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Now this really surprised sir rat as traditionally the mutton bird was his enemy' All praise our fine leader sir Nobu, ;cried the rat; Now i can go south to see my remaining relatives............................



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Now this really surprised sir rat as traditionally the mutton bird was his enemy' All praise our fine leader sir Nobu, ;cried the rat; Now i can go south to see my remaining relatives............................

..... most of whom were eaten by Sealers for their food value ....... and to collect the tiny little gold fangs.


"I've eaten Lat when I was in Cowla" said Sir Nobu "And it wasn't too bad, plus the gold keeps you in beer money, that can ......



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..... most of whom were eaten by Sealers for their food value ....... and to collect the tiny little gold fangs.

"I've eaten Lat when I was in Cowla" said Sir Nobu "And it wasn't too bad, plus the gold keeps you in beer money, that can ......

........that can be used to buy a cheep hostelry on the outskirts (female term) of an off the beaten track place like Waggle Waggles or...........



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We dont need this Taswegia place said Sir Nobu,cut the rope and let it drift away ,he cried,or use it for bombing practice [i wonder if my old zelo still flies,he cried ,]........................



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We dont need this Taswegia place said Sir Nobu,cut the rope and let it drift away ,he cried,or use it for bombing practice [i wonder if my old zelo still flies,he cried ,]........................

..... "I'll repaint it to look like a TJaC and see who salutes when I fly ......



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..... "I'll repaint it to look like a TJaC and see who salutes when I fly ......

"as long as you use led and rite" said Nobu, "rets be poritticary collect, no more brack and rite" this of course lead to...........



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EDUCATION ;cried the headlines; Sir Nobu has introduced a training programe for young people 17 to 25, Learn to fly ,crash course 3 days of take offs and level flight[no need to know how to land] honorary commission in Sir Nobus Air Force in the squadron that specialize in ..............................[plenty of positions,high turnover]



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EDUCATION ;cried the headlines; Sir Nobu has introduced a training programe for young people 17 to 25, Learn to fly ,crash course 3 days of take offs and level flight[no need to know how to land] honorary commission in Sir Nobus Air Force in the squadron that specialize in ..............................

....... Human Un-Factors expertise.


"We need to tlain them not to wolly about no fuel for the leturn journey, and get-back-itis is a thing of the past too." added Sir Nob AM (who had been given another gong by Julia last Aussie Day [when she thought that Nobu had been the only one who had successfully installed a pink batt]).


Then Turdbo chimed in with ....................



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....... Human Un-Factors expertise.

"We need to tlain them not to wolly about no fuel for the leturn journey, and get-back-itis is a thing of the past too." added Sir Nob AM (who had been given another gong by Julia last Aussie Day [when she thought that Nobu had been the only one who had successfully installed a pink batt]).


Then Turdbo chimed in with ....................

"Clap, you sirry iriots" said turdbro in his best Right Honorable Sir Nobu AM, PM (Joolya took all day to invest him) impression


"Wot a road of clap. We instarr insuration, not frying foxes. We no harm furry rittle rodents, not even ..........



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Kim beeesslyy or Sir raticus,But all that beside the point,We must eradicate those southern dags hanging on to the pubes of pricktoria [may be spelt wrong but sounds right]. Cried Sir Nobu.........................



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Kim beeesslyy or Sir raticus,But all that beside the point,We must eradicate those southern dags hanging on to the pubes of pricktoria [may be spelt wrong but sounds right]. Cried Sir Nobu.........................

...during his Address in Reply to Joo-Liar, after his investiture.


"Haaave yooouuu everrrr seeeen a Flyyying Foxxxx" asked Joo-Liar in that distinctive Joo-Liar way "They look just like Fruit (not that there is anything wrong with that) Bats" she added.


"Perhaps you have had one inserted, and that's what makes you walk that way" responded Salty from Dandy-Nong.


"No" she replied "I walk this way because I have a broom stuck .....................



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...during his Address in Reply to Joo-Liar, after his investiture.

"Haaave yooouuu everrrr seeeen a Flyyying Foxxxx" asked Joo-Liar in that distinctive Joo-Liar way "They look just like Fruit (not that there is anything wrong with that) Bats" she added.


"Perhaps you have had one inserted, and that's what makes you walk that way" responded Salty from Dandy-Nong.


"No" she replied "I walk this way because I have a broom stuck .....................

"She sounds like a Noo Zulland wutch" said Mavis.


"I wonder where she got her her broom stuck frum?"



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"...it looks the one from the buck dik." said ...



"or duck smuff" said Nana


Now all this banter made Nobu (celebrity knight, raconteur and general all round kamikaze expert and tutor (like turdbro)) extremely nervous as he was prone to..........



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spreading out a prayer mat and chanting for 45 min a day................................

....... using that well known chant "I love my tyrojackacricket" over and over, faster and faster for 45 minutes, until he lost the plot and went into a trance-like state (F'n Q again) and said in a monotone "I love my ...........


My Aunt has just reminded me of Lily Tomlin's quote that "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat".



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Rudder...Taildraggers the only way to fly,real plane handling ,no power;;;;glides like a brick;;;;;;;like pushing a wheelbarrow full of sand as fast as you can;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;not like those pussys with a -nose wheel ah........ I know exzzacceree where your coming from said.Sir Nobu,lots of fun,When i clashed my zelo up on Melllviiilleee Island...........................



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Rudder...Taildraggers the only way to fly,real plane handling ,no power;;;;glides like a brick;;;;;;;like pushing a wheelbarrow full of sand as fast as you can;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;not like those pussys with a -nose wheel ah........ I know exzzacceree where your coming from said.Sir Nobu,lots of fun,When i clashed my zelo up on Melllviiilleee Island...........................

..... "It was velly dlamatic, but I made it out arive (that Mellville Island is a scary joint)" commented Sir Nob "And I wet myself when I saw my first taildlagger, as I had a Kelpie that used to do that before I wormed him. Is that jackaclicket in need of some worm tabrets?"


"No" said bull "It's because ..........



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of the 351 cleveland that i modified to fit it,had to put in 80kg in the tail for cog ,but it flys great in 30 knot winds!! ps[got special weight exemption from Sir Nobu].....................



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of the 351 cleveland that i modified to fit it,had to put in 80kg in the tail for cog ,but it flys great in 30 knot winds!! ps[got special weight exemption from Sir Nobu].....................

....who was on the Committee for Brisbane's New Year's Fireworks Display and decided to encourage bullshut to bring his novel aircraft down for a 15 minute display over the River, figuring that should be long enough for a Cleveland to throw a rod through the side, but...



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....who was on the Committee for Brisbane's New Year's Fireworks Display and decided to encourage bullshut to bring his novel aircraft down for a 15 minute display over the River, figuring that should be long enough for a Cleveland to throw a rod through the side, but...

..... Rod refused to be cast aside that easily.


"I am a tyro at this flying lark, I have the jack (in case we get a cat-head in a tyre) and I love cricket, so lets go over and buzz the Gabba to see how Clarkie is getting on," suggested Rod.


However the float levels in the cleveland's 4-barrel (bull was a big-spender and had updated the original 2-barrel) were giving trouble and sounded like a 912 with unsync'd bings, when it ................



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..... Rod refused to be cast aside that easily.

"I am a tyro at this flying lark, I have the jack (in case we get a cat-head in a tyre) and I love cricket, so lets go over and buzz the Gabba to see how Clarkie is getting on," suggested Rod.


However the float levels in the cleveland's 4-barrel (bull was a big-spender and had updated the original 2-barrel) were giving trouble and sounded like a 912 with unsync'd bings, when it ................

....chucked a wobbly (laughing fat lady person term) which caused Bing to start on his most famous song - I'm dreaming of...........



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