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What happens an hour after drinking local, sustainable, organic kale juice

Gnarly Gnu

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^ Organic kale eater, hates GMO & thinks the moon landings were faked.

Nah, can't stand kale and laugh at people who think the moon landings were faked. Just find it ironic that a semi-clever infographic laughs at people who purportedly get their info from clever infographics.



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I like Kale, I know it's organic 'cause it comes outta mums garden, not the local Monsanto wholesales store (AKA Supermarket).


Thinks the moon landings were real but can't comment since they were well before my time!



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I like kale, we used to grow it in England as stock feed.The cows coul strip graze it in the winter, if it wasn't too wet and muddy. Read that as frozen. There were two varieties, one called marrow stem, had a big stem filled with a pithy centre.


Not really for human consumption, but nowadays if you can push something as healthy and it is either old or unusual you could make a fortune.



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I think that glass of whatever resembles the result of 60 minutes of stock grazing on Swede / Chowmolea? (forgotten what it is called nowdays) and fresh clover. Ah the memories of doing the rounds at night checking on 40 or so yearlings Aberdeen Angus hard to spot buggers and having to burp unlucky ones with a hose.


We did try Swede to eat but I think the recipe is similar to our Pukeko stew where u get a couple of medium rocks throw into pot with Pukeko and simmer for 2 days, throw out the Pukeko and its done.



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Gotta have the swede young. The cows don't care if it's overgrown and all woody, they have the option of bringing last nights dinner back for breakfast, lunch and another dinner too. They get woody and fibrous once mature, pick them big enough to eat but small enough to be crisp and they aren't bad.



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Nah, can't stand kale and laugh at people who think the moon landings were faked. Just find it ironic that a semi-clever infographic laughs at people who purportedly get their info from clever infographics.

Its taking the piss out of this http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-07/30/18/enhanced/webdr03/enhanced-buzz-wide-30231-1438294227-18.jpg that circulated around a bit last week.




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Never tried burping with a hose but Ive stuck a few with trocar and canula. Sometimes just for a massive gas build up and also a swede or turnip can actually stick in the throat. Then you need a broomstick. Happy days, but nearly a lifetime away in the past.



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