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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Bob Your turn the mic gain down on the mic element then you have to turn up the internal mic audio on the radio. On both my Lightspeeds the mic gain was almost totally off to get really good performance...when I adjusted the mic element it was orginally set from new about just over half way which was way too much. Its a balancing act but you only want your voice to be picked up. Your mic on your headset should be sitting about 2mm from your lips...no further out this keeps the ambient noise especially at high rpm away from the mic as your voice level will be the only thing it should be hearing..also your Vox adjutment will come into this as well. You may need to increase the vox adjustment
  2. Nev The parts in the kit are very well made. All the CNC stuff is really nice. The manuals are very good although you use 3 manuals to build. A text manual, a figures manual and a assembly drawing manual Lots of videos out now too with guys doing their builds and any snags or tricks to help the build Just have to get Mabel painted and down to the hangar then I can finally get to start mine
  3. The S-21 TD is extremely tame. I didnt do any takeoffs or landings as I dont that that endorsement but was watching and there was virtually no dancing at all on the peddels for take off or landing and I had 2 flights over 3 days. The last day and its on my video in the last 1/3 of it all that low leve; the winds were 20kts and more that day This is me filming back in 2018 and my mrs was pretty excited after her flight
  4. Tail dragger 🙂 Got to do a TD endorsement yet. If Group G isnt ready when she is ready to fly then I will do my RPL in a TD aircraft I tried to cover both bases
  5. No it doesnt.....the Group G is based on the MTOw The Titan is 818kg..as I said before it fits the flying specs easily but does NOT fit the gross spec. The Rotax powered version is 727kg gross
  6. I want to be in the new Group G if and when it comes in to remain in RAA. If not then it is registered as a VH under experimental. So I am hedging my bets. The Rotax powered version is limited to weight by horsepower. 1600 lbs for a std Rotax (727kg) but with the Titan is is 1800lbs (818kg) My engine will have 115 hp and if I do some exhaust work nearly 120hp 727kg fits the proposed 760kg Group G but the 818kg does not. The S-21 will fit even with the Titan in the stall spec for Group G but cant fit in the MTOw The std 912ULS the aircraft flew fine and with a bit more grunt almost 20% it should be very good Also a lighter aircraft of course lands slower and takes off faster. The Titan and Rotax takeoff in the same distance and the Rotax version lands shorter due to lighter weight and lower stall speed. Also total fuel on board is the same so the Rotax version will kill the Titan in endurance and distance and also cost of fuel. It will be a bit slower but will go further. I have a Titan header tank in mine and that means total useable fuel on board if I want it is 185litres..thats over 10hrs endurance so I can fly a lot longer between refueling stops
  7. Looks good Glenn Open Stall needs to be say Mute Delay or something similar... 99.9% will not know what Open Stall is The rest looks really good
  8. Glenn have you done something with a SDR On a existing form? or a new design?
  9. Rotax 618 designed the Borabee There are a few around. Dan3111 his is hanging up in a hangar at Caboolture. He cant bring himself to sell it off I think. Tom made quite a few I think. Everyone who flys them swears by them..great little aircraft
  10. I have done it on quite a few lightspeed xcom combinations where guys were having issues...do that first then see... 🙂 Also the squelch setting does drift...from memory mine when cold was 17 to just mute the radio but after 10 mins or so the squelch would trigger I ended up leaving it at 19 and the temperature drift was compensated
  11. Bob before you start looking too far. using Lightspeeds with Xcom radio you MUST turn the mic gain down on the mic itself. There is a small plastic plug in the body of the mic itself. Turn it pretty much all the way back to nothing just off the bottom. Then go into the radio adjustments and adjust your audio out on transmit...or by also listening at your sidetone but that also is a different adjustment. Best is go to "the numbers"..have someone listen on another radio and adjust the audio on the mic input on the xcom. The mic gain inside the lightspeeds is huge..you need to cut it back....you could be getting a resonance noise from the prop being picked up though the mic. Adjust the headset first...then look for a problem if there is one
  12. Depends on what you are calling sound quality...is it distorted or crackly or not enough level or does it cut out intermittantly You probaly dont want the squelch over 19 or 21 ..that will depend on a few things of course..
  13. we get the pcb's made and loaded in a factory in China for the product we make here. The quality is excellent 99% of the time. The company that does it also makes their own LCD modules used in a lot of stuff that you most likely use. Very professional to deal with as well. The heatsinks for our products are made from injected metal..it is not done here in OZ anymore and they are high quality as well. The transformers we used to make here ourselves but we now get them made to our design in China. The company does a really good job. They are the third company we tried the first two the quality wasnt there. KG is right...in China you get what you pay for. You pay cheap rates that is what you get but we are prretty happy with the guys we use..not cheap but do a very good job . All assembly is done here we just get certain parts from there. The rest which would be 70% is sourced or manufactured here. The woman I deal with for our electronics ( she is lovely to deal with too and we have been doing business with them now for 6 years) was complaining just last week about the price of stuff over there now going up in price...the living type stuff...food etc and of course to us for the cost of the parts we get made for us. Its interesting to see now how the locals are now facing the same issues as we did many years ago " The price of copper increased more than 60% per ton from 2020.2-2021..3, nickel and tin 50%, that's why PCB factory increased price. LCD glass price increased because silver price increased which causing ITO glass price rising. Iron frame price increased because of environment protection, as well as package cartons, price of imported pulp rising. And kinds of electronic components shortage not only bring problem for small companies, even causing production line reduction of big automobile companies. Even anhydrous ethanol which used for cleaning increased price, I don't know why, maybe they see everyone rise price... We are not sure if the price will come down next year. You know in 2019, the pork here is only 3.5$/kg, now it's about 10$/kg, and there is no sign in the market that pork price will reduce, so glad that I prefer vegetarian diet..."
  14. My scar is pretty knarley..also one of the wires sort of protudes under the skin...the wire on the xrays looks like the ABC symbol 🙂
  15. Bex the sternum never heals its not a normal bone. Thats why you have the fencing wire around it. My dr told me never lift anymore than 15kg....I have done it quite a few times and paid the price for it. Even 8 years after my op its still a issue...you will get better in fitness but not ability. You are just going to have to get used to not doing things you used to do..."Your mind makes promises your body cant keep" is definetly true after you have had your sternum split Life is still good...you just have to recognise that sometimes you need a hand....my wife gets called into the workshop regularly for me 🙂
  16. Pulled the workshop apart again. Can not find that rear pax door hinge...ok just have to make one. I used a threaded ball from a gas strut end and turned the shaft down in the lathe. Cut off the hex end and went over to Danny's place...he tigs a lot better than me. Made it this arvo and it fits just like a bought one so the pax door is now fitted. Undercarriage and cowls will come out of the container tomorrow and I will get them sorted
  17. I use a roller about 25mm wide and roll it onto the sheet and stringer then you let it dry then assemble...its a Italain product and have never been able to buy it here but we did find a product that maybe similar. I will have to find the details again You can see the black stuff here on stringers and ribs and spars etc where aluminium mates to another piece
  18. Alodine is the rolls royce of protection but it is a lot of work. The Savannah rebuild is all alodined but I wont do that on the RANS S-21. I am actually going to do the ICP thing. I havea full tin of the black goop and will get another and I will use the back stuff on all the mating surfaces. I am not going to worry about priming the insides of the sheets. My experience now of several systems and also pulling 10year old aircraft apart if you do the black stuff correctly its works a treat. If you are a bit light on with the black stuff then I have seen corrosion between stringer and sheets. Done properly it works well and that black stuff even though it is water based is bloody tough . So I am pretty sure my RANS will be the only one done like this. Its about 50/50 in the USA for either chromating everything inside or not doing anything with the S-21's that are being built there.
  19. Dont touch it...I believe its been stored outside for 10 years they stole the avionics as well
  20. Looks like someone had a bad day at Casino this morning. pretty sure it is from Caboolture...a syndicate aircraft I think
  21. I used all fuel injection hose it also has a teflon liner inside..all fuel hose was that stuff but the very expensive stuff is that orange fire sleeving..30 bucks a metre
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