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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. I'm not surprised by the short life. A speedway bike engine lasts a lot less time You get the performance and have low Mass It's at the peak and you decide if that's what you want. A top 4 stroke single Motorcross does about 200 hours and it's NOT flat out all the time. Nev
  2. It's usually V1 Vr V2 . V2 is a flight safety speed Maybe this guy is LATE all the time. Nev
  3. . I personally couldn't give a tuppeny for what you think of Me. I just want to make sure everyone gets the Facts straight. because IF they don't they might find out the hard way. This exact subject was gone through years ago on this forum. I've lost over 7 good friends in aircraft accidents many due to not knowing enough that should have been made clear.. Often they take others with them. It's all preventable. Nev
  4. You only find out IF your Insurer is any good WHEN you make a claim. Up till then it's all heresay and hope. IF you don't pay much, don't expect much Too good to be true is often true. Nev
  5. Agree on that. Small choppers like robbos aren't going to have a great effect on anything if they move along at any real speed. There's no real energy density. Nev
  6. I reckon you are morally obligated to insure, to ensure the aggrieved person(s) get compensation they have every right to expect. Nev
  7. Getting above 200 ft would be the exception. when spreading . That's where the shear is likely to be and there's topographical eddies to consider as well. IF you pull a plane straight off the ground and at the same time turn into wind you will get a short period of faster climb rate but you have used the grip on the ground to help you. At height you don't have that. You are turning in a parcel of air. Nev
  8. We ALL tend to do this sort of thing if we are Engine Possessed type of people. (REVHEADS) I had a Fiat 760 doing 10,000 RPM at 100 MPH and Other engines putting out 4 times their original power. I've got that Out of my system now Had plenty of big engines fail in planes so the Love /hate relationship turned more into waiting for the next blow up and some form of HATE. A piston motor has personality but putting a stethoscope against parts of it when running would really concern you with the dreadful noises you will hear. It's all tortured metal and has to be done very RIGHT to do the job in a plane. A Clapped oily motor can get you to the Pub and back for years but in a plane it has no place. Ther's plenty of things to go wrong without having a dicey motor in flying. I'd still fly an original very old primitive engined plane but only from a suitable airport and surroundings . Balance the ODDS. A jet engine has no personality at all. It's somewhere between a blowlamp and a reversed vacuum cleaner Nev
  9. IF one ever inverts I don't know what it will do. Nev
  10. Yes I've been watching them all along. Note you reference is dated 2019 and there are more options now than then . Also a few HOPEs have died and we'll keep looking. The BASI motor has to be sound and worth spending time and money on it. Nev
  11. You DO over react. Just "think" about it and do some research. Maybe start with what Garfly kindly posted, above. Wrong concepts in this area are dangerous. Despite your obvious lack of faith in my ability I'll keep doing what I'm here for. Nev
  12. I think you are going out on a limb doing that with an Industrial engine A reliable GENSET engine might be a good start. The NAME on the BOX doesn't tell you who made it and from where. these days. I'm seeing good Chinese brands being used by good name companies. I have a LONCIN engine in a ride on zero turn and It's fantastic with 250 hours on it now. 24'5 HP. Nev
  13. ASK the repairers which Insurance companies are good to deal with. THEY know. Nev
  14. That's a pretty good explanation.. Windshear is mostly a low level phenomenon and whatever cross wind you have will often diminish at flare height but the extent will vary. In x winds and gusts you carry a speed margin to cover the possibility of airspeed reducing when it's already low. Nev
  15. Make sure the GAME OVER mode is prominently displayed to give you a chance to kiss your a@$e goodbye. Nev
  16. Well that's what is often done but you lose something in my opinion. Often the only thing original is the data plate. You might as well say she flew a plane that Looked much like this one when she started off.. Nev
  17. Very low powered plane' 40 HP JAP) I've seen other planes powered by it. Tipsy Nipper? A quick search doesn't show that motor but similarly powered ones like a Stark Stamo. It's in the aerobatic category. Nev
  18. It might as well be recovered IF some someone wants to fund it. It's not a war grave.. The depth might help to preserve it. (Lack of Oxygen). Don't restore it because then it's just another Lockheed plane . Nev
  19. I don't care how many hours of "whatever" he HAS.. What he said is wrong. Nev
  20. I would have thought 390 would be it's displacement. A singe without counter rotating balance weights would be rough. WITH weights it would be heavier. Often FLAT Twins are rough torsionally as the pistons stop and start at identical times' and they have offset cylinders. A Vee twin is better in that respect. An angle around 67 degrees is near optimum. You'd still have to determine the engines best balance factor. It's a long time since ordinary cars had SINGLE cylinder motors but they had BIG flywheels to smooth the pulses out. Nev
  21. More of a "contraption" than an aerodynamic prospect. Could be a disaster in gusts. Nev
  22. What was the turning DOWNWIND about?. Nev
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