on this forum over the past 6 months and watching the way that RAA is going, it should be fairly easy to identify that market and cater to it. RAA are looking forward to the middle range of recreational aviators. ie The market between the Rag and Tube and GA. To be honest I think that they cater to that area fairly well, especially the factory build and L2 maintained portion. The new higher weights and controlled airspace push if and when they get it will even more tend to alienate the R&T guys. imho. If the E&LAAA look past that and cater to the Rag and Tube , home/Kit builder and up to 450/544 kgs I think that they will find a market. What they would be unlikely to do would be compete successfully head to head against RAA and if the try that then I feel that they would be planning for failure. They need to cater to the guys who feel that RAA is leaving them and their ideals behind. Is there big enough market to make money? Who knows. Maybe the directors do not want to make money, maybe they really do have the interests of the recreational flyer at the forefront of their plans. Only time will answer that. Personally I am content with RAA atm and am not looking elsewhere but no one should be afraid of competition. Lack of competition is what allows clubs and businesses to become complacent and complacency with kill RAA off quicker than anything else.
  3. This is extremely worrying. A couple of early failures due to lack of testing or selling before it is sorted will IMHO put them right back on the chopping block. Another worrying thing an engine that brags a 2000 hour life has reached the daunting 500 hours. Both the clips from posts above are like a red rag to a bull for me. I did a lot of homework on CAMIT when I was looking to change my engine. I actually tried to order a Camit 2200 but bailed out as at the time the could not provide me with a delivery time frame. To be fair to Camit this was only a few weeks after the Jab/Casa issue so they had problems of their own.
  4. Woohoo means I can get the baby out tomorrow without moving Marks plane. LOL. See a silver lining in every cloud.
  5. You are not getting the hint Mark. Asking for pictures they are all saying to themselves stuff you Mark if you want to see it get your Ar$e down here. LOL
  6. Looks simple to me if the proposed resoloutions were so imortant, why leave them to the last minute. We were told prior to 23 Sep, that was obviously to leave time to then follow their constituional obligations. If the resoloutions are worth following, then submit them for the next meeting in a more timely manner. At the moment this appears to me to be a witch hunt wasting board and staff time and as a result our money.
  7. Was just south of Glen Innes last week but I believe it was collected by someone from esperence over the weekend. I just checked and yes it was handed over on the weekend. If you have facebook search Cagit Hunters
  8. CAGIT. Come And Get IT trophy. It is on the RAA website and used to be in the magazine (may still be). It is on my hit list
  9. WUFI Day 2016 Flying over Moreton Bay with my grandson Mike as Copilot. The third photo was a Cruise Ship from 1000'
  10. Mark. A phone call to Ian an a visit to the factory is extremely worthwhile. I did both when I was looking and if you are that close give yourself a couple of hours and do it. You wont be disappointed.
  11. Probably a combination of Trucking plus my past life where I spent many years working with Tanks and other Armoured vehicles. I have only had the hearing aid for a year and for me it has been extremely effective in helping to control what can at times be a soul destroying condition.
  12. I use my hearing aid with my headset. Mine is designed to minimise the effect of Tintinitus and it is most important that I wear it during periods of high background noise. I find I have no problem at all wearing it under my normal headset. The only time I did have a problem was when the battery died during a flight. My hearing aid then acts like a fairly effective ear plug and it took me a while to work out why one side of my headset had stopped working.
  13. Where is the sabotage. I am totally sitting on the fence here, and yes it may seem obvious as to which side Ian is on. Having said that at no stage have I seen debate stopped or one side being shown an unfair advantage. Your comment above gives me the impression that you are grateful to Ian for giving you the site to voice your opinion, but as owner of the site you appear to think that he should not have an opinion or be allowed to have a say. How Bizarre.
  14. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/incident-13-may-15.136397/
  15. Having been in an aircraft that filled with Electrical smoke, I will happily take the 7-8 kg weight penalty and not be worried about in flight fire. Trust me when I say a smoke filled cabin is about the worst thing you can imagine. Hell I would take a 20kg penalty rather than relive that 10 minutes of my life.
  16. I went to a different school the day after my test and hired a plane and flew it. It was a little bit more complex than that but essentially that is what I did. I understand your feeling of wanting the certificate, but the fact is you are now a certificated pilot and no one can stop you from flying. It is an awesome feeling enjoy every moment of it.
  17. Agreed depending on the engine there are certainly methods to ensure that you have noise when you want it during simulated forced landings. It is something to be aware of.
  18. You can fly on your logbook once the CFI puts his mark in it. In my case I had my certificate in 5 days. I suppose it will depend if your school sends the paperwork straight of. In my case it was faxed within minutes of me passing the test.
  19. I have done a power off downwind landing. It was part of my test for my pilots certificate. Simulated loss of power just after turning crosswind, and landed downwind on the cross runway. 900 metres of runway and I took everyone of them. (Runway 06 at Caboolture has a displaced threshold, so I really had another couple of hundred metres if I needed it) I remember saying to the CFI I never want to do that again, his response, but now you know you can. I am a firm believer of practicing for the worst because then you should be prepared for anything up to the worst. Also do not stop practicing because you have your Licence/Certificate. Aircraft are machines and eventually one of them will let you down. Be prepared for it when it happens.
  20. One of the better points in the movie for me was how it and in fact Sully kept highlighting that it was a full team effort. At no stage did I think through the movie that he thought anything else. The other highlight was his obvious care for the welfare of his passengers and crew. At the end of the day though it was the captain who would have worn any blame.
  21. I got taught slide slipping during emergencies for that very reason. Possible short paddock with tall trees and I practice it often for the same reason, plus it is a lot of fun when done correctly.
  22. You may drive on the right side of the road but we drive on the correct side. I also have had the pleasure of driving in Europe but I was driving a right hand drive most of the time. That was interesting.
  23. Bonza is the same as your bonser. It not our fault you Americans can't spell.
  24. Most people just want to fly their planes. To be quite honest why would anyone even want to show an interest in the governance of RAA. 5 minutes on this forum will convince anyone with an interest that if they put their hand up they would be painting a target in the middle of there own back. The Ulysses club, a member based organisation with over 30,000 member, normally get between 400 and 500 to the AGM to have their say in the running of the club, so 1000 out of our membership is a pretty good turnout in the big scheme of things. The board can only call for nominations, the interested members vote on those nominations, once that has happened we really do then need to do what the majority of intested members voted for.
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