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Photo thread for the heck of it


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Nice one Tim. . . .shame about the WX up here ! ! ! another low pressure system charging across the Atlantic, in time for the Easter long weekend. . .. flyin in the rain again. . . . .



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Is that a command - (Utter 'filth') or a descriptive noun with numerical qualifier (utter filth)?Sounds like something a Very Modern Major General from Cornwall would ask.OME

. . . .Could be rhetorically ambivalent ? ? ?


I was forgetting that I'm not on my usual Pollie Blog ( goingpostal.net ) where I am a "Sherrif without a badge showing " as the "Editor" label was scaring posters orf I reckon. . . I often post the word "Filth" following a post where I consider that the commenter has employed excessive "Pub" invective where none was neccessary. . . . this is just a jocular thing really,. .. I don't want to delete posts for stuff like that,. . .just those comments which could have the site owner dragged in front of a magistrate for some libellous comment. . . .thereby threatening the well being of the site and the rest of the commenters therein. . . . Four of us started the blog, when we were all evicted from another popular site for "Going On" ) too much about ( can I use the dreaded immigration word on this thread ? ) certain things and straying off topic. YES folks,. . .in the UK you get banned for going off topic ! I think that Ian is a paragon of patience.


Other than that. . . .the comment is purely my jocularity ( and NO I have no Scottish heritage ) I have to be reasonable, as my better half is a Sedgley lass,. . from farming stock,. . . who "Effs and Blinds" even when she gets the lawnmower cable snagged. . . .


I'll have to send you some of the comments for your perusal ( directly of course. . .! ) as I know you appreciate good literature.





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This is cheating a little (alright, a lot), because my daughter took this photo of The Roulettes at the Formula 1 Grand Prix at Albert Park last weekend, and I thought it was good enough to share.





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Obviously they were not really that low. She has a 30x zoom which pulled them in. Getting them in focus like that is not easy. The auto focus would tend to focus on the much closer trees. She's only had the camera a couple of months with not much chance to get used to it. A step up from her point and shoot pocket camera. She filled the frame nicely. Here's another which has been cropped to look like it's closer.




Of course, if you want to see an F1 race car,





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( same rules apply, no smut please, family show. . .keep it clean now ! )




My ( pathetic ) suggestion . . . ..


Russian Air force sues parachute company for faulty airbag and BRS. . . . .





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Happy Easter everyone.


On a more sympathetic note,. . . . Some equipment removed, following Calvary council refusing Roman Governor planning permission for upcoming event. . .





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Happy Easter everyone.On a more sympathetic note,. . . . Some equipment removed, following Calvary council refusing Roman Governor planning permission for upcoming event. . .


Careful Phil... some people may get a little cross... it could be a thorny issue, they get hung up on these sorts of things...



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OK,. . .OK,. . . .maybe we'd better drift off the Easter meme and not egg it on any more. . .


In other news. . . . . Findus Foods accused of allowing Equine meat to be used as a substitute for beef. . . . A Findus spokesman vigorously denies this. . . .





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OK,. . .OK,. . . .maybe we'd better drift off the Easter meme and not egg it on any more. . .In other news. . . . . Findus Foods accused of allowing Equine meat to be used as a substitute for beef. . . . A Findus spokesman vigorously denies this. . . .


Deep Filly Beef?Thought that could have been a potential winner for someone!



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OK,. . .OK,. . . .maybe we'd better drift off the Easter meme and not egg it on any more. . .In other news. . . . . Findus Foods accused of allowing Equine meat to be used as a substitute for beef. . . . A Findus spokesman vigorously denies this. . . .


Nothing wrong with eating cheval. I've had antelope in South Africa, how different can it be?



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Nothing wrong with eating cheval. I've had antelope in South Africa, how different can it be?

Nowt wrong wi' a bit O' Gee Gee meat Marty, . . . . so long as it honestly TELLS YOU what it is sur la carte . . .?

As for the Antelope meat, I imagine that the top cuts would be nice and tender,. . .not having had jockeys bouncing on it. ?



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Ooops. . . .another unlucky aircraft owner,. .


This aircraft was parked up at Clacton Airfield, on the South Coast of the UK. The weather forecast for the last five days has warned us to beware of approaching Storm "Katie" . .( ? why they have to name these simple Atlantic deptressions is beyond me ) SEVERE wind gusts of up to 75 Mph were forecast. The actual storm created gusts exceeding 106 Mph at the Needles, Isle of Wight, and lesser gusts down to around 70 Mph inland. Clacton is on the South Coast in a fairly exposed position.




That should buff out ok, . . .not much of a dint in the side of the fin either,. . .couple of meaty blokes could have that flipped upright in no time. Evidence of tie cables visible, but ovbviously not strong enough.


F172M BTW. . . . . details on G-INFO website.



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And that's why you buy AUSTRALIAN lamb, not NZ... 097_peep_wall.gif.dcfd1acb5887de1394272f1b8f0811df.gif

I'm gonna buy NZ lamb anyway,. . .as a thank you for not removing the Union Flag from the NZ national flag. . . . .( dunno if the vote was close )


I really Don't eat a lot of lamb,. . .but I can get the missis to. . . OH,. . . .hang on a minute,. . . . . . . . .the EU won't ALLOW me to buy lamb from NZ,. . . . .I forgot.. . .it would be illegal under EU law.



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Actually the vote was close - 53% to 47% - and some of us would rather have a flag that didn't suggest we were still a British colony - and even worse - gets mistaken for the Australian flag! However unfortunately the alternative offered for consideration didn't resonate with enough people.


We would also rather keep our lamb - rather than send it over to a lot of ungrateful Poms who were happy enough for us to feed them during a couple of wars but then decided that paying more for their lamb in order top subsidise European farmers made much more sense.


Wonder what will happen if and when Britain exits the EU - will they want our lamb again? Too late - we have other markets now!



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Actually the vote was close - 53% to 47% - and some of us would rather have a flag that didn't suggest we were still a British colony - and even worse - gets mistaken for the Australian flag! However unfortunately the alternative offered for consideration didn't resonate with enough people.We would also rather keep our lamb - rather than send it over to a lot of ungrateful Poms who were happy enough for us to feed them during a couple of wars but then decided that paying more for their lamb in order top subsidise European farmers made much more sense.

Wonder what will happen if and when Britain exits the EU - will they want our lamb again? Too late - we have other markets now!

MICRO. . . .. mate. . . . WE didn't vote to have all this crap. . . .WE didn't vote to have NZ imports banned by unwanted and non reversible EU LAWS. . . . Our country was taken away from us by LYING CHEATING SLIMY POLLIES WITH THEIR NOSES IN THE EU TROUGH. . . .who lied and lied and lied for a very long time. WE WANT to be able to buy our meat from anywhere in the world, . . preferably, where we got it from before, so please. . . . Don't blame us,. . .we are just people,. . .worthless worms sacrificed on the altar of something, although we still don't bloody well know what. I'm going to stop now because I'm getting angry again. ( not with you mate,. . .with the fecking EU )







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I knew there were still some Poms with common sense - and I hope to come across some when I visit the UK in May - and if I'm really lucky her indoors will allow me some time off for good behaviour to visit a few airfields. Otherton is on my list.........



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