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Everything posted by eightyknots

  1. Hi Lance, A very warm:welcome: to you!
  2. In the West we have such a different view of the Chinese. You certainly paint a different picture Bex. We are told that: * our working days are too short ("the Chinese workers work ten hour days"); * we have too many holidays ("there are only three public holidays per years in China"); * we are dissatisfied with our pay and in fact we are overpaid ("Chinese workers are grateful to earn one-third our income and come to work in the morning with smiles on their faces because the factory gives such wonderful employment opportunities"); and, * we have poor productivity ("the Chinese produce more per hour than we do because they are so much more focussed on the tasks").
  3. I'm sorry that you've had these setbacks. It sounds frustrating . I am surprised to learn that there's another person in the Wairarapa (down the road) building a Savannah. Next year, all going well, I could be the next person "down the road" but, like you, I have to build a shed first. In which town is the other builder?
  4. That outage is an outrage. (I am glad that they do not occur often)
  5. 88 hours of Nynja flight time: you're living the dream .
  6. Once again, an useful set of pictures!!
  7. I am glad you stopped at the 'neutral' Caution and resisted the temptation to include something negative such as Dislike or Thumbs Down. This keeps the site inherently positive. Thanks Ian.
  8. I used to work at Nobby's Signal Station in Newcastle once a fortnight for many years and, on two occasions around summer time, I saw a light plane hovering stationary above Nobby's Beach and once even flew very s-l-o-w-l-y backwards ...such was the headwind that made this possible. The nautical types who manned the radios at the signal station told me that they had seen this about ten times from their vantage point. It alarmed one of them the first time he saw it as he thought that the plane was in trouble.
  9. I agree with Nev. The site's reputation is at stake and this important consideration needs to be kept in the mix. I haven't heard for a call to re-introduce a ranking system. We can see the number of posts and 'likes' a person has achieved and that is all the information most of us are content with. I believe that the Status Quo is the best option. What do others think?
  10. I agree that the number of posts indicates (roughly) a willingness to participate in the site. It is unlikely that someone will post hundreds of time consuming 'nonsense' posts just to get a higher ranking: it would be too much trouble and the amount of kudos earned from a higher rank would be outweighed by a poor reputation caused by nonsensical rubbish they used to fill the forum.
  11. Something like starting with the Wright Brothers' "Flyer" and finishing with the Boeing "Dreamliner"?
  12. Careful, rhysmcc, you have posted more in this thread than anyone else!
  13. There is also a compulsory minimum 5 hours of mountain flying requirement for the New Zealand PPL. Almost everyone lives about a ten minute flight from mountains in Enzed.
  14. What system is that? Airmaster?
  15. Has anyone considered using (or have used) a battery operated rivet gun rather than an air operated one?
  16. A good question, Lyndon. It is really hard to find a good propeller comparison. The best I have seen was put together by Recreational Flying forum member JG3: www.stolspeed.com/id/62
  17. I think a priority would be revenue. We all understand that a wonderful site like this costs a lot to run. To keep this running, perhaps 1, 5 and 6 of the list should be attended to first? There are a few people who have recognised the value of the Recreational Aviation site and are supporting this with First Class Membership (plug: if you have not yet considered a First Class membership for $50/year, why not do this today?).
  18. Foxbats used to be offered as a build-yourself kit but the company ceased providing kits about six years ago.
  19. I will PM you about an engine.
  20. I think you are looking at/commenting on the wrong engine FT. Go to http://www.vikingaircraftengines.com/ and you will see, as the name implies, they sell aircraft engines. That means, engines designed to go into aircraft.
  21. That is just the problem. The most likely options for ultralight/LSA/RA-Aus aircraft are: 1. Rotax (EU) 2. UL Power (EU) 3. D Motor (EU) 4. Jabiru (I won't say where this comes from but I will give you a clue: it's the same country where I am from) 5. Viking (Japan {Honda} + US based PSRU designed and added by Jan Eggenfellner) 6. BEX-2017 ...in progress (Australian designed, Chinese made) (feel to extend the list if anyone thinks I have left a significant engine out)
  22. Has anyone in Australia made a Savannah version of the spring bungee replacement.
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