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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. It would be a tough call. Quite often when countries are at war, whole swathes of the country are largely unaffected. If where they are situated is not near any thing of major interest to the USSR, er, Russia then you have to consider the costs of uprooting all of that, and having to re place and retrain most of your staff
  2. Geez, if what I quoted was correct, the Bushcat is wider than the 182 as well! I think I'll learn to live with the luggage limitations 😄
  3. Hmmmm Hmmmm, maybe I was thinking of the 182. Bushcat cockpit width in inches is apparently 55.25". I'll try and find out for sure. Mine is in the hangar it will be a while before I see it again.
  4. I bought a Nixie tube clock from Ukraine for my partner. Been meaning to buy spare tubes for a couple of years now. Might have left it too late...
  5. Good point. The bushcat I'm building is perhaps the widest in the ultralight category. I think about the same as a 172. So I guess a 152 would feel pretty cramped. What I'm interested in though was the extra luggage that might be carried. Like electric scooters for instance
  6. So funny, I looked around before I posted and the cheapest I could find was about 38000 USD and it was in pieces!
  7. My first thought was a Cessna 152 but they aren't that cheap.
  8. Even a regular stall gives me the willies. I am not aerobatic material 😄 I only ever practice them with an instructor, which I am doing this wednesday weather and flooding permitting....
  9. Couldn't quite tell how to change it in the classified section. Still for sale are the 1/2 3ATI TSO transponder and the non TSO 3 1/8" altimeter.
  10. Wow, how perfect was that?!! Interesting about the manifold pressure
  11. This has all come about BTW because the ASI and radio I got recently don't come with mounting screws! On closer inspection the radio says to use M3, and from what you guys are saying, the UMA ASI will have something non-metric. I have a feeling I will have to make do with whatever I can find, but so long as they are all phillips heads (which all the other instruments I have are) I guess that'll be fine 🙂
  12. Thanks. I have decided on the whole it is easier to stick with what I've got. If ATC (which would probably be Amberley, about the only control area i'll ever be likely to fly near) tell me to maintain a speed in knots it will be pretty easy to guestimate. 90knts is pretty near to 100MPH for instance. My plane won't be able to go any faster, and they wouldn't want me to take my time either so that's probably the only speed I'll have to bear in mind in that regard 😄
  13. Even the scale mine is at its a little wide. It's 20-160 MPH. I think the Bushcat cruises at 100 MPH tops. 20-120 would have been better. But what I've got is still more useful than the above scale 😄 Mind you, I'm sure Kasper just grabbed a stock image of the net
  14. It's true it's important, but I'm starting to tilt towards keeping it. It's no less accurate than the KNTS version in operation after all. When I stick on the operating range decals, that's what I'll be looking at. I guess it's true what Einstein said- "It's all relative" 😄 Also heard back from the instructor, he is fine with flying navs in my plane in MPH. As part of the deal I got, I have some superfluous instruments so I will gauge interest in the classified section. If I get enough for them, maybe I'll still get a KNTS ASI
  15. Will check out of it's viable to replace the face. It needs the coloured V ranges too, which I guess people just stick on the glass but it would be nicer on the face itself. Facthunter, not keen to write numbers on the glass anyway. If I needed to, I would put a little placard next to the ASI with conversions.
  16. Oh I agree. But I've got lemons to fix other lemons. I have this ASI and its too much hassle to exchange, and who would buy it in Australia? That's why I'm thinking of just using it and being done. Time to make some lemonade!
  17. Yep. I guess it's about everyone doing it at the same time. I think Russia and China do metric in their aircraft? Anyway, I've just shot a message to the instructor to see if he would care.
  18. I'm starting to lean this way. Just one more thing to decide it for me. I haven't done my navs yet and I was thinking of doing them in my own plane (Ra aus) . Would that matter much? Would it just be up to individual instructors? From memory the ol Jeppesen has ALL the units of measurements used in aviation around the planet didn't it?
  19. Hmmmm. What about formation flying? I haven't done that endorsement yet, but will. Would it be better to all be in knots there, or is it all purely visual?
  20. I got a bit of a package deal on some instruments but only just noticed that the ASI is in MPH. I'm guessing there's no specific reason I couldn't use it, other than it would probably irk me the same as if I was driving a LHD car in Australia. Thoughts?
  21. On a related note, a couple of bolts for my door latch were too short so I went to my local bolt shop to get something a little longer. They are 8.8 and rather small (maybe 4mm shaft) . I asked if they had some longer ones. They had trouble finding something so asked me what it was off. I told them an ultralight and they ummed and ahhed a bit. They eventually found some Allen head bolts. Maybe 9.8 or summink, and told me theyre not keen to sell if it's an aircraft. But they did anyway. I was going to tell them since it's in the experimental category of aircraft I could make it from rolls of old newspaper and no one would be liable but me. But instead, I've decided from now on I'll just say it's a kit CAR instead 🙂
  22. Very little magnetism though. The instrument panel is held on by about twenty SS screws so I don't think magnetism will be a problem. I admit painting them might be problematic though.
  23. Might combine those two ideas. Same type of screws as Marty went for, but SS. and then I'll paint em 🙂
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