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Everything posted by shags_j

  1. Shoudl we seperate the non-lsa pilots from the the lsa pilots and have a seperate organisation. Would this then mean that each parties fixed costs increase therefore having an affect on the membership fees annually. If the current members are mostly lsa type pilots then does this mean that the organisation is more in favour of these types now (ie. majority rules) so the rest just have to take a teaspoon of cement. Just some thoughts. Not going to debate the merits of HF and stuff like that here. That's for another time. Have any of the complainers spoken to their local rep or is it just the incessant complaining evident in any hobby? Again just thoughts, don't shoot me.
  2. All good. And you are 100% right in what you said.
  3. Don't get sidetracked. We aren't talking cost of aircraft. That is an external factor. The OP was talking about RAAus Costs (membership, asic etc)
  4. I Am so buying one of these. When will they be finished????
  5. In all fairness, the membership fees for RA Aus are quite well priced. The local RC air club has memberships higher (they claim for insurance...) I think RA Aus is doing a good job reducing the requirements compared to CASA. I don't need an asic, I don't need medicals, human factors was quite well priced and a good course. The requirements for epirbs and radios, really aren't that expensive compared to the price of an aircraft. I understand what you are saying but it would appear the gripes you have are more related to CASA issues than RA
  6. They use the drummer instead of a T&B indicator don't they. If the drool comes out both sides you know you're right ;) That movie was one about two weeks ago and the sequel on on the weekend. Man does it bring back memories of alcohol fueled nights from when I was in aircadets.
  7. Funny that everyones favourite looking a/c are all lowwings.
  8. Went for a very windy flight on saturday and tried out my new toy: Flight 20/03/2010 - Google Maps So pointless and simple yet I love it. I'm looking forward to recording all my flights.
  9. Noones suggesting emergency landing. Just that they wouldn't leave the circuit then come back. I would finish the circuit and taxi back home.
  10. Agreed but is vital for when something does happen to your asi. WOuldn't do it on an average day. Also you would keep the windsock in mind...
  11. Stepper motor like I was talking about. You hit the switch and it will just go to that position. you don't need to watch the needle.
  12. Knew all the glider pilots would come out of the woodwork for this one ;)
  13. This is probably the only thing I do'nt like about the tecnam (and one of many things I don't like abotu the Jab). Give me the handbrake stlye of the Cherokee any day. I don't even mind the click a button and it will go to lvl 1, click again for lvl2 etc of the C172 i used to fly. Problem with the electric flaps is it diverts your attention into something else that could be avoided.
  14. I have about the same experience in flying as you do (hours wise). Just a few thoughts from myself: - I probably wouldn't have gone to the training area to check it out. - Well done on the landing. Ignoring the ASI is a good idea. You should have trusted your gut feeling on speed etc. My instructor actually did a circuit or two with me during training where he covered up the asi. It showed that if I trust me feeling re speed etc, I can perform better than when looking at instruments (at the time I was relying on them too much). Well done though. Cheers, Shags
  15. Might have to add a feature to export from my program to that website... hmmmmm......
  16. I drive 45mins each way for a 1hr flight.
  17. Sr-71 is schmick looking aircraft... But how can it compare to somethign as sexy as:
  18. Yeah yeah. I had a wedding to plan as well ;) I've finished it and it's ready to rock. You just can't print yet. I wanted to add that before release.
  19. That's ok. But wait till you try it before you thank me. You coudl be cursing me within a week. I'd like to get the software so that users on this forum had a say in it's direction and features and hopefully I would be able to modify it appropriately.
  20. Give me a week or two and I will provide one for anyone who wants it.
  21. Hey it is too. That's really strange.
  22. That actualyl goes against the regs Destiny. One of the required calls is the final call. I would use it regardless of which strip I was landing at.
  23. It's a beautiful aircraft allright. I was lucky enough to go and see this very aircraft while Mike was building it. It's now down in Temora isn't it?
  24. The Pitts special... Though the raptor does look good.
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