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The Never Ending Story


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...However, she keeps a stick to deal with Le Crappe......

...who has been rumoured to enjoy such pursuits! ;)


Speaking of pursuits, McLoch has just returned from washing and blowing eleven months :ah_oh: worth of cobwebs and dust :yuk: from the two wheel toy (that has been sadly neglected :broken_heart: since the tin can's arrival 025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif) and noticed that NSW's finest are out in force making new friends this weekend:exclamation:. Probably including a LOT of mexicans making their annual pilgramage to 'Nanaland.


"...Often wonder why they call them 'Highway Patrol' when they seem to spend so much time in town, hiding behind trees and playing cowboys and indians with their LIDAR gun..." :confused: posed NotgoingtogofasthisweekendLoch 040_nerd.gif.818f42a429bd433d10428d88b6b4d49f.gifquestion.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


...With barely two twists left in lackey band :ah_oh: and min, min light(s) a glow, Hidey scanned for a landing site......




Le Crappee is AWOL this eve question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif.....perhaps he has a date with Nanna :heart:?



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"...Often wonder why they call them 'Highway Patrol' when they seem to spend so much time in town, hiding behind trees and playing cowboys and indians with their LIDAR gun..." :confused: posed NotgoingtogofasthisweekendLoch 040_nerd.gif.818f42a429bd433d10428d88b6b4d49f.gifquestion.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif

...With barely two twists left in lackey band :ah_oh: and min, min light(s) a glow, Hidey scanned for a landing site......

...he scanned and he scanned and below him he saw a LIDAR gun toting Highway Patrolman skulking behind a tree, while roaring towards him was Le Crappee on the Sam Suzuki with its grossest yellow number plates.


Deciding to save his mate, Hidey's face twisted into a grin. He'd kept a bag of flour from the Bombing Competition at Natfry. The competition was finally cancelled after they had all been circulating the field IFR without suitable ratings or instruments. Hidey had ensured safety by simply flying around in a series of leaps so he kept seeing the ground.


Anyway back to the story. There was the Highway Patrolman, his back to hidey, staring down the barrel of his LIDAR at Le Crappee, whoe right wrist was almost double jointed holding the Suzuki wide open.


Just as the LIDAR settled, POOF! the flour bomb exploded in such as cloud that no one could tell which was Hidey, which was the Patrolman, and which was Le Crappee.


"Like a ride back to your car?" asked Le Crappee politely.....



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...While camouflaged nicely into the white cloud in his white Elvis leathers and white Suzey Davidson. 024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif


"Rubbish! you can see his bright yellow number plate!" scoffed - --- -- --- (who's due for a name change soon 'cuz it's a pain in the bum cutting and pasting - --- -- --- in all the time...049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif)


"G'day, G'day, G'day" replied Mr Plod, while brushing Hidey's bomb dust from his crushed leather cap and lime green camouflage safety vest. "License thanks dotDash, 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif and you, silver whiskers, begone with your shiney new toy before I zot you for associating with a QLDer."


Hidey Ho saw his chance to escape 011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif and thanks to a puff of hot air from a locust fart, :raise_eyebrow: launched skyward...



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Hidey Ho saw his chance to escape 011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif and thanks to a puff of hot air from a locust fart, :raise_eyebrow: launched skyward...

...where he was going, nobody knew. Over the Tarra Valley perhaps, or under the trees along Grand Ridge Road, who knows.


"And who cares!" said Le Crappe, elvis suit in tatters and flour all over his big pipes - he'd been caught out twice today, and though we all misssed his little joke to dotDash where he told him only to send the message once and typed Wagga Wagga - a droll dude is LeC


"Where does that leave me?" asked dotDash who only wanted tp test the water with a few light comments and now found himself in the middle of a police investigation in Yellowplateland. "I'm only a Drifter Driver"


"Yeh, but the way you're going, you'll become a Thruster Twirler and the last thing we want is thousand word answers, so best get you will you're only into drifters" said the Officer, now looking very much like Santa after the blizzard.


"What's your name?" asked the officer


".... .-- --," replied dotDash


"Right, you're locked up smartarse" said the Officer.


Another Queenslander bites the dust thought Slartifrog, sitting in his cold tent, rain beating down at Natfry.....



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.....sitting in his cold tent, rain beating down at Natfry.....

"Natfry? Natfry?!!" interjected the rep from the Zero crop sprayer company, "It's NatFLY you ozzie plick..."




dotDash is in the garden on exercise time for good behaviour...



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Speaking of pursuits, McLoch has just returned from washing and blowing eleven months :ah_oh: worth of cobwebs and dust :yuk: from the two wheel toy (that has been sadly neglected :broken_heart: since the tin can's arrival 025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif)

"Hey Lockie" said the Rat "A few other reprobates & I are riding down to the Jingellic Pub for lunch next Friday ..... if'n you are available, so you can give your twt a quick blat (aviation term)."


"Why don't you fly (aviation term) down?" he replied


"Because there is no airport (aviation term) and we'll be low-flying (motorcycling term) anyway" was his curt Rat-like reply "The Jingellic Pub is on the northern bank (aviation term) of the Murray (flowing term) so we don't need to go back to Victorian times (black dresses and all)."


"I'm gunna put some "Hello Pete" and "See ya next week Pete" notes in a bottle and chuck (aviation term) them in for GrandePierre to remove at Echuca. How poetic, prophetic and pathetic would that be?"


"What's a twt?" asked Nanna "And haven't you left out a letter?"


"It's a ........


PS Hang in there HiHo. We'll get back to you, eventually.



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"Hey Lockie" said the Rat "A few other reprobates & I are riding down to the Jingellic Pub for lunch next Friday ..... if'n you are available, so you can give your twt a quick blat (aviation term)."

"Why don't you fly (aviation term) down?" he replied


"Because there is no airport (aviation term) and we'll be low-flying (motorcycling term) anyway" was his curt Rat-like reply "The Jingellic Pub is on the northern bank (aviation term) of the Murray (flowing term) so we don't need to go back to Victorian times (black dresses and all)."


"I'm gunna put some "Hello Pete" and "See ya next week Pete" notes in a bottle and chuck (aviation term) them in for GrandePierre to remove at Echuca. How poetic, prophetic and pathetic would that be?"


"What's a twt?" asked Nanna "And haven't you left out a letter?"


"It's a ........

...Two stroke Water Trolley" explained McLoch who had inherited it from his great grandfather who had smuggled it back from Gallipoli.


His great grandfather Lockie McLoch, who was aboriginal saw that too many donkeys were bing shot and coupled a BSA Bantam engine to a water trolley, put lug tyres on it, and with a full load of water used to let 'er rip straight up the cliffs from the beach (I know BigPete, but on quiet days he had ground the head, ported it and set the port timing over 180 degrees.


The Turks hated it because there was so much dust they couldn't see, and the Australians made many successful attacks, and the dust got in their coffee.


The Jingellic Publican became aware of le Crappe's idea, and phoned Kevin Rudd to say a horde of bikies was coming to wreck the joint (even if they were effeminate, white clad and rode Japanese bikes). Kevin immediately got Air Force One out, ripped into the hostesses that breakfast should have been ready when he first thought of it (big mistake - they were both fully qualified FA-18 flying officers who knew exactly where he lived), and flew down to Jingellic (which is in NSW [dotDash - Yellow warning!]). The pilot yelled over his shoulder, "There's nowhere to land Prime Minister".


Kevin, thinking this was just another act of insubordination said "Don't give me that, just do it.


So with more than full flaps, nose in the air, power on 95% boost, the very skilled pilot (Turbo had taught him this trick in a Jab - don't try this with a Rotact), he brought the executive jet to nearly zero speed (aviation term, not often found) and 30 feet per minute descent and began to set down in the front drive of a chicken farm.


Unfortunately he was slightly off line and the thrust caught the open side hatches of the first shed which exploded like a paper bag. The air was filled with white flapping dots, and the aircraft suffered 120,000 bird strikes, but the pilot, Brency, set it down gently.


First to greet the PM was dotDash.


Now a bit of background on dotDash - to keep up the enormous expense of flying a Drifter he was holding down three jobs, working on a cotton farm in western Queensland, the Jingellioc chicken farm, and a cattle station at Roma. His father had been sent to prison after a gunfight in the main street of his home town Doongmabulla (See ERSA, how would you like to have to spell that out all your life)


Down at his local pubs he was known as the Cotton pickin chicken pluckin knacker knifin son of a gun from Doongmabulla.


Kevin looked at dotDash: "How do you pronounce your name?" he asked, irritated that the Mayor wasn't there to fawn over him and still smarting at being kicked out of Thailand by students.


"If you can't speak Morse Code try English", said dotDash, but Kevin was more fluent in Mandarin.....



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"If you can't speak Morse Code try English", said dotDash, but Kevin was more fluent in Mandarin.....

"That's not Mandarin" said the multilingual McSlovaclocks "It sounds like Cumquat to me".


"Hang on" said the CrappRat "Have some respect. While we are in our dry homes, poor old Slartifartblast is stuck in his tent playing Dutchies, giving his puppet a run, checking the weather on his Lappie, posting to the Forum, adding up his commissions from Cheetah sales to soggy forum members and chewing on cold-X buns that he snuck out of Ian's tent"


"I agree" said the Turbopiddler "He's sure done the hard yards, and it sounds like the way things were for me and my mates during the Somme campaign"


"What years were you stuck in the Somme?" asked Locks.


"It was 2005" he replied "When we did the Jetsetters tour of Belgium.


'Then we ..............


PS Which truckstop are you at now, HiHo? Are you past Charleville yet?


PPS Le Crapp had a complete post written then pushed the wrong button. Bugger.



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"What years were you stuck in the Somme?" asked Locks.

"It was 2005" he replied "When we did the Jetsetters tour of Belgium.


'Then we ..............

"... went over to the eastern front and followed the track the Germans took into Russia, and out backwards at the double. They'd said it was cold but the AC was fine in our 747"


"the Germans couldn't get in to Stalingrad because the gate was locked" editorialised Locks.


dotDash, after making a visit this morning also seems to have pressed the wrong button. Probably scared off by those NSW kangarrooos which have yellow plates and do triple jumps....



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"... went over to the eastern front and followed the track the Germans took into Russia, and out backwards at the double. They'd said it was cold but the AC was fine in our 747"

"the Germans couldn't get in to Stalingrad because the gate was locked" editorialised Locks....

"Vot" replied the Hauptmann "Ve haff never been zo inzzulted. Zem Russians were just lucky (that we didn't have our zekret veppon McJockLocks with us to open that gate)".


'Und schtopp flaunting your wealth to the rest of us. Sie vould haff been much better served by putting the Deutchmarks von zat trip towards fixing one of your many broken outboards and a few Jab flights".


"Hass it schtopped rainink up zerr yet Slartiphartblater?" he added while ...........



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"Hass it schtopped rainink up zerr yet Slartiphartblater?" he added while ...........

Note, NES readers the fluent German of Le Crappe. Some googling has uncovered less than flattering flattery on this person who has been passing himself off as a French Resistance fighter.


It appears he is still wanted by the Gestapo - yes the Nazis are still active - Hermann Goering is being lauded as an example to all of us on another RF thread even as we speak - and his real name is Adda Crapp, a Hauptmann from Herzhog who drove a Unimog.


When told of all the IMC flying taking place at Ze Natflugen in the interests of keeping the show on the road or providing excitement by using the road as a dartboard, Crapp sniffed, and said Ve vould not haf done thiss, eeefen at the height of the Battle of Britain, which of course ve callt ze battle of Chermany, which ve still feel should have been disqualified because Churchill kicked us in the ballz by stealing our Radar vich ve called lookensharpenattem.


Wikipedia also lists Crapp as an SS intelligence officer...and that's a laugh...


dotDash has been in and out of the forum like a Bogong moth this morning which may be due to pressing the wrong button, SlartiNerd not being able to match ExAdmin, or Telstra's Queensland Internet supply....



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Geeeeezzzzz.... Said a flabergstered me....I went a way for a day and come back to this....


I've gotten a new name, not bad really, but I do wonder where the dot bit came from..? 'cause - --- -- --- that is all dashes.....! But DotDash does have a cool ring to it don't it..?


I've been accused of having a outlaw of a Dad, having three jobs (how did you know that one?)


And driving a Drifter with a lawn mower engine, mate your whole worth of living would become worth while if you fly one of these... (And just think a 45hp engine on a mower...:thumb_up:)


And now I've got to head off and leave you all again today.....049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif




Ps. I'm so sorry I've jiggered the flow again Avalock's... But I haven't got the time to contenminipulate up a concocktion of beautifull flowing words at the very present excedingly close future of today......:confused:


PPs. Le Creepe: You seem to have a good past record of hitting the wrong button....? That's not the most economical way of posting you know....keen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif:black_eye:



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Ps. I'm so sorry I've jiggered the flow again Avalock's... But I haven't got the time to contenminipulate up a concocktion of beautifull flowing words at the very present excedingly close future of today......:confused:

PPs. Le Creepe: You seem to have a good past record of hitting the wrong button....? That's not the most economical way of posting you know....keen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif:black_eye:

In one stroke dotDash had invented one of the most descriptive words in the English language - people will be incorporating contenminipulate into plays and movies for years.


However, he might not be so lucky after putting an extra e into le Crepe....



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dotDash has been in and out of the forum like a Bogong moth this morning which may be due to pressing the wrong button, SlartiNerd not being able to match ExAdmin, or Telstra's Queensland Internet supply....

I do Believe I should clear up this strange but unfortunately uncontrollable circumstances...... I was in the middle of a bit of a party...and just as I was about to write something down, I was called to help with something else.... so on went the same momentum of uncontrollable by me circumstances......if you know what I mean....


Ps. Le Creepe: können Sie wirkliches Deutsches verstehen? and if you don't reply, I'll take that as a NO......!


PPS. I just notice the compliment from the famous Turbo.... I thought Le Creepe sounded more scary......



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Ps. Le Creepe: können Sie wirkliches Deutsches verstehen? and if you don't reply, I'll take that as a NO......!

PPS. I just notice the compliment from the famous Turbo.... I thought Le Creepe sounded more scary......

1. I bet he's looking up a German-English dictionary


2. He will be dotDash, believe me he will be..........


Meanwhile Hidey Ho had overcome the min min light by catching a thermal during the night, which released him from his clutches, and was gliding IFR south past Narromind looking for a gas station.....



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Ps. Le Creepe: können Sie wirkliches Deutsches verstehen? and if you don't reply, I'll take that as a NO......!

PPS. I just notice the compliment from the famous Turbo.... I thought Le Creepe sounded more scary......

Guten morgan (aeroworks?) das doubting Thomaas.


Ich lerne Deutsch funf jahre in die schule, so sticken das up deine joomper.


Und ich specht Deutch in manyshen arbeiten trips to Deutchland, aber mein poor recollection auf den lingo ist probably the reason why ich always ended up buying the wrong ticket up or down the Rhein, und paying too much in the seedy bars auf Munchen, but got to do a fair bit of munchin'.


And while the Turboplunger accusses me of being a Resitance Fighter au Francais, I need to explain that I have never put up any resistance during any trips to France.


Wikipedia also lists Crapp as an SS intelligence officer......

"And what's so special about being an Intelligence Officer on a Steam Ship?" asked Ahlow, who was too young to remember anything to do with "steam", and who thinks that the only rivets are pop-rivets.


"I wonder if he is up amongst the cirrus (and soon to be towering Cu's) today in his IFR Cirrus?


Viel dunk, und viedersehn


Das CrappRat



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Good news - Hidey made it back to the hidden valley and stright into the local pub after flying his 2003 STOL winner (onlyone entrant) out of the mudbath and spraytown of Narrowmind, from his description using the Bigglesworth Trail, so called because it was pioneered by that famous explorer/aviator on a trip from Cobargo to Batemans Bay....



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.... gliding IFR south past Narromind looking for a gas station.....

"You calling me a gas station?" 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif Snapped Slartiphartblast, as he waved his hand frantically through the air in denial. "The bloody yellow plated dust dwellers i_dunno have all shot through, leaving me here to try and flog cheetas and soggy buns to the QLDers...049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif"


Poor Hidey was again, left to contempminipulate his options....




Flow dotDash?:raise_eyebrow: what flow??006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif


P.S. McLovak now understands dotDash's comment about having a Mac :ah_oh: ..... It goes with his wellies :clown: 'cuz QLDers have a need for such things.



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Poor Hidey was again, left to contempminipulate his options....

"Hidey, HIDEY, where are you?" cried Slartiphartblast plaintively as he contemplated the next six months living on old Cold Crossed Buns.


He cursed the Baker for over producing, and laid out six dozen buns on the Narrowmind mud in the shape of a Sheeter ie with slightly warped wings and a tail fin 2 degrees out of square.


"It worked for the Papuans" he thought "look how many aircraft fly round there these days - maybe Hidey will come back"


But Hidey was into the main course of Port Albert flattie (which tasted primarily of diesel, but who cared after the first bottle of Chardonnay, the staple diet of the Squatters of Gippsland......



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hidie nicht verloren geht.


Hidey hat, nach Hause kommen von der Alberton pub mit den meisten seiner facilities intakt und dem meisten narrominded bindis auf steur und stern deplucked.


Es ist nicht regnet in Yarram.


Wir haben das Zelt upgeput , und Regen. 5mls so weit.


Wir willen upgeputten zwei Zelte auf morgen und hoffen, für 10 mls regen







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Gueten Arben mein fuhrer, I ze yur wekd uppen dis morgan mit de sor headen.


De NSW Bindii vos planten to keepen usen Vic outen, and dus she stingen!


"Now then, no need to go overboard Hidey" said Turbo, "I happen to know that you were Herman Goering's (loved by some current Posters) bodyguard, even though you are fourth generation Welsh.


NES readers, this is really the man who won the battle of Britain because once he realised Goering talked in his sleep, Hidey was able to relay the Luftwaffe plans through to Douglas Bader every night (and that's why that prick was such a smartarse, although when you read his book you'll see he really deserved to be respected).


Hidey looked up from the horse trough he'd been drinking from - the celebrations had gone on for some time last night - and said "that's right, and there are still a few of them round posing as ASIC Card inspectors"


"How about dotDash" said Turbo, in just a few posts he's turned Das Kapitan's world upside down, leaving him 200 posts behind the rest of us, and unable to answer a simple question in german......."



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And that, dear readers, is the true story behind the reason that the famous French Resistance Fighter, Le Scarlet PimpleCrapper, won his Cross de Garish.


His job was to sneak into Goerings joint each night and hold his hand while he talked in his sleep .... thereby obtaining vital data for the allies .... and resisting Herman's almost irresistable nocturnal charms.


"He offered to take me over to Berktusgarten in his Storch for a dirty weekend, but I resisted that (as we would have been over 544kgs) and I have therefore kept my honour (and other bits) in tact" said the red pimple-rat.


"I'll be signing books at Echuca on the Anzac Weekend" he said 'And if you wish, I'll show you my hand holding technique (but not you, Tubb).


Just then ...........


Have just heard that an Ultralight has gone in, in northern Victoria this arvo with 2 being injured. Hope they weren't one of our crew, and hope that they are OK ... what a bugger.



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"He offered to take me over to Berktusgarten in his Storch for a dirty weekend, but I resisted that (as we would have been over 544kgs) and I have therefore kept my honour (and other bits) in tact" said the red pimple-rat.

"I'll be signing books at Echuca on the Anzac Weekend" he said 'And if you wish, I'll show you my hand holding technique (but not you, Tubb).


Just then ...........

Ultralight came into view, blowflies buzzing all round him as they always did (you can see the latest one trapped in his posts)


"I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere man" he said posting the two photos he had taken and Natfry "Like a ride in my Storch Natfry Lat" (Ultralight had been brought up in Japan)


Das Kapitano (alias Le Crappe, alias Le Creepe, alias Elvis the biker, alias............



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