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Passed my XC!!

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Hi all - still buggered after a FULL day, but wanted to pass on that I finally got my solo hours and passed the XC flight test yesterday!


I'll write it all up in my blog, but it was a big day with lots of twists and turns! From Bankstown the plan was to fly to Young, however got as far as Goulburn (home of the sideways sock) and the clouds were closing in all around so I decided to pull in there for a bit. Hung out at the flying school there for an hour until the clouds broke up, amended my flight plan and sartime with airservices, then off to Young.


My CFI is from there, so he visited family while I did my solo - Young West Wyalong - Forbes. Landed at YFBS and I was the only person or plane there. Even the toilet was full of tumbleweeds (I have pics). The club was closed and I wasn't sure about refilling my water bottle from the lawn hose, so I just left it and went up to Parkes - Cowra - Young. Winds were pretty robust, so I was only managing a ground speed in the 60s at some points (but in the 110s the other way, woooo) so logged a healthy 2.9 hours solo nav.


Then got back, got updated weather and did my flight plan and charts etc and the way back was filled with diversions, getting lost (and not all on purpose), low level, and some real-world opportunities to avoid clouds.


All in all, about 8.1 hours in one day, I was buggered, it was all i could do to remember I still had to land and taxi back at bankstown (save the high workload bit for the last haha) but I guess I managed, and I passed!


So now just need to rack up a few more PIC hours for the PAX which I hope to do in the next few weeks!


I'll post the blog link here when I get round to gathering my thoughts, right now its all still a buzz. First order of business today is a relaxing massage!



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.. absolutely, and my personal minimum going forward will be about 2 hours... I wouldn't have undertaken that much flying at once outside of the supervision of my CFI. When I get to the point that 2 hours goes by without me being a basket case, I'll consider upping it. But wow what an experience!



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That's correct Andy, with an hour or so break in between each, so it didn't seem so bad up till the end. I think its somewhat of a tradition at the school, they call it our 'Big Day' and I can see why!! Its short for "Big Bloody Expensive Arse-Whipping Day"



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Hi all - still buggered after a FULL day, but wanted to pass on that I finally got my solo hours and passed the XC flight test yesterday!..... 8.1 hours in one day, I was buggered ..... I think its somewhat of a tradition at the school .....

Congratulations ayavner, well done!


We need to take this chat offline.

Yes ....


If it wasn't for the last leg being accompanied by the CFI I'd have said that scheduling a low hours student for 8hrs examination airtime in a single day was reckless and inviting disaster. Perhaps it's a 'tradition' that warrants investigating?


My commercial flight test/navex was longer than average and took 4.7hrs and I was completely wrecked afterwards. Commercial level tests are usually between 3.5 and 4hrs.



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Commercial level tests are usually between 3.5 and 4hrs.

And dont involve Solo flights from the CFI's home town. Solo from an unfamiliar airfield would not be legal from a training standpoint unless the school had satellite approval from that field.


But, nothing should take away from what Ayanvner accomplished..Well done mate!!



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Congratulations ayavner, well done!


Yes ....


If it wasn't for the last leg being accompanied by the CFI I'd have said that scheduling a low hours student for 8hrs examination airtime in a single day was reckless and inviting disaster. Perhaps it's a 'tradition' that warrants investigating?


My commercial flight test/navex was longer than average and took 4.7hrs and I was completely wrecked afterwards. Commercial level tests are usually between 3.5 and 4hrs.

Thanks guys! Yes, I was buggered... do keep in mind however that the flight out was just that.. .a flight out, no pressure, to brush up on things and the CFI was of course with me there as well. The last leg likewise was with the CFI and was itself only 1.9 hours. Each leg had a break of over an hour in between... appreciate the concern guys, but I'd like to feel good about this for at least a day ok?



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You should feel good about it mate. Theres nothing in any comments here directed at you. Just some concern over the way things were done.


Actually you should feel even better that you had such a big day and still managed to pass. That should build your confidence mate!!!



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it definitely does!!


Oh Eric McCandless, if you're reading this, I did have a chat with your CFI for awhile when I was in YGLB, I let her know that her training of you resulted in some really good documentation that has no doubt helped countless people including myself.



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Mate, I cut through the airport late yesterday and swear I heard a bit of yawning coming from the hanger.


Not sure whether it was from you, or the J170 tired after a big day.071_yawn.gif.43c7f5f86675fec124ffe33bd2e896f0.gif


Very well done 014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif


Kind Regards





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I was going to add a few pics, but whenever I insert them they end up on their sides even though they look fine on my computer. Any idea how to rotate them on here, or better yet stop them from rotating in the first place?



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Back in the bad old days, when we submitted full radio flight plans for any trip over 50nm, it was an easy job for the regulator to pickup on your flight times. I remember back in the 80's making it into Ceduna late in the day, after a long, slow trip from Maroochydore - and the then local Flight Service cancelled my SARTIME with the comment 'you've done 10 hrs today - better get a good sleep' It was a subtle nudge to try to stay within the flight time limitations - which existed pretty much the same at that time. The flight times are only part of the fatigue issue. It's all the other stuff that pilots have to do - weather,flight plans,refuelling, aircraft inspections, passenger care, and also - feeding, watering, de-feeding and de-watering oneself.


It all takes time. That's one of the reasons that commercially we all have to maintain a record of our duty times which are usually limited to 90 hrs every 14 days. It's quite an eyeopener to look at your weeks 'work' and be amazed that you flew so little time out of so many duty hours. Now if you are a PPL, or RPC - you don't have to log duty times - but these can be just as fatigueing as the inflight hours. In our smaller aircraft we don't enjoy the luxury of a co-pilot or an autopilot, so for us, every hour is work. I urge everyone to have a careful look at their 'real' hours of flying and understand that the non-flying hours might be nearly as stressful as the inflight. In any case, if you must have a really big day - stay off the booze and get an early night, preferably with no flying next day.


happy days,



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Think I figured out the piccy thing, let's see...


concentrating on a diversion on the way home:




Near Cowra, NSW:




Forbes facilities... as i said, I was the ONLY one there...




7295 at Forbes:




West Wyalong runway:




Just a taste of what the day was like :)



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Congratulations Ayavner on passing your XC. No stopping you now. Wow what an epic journey and you were still able to hold it together for your test. You certainly have better powers of concentration than I would have. Teraya mentioned you called in and I am sorry I was not there to meet up with you. I am so happy for you. I hope we can catch up some time. Eric



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Well done. It's a nice feeling.


But don't take the passenger endorsement lightly. I think instructors have some common characteristics, and one of these is ensuring you do not become complacent.


It wouldn't be a problem in a J160, but in an LSA 55, a "passenger" can (not can...the BASTARD did!) "accidentally" close your throttle on climb out by knocking the throttle with their hand or foot...





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