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Third tech manager in 18 months gone........

Guest Maj Millard

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It seems hard to ignore how RA Aus appears now to be in a further developed stage of atrophy where good, experienced and capable senior managers are appointed and cannot function due to the operational and organisational environment that continues to exist.


Not only does this stifle resolution in the areas that they were recruited to, but also repels further potential applicants, who ultimately would hold the key to effective development for the organisation. this "catch 22" places enormous load on those who continue to work operationally in all ares of RA Aus and I feel for all the " good" people who are working for us who must be buckling under the strain. Surely a situation that any business can't sustain.



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KG, Have you offered your audit process experience to our Board? I'm sure they need some guidance in developing this area.

It was hard work back in the 80s & will be even harder now. I'm retired & doing what I love, building my plane. I have faith that all of the issues and problems will eventually get sorted out & the world will continue to spin. On the other hand I am still maintaining a class 2 medical & the option to VH experimental register.



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  • 1 month later...
Who has an update regarding Wayne's final payment? Or has it ended up under the carpet.?Has gone very quiet.



Keith Page.

That would be Wayne's private business but you could check with Ross.



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Well if it was a million and a half Teckair, I can see some members beginning to think that what they pay out is their business.

Yes but we are not told any details about the pay arrangements for RAAus staff so what makes you think this should be different?



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Your local Council salaries are public knowledge, along with State and Federal government departments; these people are paid public money - your money.

I agree and so what? are you suggesting the salaries of RAAus employees be made public? If so you should do something about it. Are you even a member? If not, you can't do anything and it is not your problem.



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Guest Andys@coffs

I'm no HR practitioner so I don't understand whether that means Salary and or wage should be available to all the members on a per person basis or not?


I know in private industry (That which we closest emulate) salary info is unlikely to be known broadly among the staff and almost certainly other than some of the board, not known publically


If it were to become public or even member only knowledge then it absolutely will become staff knowledge and at that point you have every member of staff looking for inequities and the means to argue for increases.....


As you well know and have argued, appropriately, previously we don't need anymore help in growing our wages and salary part of P&L beyond what we have seen in recent times!!!


I'd take HR Guidance and run with that...I'm pretty sure that probably means that our democratically elected reps can know but the rest of us probably shouldn't!





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I'd suggest that the closest emulation to the Association is not private industry, but public service where public monies are handled and the organizations are accountable for handling that money.


Many people have confused the issue on this forum, touting private company structures, and in response to a question by Major Millard as to whether this position had been advertised etc, the response from a board member was : "his is obviously an operational matter and will be left to the General Manager to action when he see's fit. My personal belief is it should be advertised and I hope that will occur."


So he is obviously thinking like private industry where a manager hires and fires his staff, and directors are left, as is said above to "hope" things will occur.


However, he is not a director, but a board of management member.


So I'm not surprised there is confusion.


People in government have no issues with their salary/wages/packages being known - for the most part no one's interested enough to even look them up.


However, I think if you tried to change from hidden to public remuneration there would be WW3 for a few months.



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Guest Andys@coffs

So Government has to follow ASIC rules........


We do whether as an incorporated association or as a company limited by guarantee......


I still think we are closer to private industry than government........Just look at the TM turnover....unless things have changed how easy is it for Gov to simply terminate an employee?


But, all that aside its not an essential part of the core thread......





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I still think we are closer to private industry than government........Just look at the TM turnover....unless things have changed how easy is it for Gov to simply terminate an employee?Andy

You haven't seen some Companies in action - I've seen 300 go one Friday night!



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Guest Maj Millard

I recieved the latest Email from Wayne today, and forwarded to appropriate people. I can tell you that Wayne appears not to have been paid out his entitlements in full, and the process is ongoing . It all goes back to the GM ultimately by the sound of it, and should a lawsuit ensue in respect to Fair work entitlements, it'll also be on the GMs lap from what I see ATM........Maj...



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Thank you for the update I was wonder what was going on, only silence.


O....K.... Is the executive getting direction from the GM or the GM getting direction from the executive?


I wonder if this is the cause of the slow recruiting for the new TM?




Keith Page.



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Guest Maj Millard

Well as I understand it, and please correct me if I 'm wrong, the GM is in charge of running the office and those paid executive positions below him IE: treasurer, secretary, Office excutive manager, Tech manager (sic) and operations persons. However,...the elected board executive members have the ability to approve, or disapprove all major changes, including the appointment of new paid excutive positions, and those that include major change to the constitution , or spending of major sums of monies.


No doubt this is a very simplified version of how it works, but should cover the basics............Maj...



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.......However,...the elected board executive members have the ability to approve, or disapprove all major changes, including ........ major change to the constitution , ..................Maj...

I'll pick you up on one thing Ross ... only 75% of the voting membership have the power to change the constitution regardless of what the Executive or Board wish and any member can put up a proposal for change to the constitution, it is not the exclusive right or otherwise of the Constitutional Review Committee which seems to be a perverted view of Ed Herring by his perplexing actions at the AGM.



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Guest Andys@coffs
Well as I understand it, and please correct me if I 'm wrong, the GM is in charge of running the office and those paid executive positions below him IE: treasurer, secretary, Office excutive manager, Tech manager (sic) and operations persons. However,...the elected board executive members have the ability to approve, or disapprove all major changes, including the appointment of new paid excutive positions, and those that include major change to the constitution , or spending of major sums of monies.No doubt this is a very simplified version of how it works, but should cover the basics............Maj...


Treasurer and Secretary are a subset of the board being the executive. They are not paid positions and they don't report to the GM, rather he reports to them (the board not the executive, though the exec might be more driving than some of the other board members)





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I recieved the latest Email from Wayne today, and forwarded to appropriate people. I can tell you that Wayne appears not to have been paid out his entitlements in full, and the process is ongoing . It all goes back to the GM ultimately by the sound of it, and should a lawsuit ensue in respect to Fair work entitlements, it'll also be on the GMs lap from what I see ATM........Maj...

More one sided gossip.



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Disputes over payments can easily be resolved usually. There are plenty of reference bodies who could adjudicate and provide baseline rates. There would also be the original terms of employment. Records if they can be reconciled will be the major issue. I don't think it is our responsibility to get into it here, frankly, Nev



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More one sided gossip.

I think that is not one sided, that is straight down the middle and honest because it is from Wayne. What I have said before straight from the horse's mouth.


How is that be slanted?




Keith Page.



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I think that is not one sided, that is straight down the middle and honest because it is from Wayne. What I have said before straight from the horse's mouth.How is that be slanted?



Keith Page.

Yeah right, I am not going to waste my time answering that.



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