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Never let a chance go by photo opotunity


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Someone left her out after the open day on Sunday so I thought that I might take the chance to stage a shot or two.[ATTACH]37777[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37778[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37779[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37780[/ATTACH]

AHH. . .terrific shots of that Gooneybird Geoff,. . . .which daft sod parked that thruster thingy in the way though ? ? ? ? 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


Seriously though mate,. . .I've just plastered one of those with graphics at our airfield, my mate Graham, who has owned a Jodel for about 10 years and sold it, found that he was missing flying a bit so He bought the X'Air Hawk. . .only 9 mths old with less than 90 hrs on the frame. Nice, solid aeroplane with loads of room inside. . .must have if I. . .can get in when there's another human in the office as well.


Flies beautifully, but Graham is a bit nonplussed at how we land these things, full flap and a really steep approach if you want to,. . . ( we went across to another local strip which is only 245m long, with trees around it. . .) whereas he is used to a long, flat approach with the flapless Stuka-winged Froggoplane he was used to !


I've infected him now with the way that I personally fly,. . .but I've told him to go and get an instructor to sign him off in it, as most insurance companies would rub their hands together will glee if he had a fender bender and said that some non-instructor qualified fat git from down the road had checked him out on it . . .


On a fairly reasonable steep approach ( for us ) he said later that his bum was going Fifty cents/five cents rapidly all down final ! He's finding those flaps really Novel.


He asked me to make a really large registration which sits just above the horizontal centre longeron on the side fuse fabric and stretches from the wing trailing edge to the tail,. . I said that this probably wasn't a good idea, in case he accidentally flew a bit low somewhere, BUT. . .you can't convince some people. . . I'd upload the pic, but it's in PDF and around 2.8 Megs,. . . won't work on this site. . . Nemmind ay ?





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Phil,Four easy steps: Screen Print, paste in Paint, Crop, Save as .jpg. (Resize before saving if required.)

Sorry Red + DGL,


Have not got a photo of the finished job,. . .don't usually bother,. . .the only pic I have is a blank .Jpg of the aircraft for scaling, and a .PDF of the same thing with my text superimposed on top, using Adobe Illustrator. . . which I sent to the owner as a proof and I can do all the things Red mentioned, and it doesn't make any difference, I still end up with a blank pic as ALL the software I have available will not allow an"Emailable" filesave of any description, due to the filesize limitaitons of the site.


Sometimes, professional graphic software can be a little constrained in certain quarters, especially when prospective clients send me thier ideas in Microsoft Word format,. . .or something equally childish. Yes I COULD do it, . . .MY way, . .but it would take longer than I want to bother with. . .! It's easier to get a pic of it tomorrow, when I go flying with the man and try to infect him some more with Flap + sideslip technology / accurate touchdown points. . .. . .tee hee. . . .


( Instructor is still on vacation in Florida,. . . so, whilst the flight is technically legal,. . .can't send him solo as I'm not allowed - insurance and all that. . .mentioned before. . . )


I still have the HD proof copy, which is a multi-layered .PDF, which I can't easily downsize to upload. . . .it really isn't worth the bother to be quite honest. . . Nothing spectacular anyway,. . just big block lettering filling the fuse side panels. . . .?


never mind,. . .maybe I'll get a Pic tomorrow at the airfield, I only usually bother to take pics of really nice jobs after completion,. . .this was just block bloody lettering on the side of an aeroplane,. . .don't normally bother, no reason to. . .wastes pub time. . . . ! 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif


If you wanna see some of my more spectacular stuff,. . .then I'll post a few of these. . . . .?





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Can't miss it... :)David

I'm glad I didn't leave the original glossy print proof with him, as what I actually did was to reduce the size he actually wanted by quite a bit, . .ie he wanted it to stretch the full length of the side panel, so the text would have been a lot larger than what you see,. .


I added the little red chequers at each end to disguise the fact that I'd made it a lot smaller overall ! There are some red chequers running along the nose cowling, so he liked that and I got away with it, . . still a bit on the big side though ?


His comments were that he really likes the aeroplane, but that the blank sides made it look "Hideous, like a flying block of flats". . . .compared to his old Jodel.


In the UK, there are marking size regulations ( as I have no doubt there are in Australia ) with regard to what you can get away with re aircraft identification marks. These are in CAA publication CAP 513. His original side rego was in tiny letters angled on the fin, which did not comply with the regs anyway.


An example of this is the Foxbat fuselage sides, ( made a lot of those. . .) the fuse tapers so that it is only possible to get a 150mm letter height reg set on the fuse, and 150mm is the minimum allowable size for fuselage marking in the UK ( CAP/513)


Some owners of earlier design microlight aircraft ( Spectrum, MW series, early Thrusters ) have to place letters as large as possible onto the sides of the fin, split into two lines, which looks horrible, but there's nowhere else to put it !





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Thought you broke off in mid sentence and was concerned. Nev

Thanks for your concern Nev, . actually the boss dropped a knife ( ? ) into the toaster and the power tripped out, had to reset and reboot.


Minor inconvenience, I didn't ask her to explain the knife bit. . . . ( Life's too short. . . )





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A bit different here in Oz, Phil.[ATTACH]37917[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37918[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37919[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37920[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37921[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]37922[/ATTACH]

Sure seems like it Peter,. . . I remember that in OZ, some older aircraft had a reg on the top of the / a wing too, rather like the early days here, when it was quite common to see a huge registration stretching all the way across the top surface of biplanes particularly. No upper wing reg requirement now though, just one, beneath the left mainplane.


Realistically, in the not too distant, I would expect that largeish reg letters / numbers on aircraft will be irrelevant, apart from a little one so the tower guy can I/D you with his binocs whilst you're taxying about on the ground. . . and the Mode S will I/D and nail you for flying where you oughtn't to be. . . ! ! !


(On a not dissimilar tack; Some older airfields here still have a name painted on the top of a hangar or large building to identify the place, although this is rare nowadays, can't honestly remember if they did that in Australia,. . .probably did whilst air/ground radio was in it's infancy and there were not many satellites about. . . )





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It may have been even shorter for her if she was still holding onto it!

Quite possibly Marty, not being a qualified lecky, I dunno how many microseconds elapse following a short circuit before the magic box which replaced the fuses of old, trips out the supply . . .or how much voltage a human heart can withstand for a bvery short period of time before going asystolic. . .usually the worst time to get an electric shock is a fraction of a second prior to the heart reaching top dead centre, Ie, about to beat. . . so my c-42 flying friend Dave the surgeon tells me. . .


Gotta go shopping for another 4 slice toaster now dammit,. . . marmalade on ordinary bread is too soggy.


Yesterday Wifey broke a hinge on the dropdown grill door of our cooker, dropping the glass panel on the tiles. Cooker was about nine days out of warranty.


I'm saying nothing about " That Other Gender" in general. . .folks have been banned for less.


Not only that,. . .I do NOT wish to start washing my own sox 'N' jox,. . . . did enuf of that in the military thanx. 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif


**** Ooops. . . . Wifey looking over my shoulder reading my post. . . . says I'm a "Smartarse", as it WASN'T a knife, it was a ( metal ) spatula. . .( Like that makes a difference ? ) Not only that,. . .she was "Multi-tasking" which apparently, MEN can't handle. . . .


**Note to self * * * clean out the garden shed and take laptop out of kitchen. . .rig wifi for shed. . . . post in peace.



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Don't stick anything but bread etc into a Toaster. Really dangerous, with live elements every where. 240 volts AC can kill some fairly quickly, I believe. It might be a matter if individual conductivity or tolerance. I had the ZAP at least 4 times. (I used to build all kinds of electrical things when about 10 years of age). Nev



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AHH. . .terrific shots of that Gooneybird Geoff,. . . .which daft sod parked that thruster thingy in the way though ? ? ? ? 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gifSeriously though mate,. . .I've just plastered one of those with graphics at our airfield, my mate Graham, who has owned a Jodel for about 10 years and sold it, found that he was missing flying a bit so He bought the X'Air Hawk. . .only 9 mths old with less than 90 hrs on the frame. Nice, solid aeroplane with loads of room inside. . .must have if I. . .can get in when there's another human in the office as well.


Flies beautifully, but Graham is a bit nonplussed at how we land these things, full flap and a really steep approach if you want to,. . . ( we went across to another local strip which is only 245m long, with trees around it. . .) whereas he is used to a long, flat approach with the flapless Stuka-winged Froggoplane he was used to !


I've infected him now with the way that I personally fly,. . .but I've told him to go and get an instructor to sign him off in it, as most insurance companies would rub their hands together will glee if he had a fender bender and said that some non-instructor qualified fat git from down the road had checked him out on it . . .


On a fairly reasonable steep approach ( for us ) he said later that his bum was going Fifty cents/five cents rapidly all down final ! He's finding those flaps really Novel.


He asked me to make a really large registration which sits just above the horizontal centre longeron on the side fuse fabric and stretches from the wing trailing edge to the tail,. . I said that this probably wasn't a good idea, in case he accidentally flew a bit low somewhere, BUT. . .you can't convince some people. . . I'd upload the pic, but it's in PDF and around 2.8 Megs,. . . won't work on this site. . . Nemmind ay ?



Thruster thingy? WASH YOUR MOUTH - that's nothing to do with Thrusters - they are pretty and pleasant to fly (and require a REAL pilot if the training wheel is not on the front) while that Hawk is just ... well ... a hawk



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Don't stick anything but bread etc into a Toaster. Really dangerous, with live elements every where. 240 volts AC can kill some fairly quickly, I believe. It might be a matter if individual conductivity or tolerance. I had the ZAP at least 4 times. (I used to build all kinds of electrical things when about 10 years of age). Nev

Wifey's Mum used to have some fun with toasters too,. . .she used to freeze her sliced bread and put it into the toaster for a while to thaw it out for making sandwiches ( No, I'm not joking,. .) I found this out when she came to visit us when we lived in Vermont ( Vic ) and tried the same thing with OUR toaster ! ! I reckon she blew up a couple of toasters with that lark. . . ! ! I dunno why WE had any frozen bread at the time though, not my idea. . .


With that kind of Darwinism running in the family,. . I guess I was lucky ( ? ) that my now Wife actually lived long enough to attain marryable age. . .





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