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What ipad apps are good and bad?


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Im looking for something that doesnt duplicate all my steam guages. Im going to run ozrunways anyhow but im also after a hud or efis type app that just has the artificial horizon (in case) and speed / heading / altitude. Primarily as a backup system for xcountry.


Having a friend jsut got back from a huge xcounrty and several of his avionics failed at once including gps, i would like to have a backup thats simply ipad driven.


If it has calculations on fuel flow etc thats a bonus. Cost if its under $120 or so is not an issue, i just want excellent functionality


Thoughts and suggestions appreciated. Ta.



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There are many apps that give a kind of AH / HUD display that are quite cheap or even free.


For example "FlightInstruments" http://www.bbflight.com/home/FlightInstruments


This one uses the "solid state gyro sensors" in the later iPhones and iPads etc.


to provide attitude information.


I'm not sure how it'd work as back up in a real emergency but I suppose


this technology is a step up from gps derived attitude information - the alternative short of buying a proper AHRS box with bluetooth connectivity.


As well as gps GS and altitude this app also displays your position relative to the nearest airport in plain language


such as "6.2 NM NW of YTMU" plus the local comms freq. I imagine that could be quite useful in a panic situation - assuming one got as far as the 'Communicate' phase of proceedings.


Even if such apps were workable in that last-ditch back-up role, of course, it be no good if your iPad was stuck on your knee! And in any "just in case" scenario it would be no time to be jumping between nav and horizon apps. You'd want to try to keep aware of where you are as well as which way's up. (Needless to say, I'm not suggesting anyone, untrained, would readily pull it off anyway.)


So I suppose that for such apps to be at all feasible - even as a 'last chance' back up - the device would at least have to be pre-mounted on the dash. Maybe one way is to mount an iPhone up front as well as having an iPad (maybe on a knee pad). I think this can be a good arrangement anyway - apart from inadvertent lost horizon situations. Even both running OzRunways, for example, displaying different info. can work well. Plus being a back-up for each other up.


Anyway, independently powered 'situational awareness' devices will still work - for a while - if ship's power goes down. I guess most people who fly with an installed gps system would carry a portable of some kind, just in case. And the iPhone can function as stand-by comms. (And, yes, for x-country nav. there is always our primary means of navigation.)


I don't really see how fuel flow information might be fed to a simple app. unless someone has come up with a ff-sender that works on bluetooth.


all the best,





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I totally know its possible to look out the window im not that stupid. I asked what apps people are using that they like to do a certain job. Thats like telling someone who asks what bus to catch that they can actually walk to work. Of course they can, but thats not what they wanted to know.


Thanks Garfly.



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I've downloaded a couple of the apps that have AH's in them. Don't bother. They seem to accumulate errors and I wouldn't rely on them walking to work (I'd catch the bus). I don't know how effective the "gyros" and accelerometers are in the iPad, but I definitely wouldn't even use them as a backup. As for the software, a lot of it is free and you definitely get what you pay for with them.



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Ive got several friends using oz runways and they love it so ive already subscribed. My son has flown with it and likes it a lot.


NAIPES i downloaded last night it seems useful in some aspects. Theres another one i think you must not be allowed to mention as my post asking about it was deleted on here, its a bit over a hundred bucks but im not prepared to be a dummy and buy that without hearing some people rave about it.


I can tell you this my mate who lost his gps was extremely happy with ozrunways as it turned a cancelled trip back into a fantastic holiday for he and the mrs. He runs the dual 150 or similar with its gps and said its deadly accurate.


I also downlaoded the awis one it was a few bucks and i has every awis phone number in it so i can quickly copy it into skype and call awis anywhere.


One that my son likes for practicing ATC radio listening is LiveATC , it has all the ATC radios in Aus and a lot of other countries. I was listening in on camden this morning. Its a bit of an eye opener as to the behaviour that goes on at other airports on the radios.... more fun and educational. of no use in the cockpit.



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  • 3 months later...

Doc for years I have had my iPhone mounted at the side of the panel running a simple freebie called GPS. It has big, clear, simple readout of the basics. Always easy to read and accurate, and a minimum distraction from looking where you're going.





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Ozrunways and Airnav Pro and the Sentient app are super cool - but the reality is that pretty much all phones and tablets are not real flash in direct sunlight. It is something of a mission to use them in a bubble-top or clear-roof aircraft - the "on the pilot's knee" thing just does not work. Ditto for solutions using car GPS hardware. Generally there are no worries in a cockpit with a roof .....



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AVPlan on an iPad Mini on a kneeboard works for me. No problems seeing the display in the Gazelle cockpit....

Ozrunways is fine in my aircraft, no real glare issues, I also use NAIPs for WX ,flight plans , and last light ,dial AWIS and Aeroweather for plain English WX ( sometimes ,I generally just use the air services WX and decipher it but if I find something unusual it can be handy)




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Doc for years I have had my iPhone mounted at the side of the panel running a simple freebie called GPS. It has big, clear, simple readout of the basics. Always easy to read and accurate, and a minimum distraction from looking where you're going.

Is that another screen on this app https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/free-gps/id335392176?mt=8 or a different one.?



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no, Rank, it looks totally different. I haven't been able to find the original in the Ap store, so maybe they folded or we taken over. Happens a lot.

The app is still there, I downloaded it today. Just do search with "GPS", you will have to go through quite few pages before you find it. Also it costs 0.99c now.



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