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The Never Ending Story


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....bull, who had that canibalistic gene often found in Queenslanders, "specially le curned boef ay" he continued "because I always fell like flying my tyrojackacricket (believed to be an aviation term) before......."

..... une of the wires pops and before mon Citroen engine wharps its head."


"Do you know" boeuf added "That mon debutantejaques-a-grillon is the 1st major breakthrough by the aviation industrie Francaise since the Concorde (mon dieu, what a Coque Sportife up that was) and since those Airbus computers flew zee aircraft into zee ground (terme aviationne) with zee Pilottes saying "Mon Dieu and poop" ......................................, et les .......



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need the business.......................[also to raticus ,I,ve updated cee jakaroooo she now has ford 351 clevland power,climbs great/high speed/glides like a brick]ps she isss noww known to be seeeee jakaroo from col wintons hanger a few years ago.



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need the business.......................[also to raticus ,I,ve updated cee jakaroooo she now has ford 351 clevland power,climbs great/high speed/glides like a brick]ps she isss noww known to be seeeee jakaroo from col wintons hanger a few years ago.


....which may be embarrassing for col winton to have this broadcast all round the world, and one can just imagine the pain a 351 cleveland powered jackaroo would cause one's hanger...........and that's before it blew!



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to give to that nice rady hauline pantson [for all the good work she has done to help the fish and chip shops of australia re,haulines special batter don,t use beer, use .......................



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....and that's before it blew!

"What are you talking about" said Col "All clevelands are blue".


....don,t use beer, use .......................

....... Cane Toad poison.


"Ah ... deriscious" said Sir Knob "It just rike lunning the gauntret with puffer fish, but Cane Toads are just like Queens Landers in that they look like they are ......



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harmless/but get one angry and they turn into GODZILLA[look out nobu and co ]....................

Turdbro checked his Janes book of Recreational Aircraft and found that the "Godzilla" is a slippery (aviation reference) little low-wing number that is built be Gypsies (not that there is anything wrong with that) in Slovenia (not that there is anything wrong with that either) and powered by a new Hirtajabatax engine, a matter on which all three manufacturers are deep in action in the Slovenian Supreme Court, where they have asked Turdbro to come out of retirement and to again don his wig and gown to represent them.


However Turdy turned up wearing his Shane Warne hair-hat, his dressing gown with matching check slippers, and his ..............



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Turdbro checked his Janes book of Recreational Aircraft and found that the "Godzilla" is a slippery (aviation reference) little low-wing number that is built be Gypsies (not that there is anything wrong with that) in Slovenia (not that there is anything wrong with that either) and powered by a new Hirtajabatax engine, a matter on which all three manufacturers are deep in action in the Slovenian Supreme Court, where they have asked Turdbro to come out of retirement and to again don his wig and gown to represent them.

However Turdy turned up his his Shane Warne hair-hat, his dressing gown with matching check slippers, and his ..............

...................RF Williams belt hanging down over his experience.


"Firstly Your Honor" he said to the American judge "it has been conclusively proven on the Recuperative Flying Forum that every single aircraft engine ever built is utterly useless and liable to fail, sh$it6 itself, come apart, de-screw, and in some circumstances drop" therefore my client, whose engine lasted 1.22 hours before it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (censored because it was a dead giveaway).


"I'll let you off on that one" said the Judge "come back to my chambers afterwards and we'll have a beer and you can tell me the real story - more more interesting than this boring crap"


"YOUR HONOUR!" yelled the ASIC Card inspector who was doing audits this week.


"Secondly" he winked at the Judge, and gave the secret Bundy sign (a quick thro-up all over the floor) "It may well be true that my aircraft lacks fifty eight rivets.....it may be true.


"However, Jabiru forgot to put ANY rivets in their aircraft, and they're a MANUFACTURER"


"Yes, quite right" said the Judge, "but they're from Queensland.........."



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..................."Yes, quite right" said the Judge, "but they're from Queensland.........."

"Now hold it right there" drawled ditdahfromdalby "I am from Queens- land and have lots of experience and dont wear a rf williams belt. As a matter of fact I wear a.................



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piece of old rope tied round my................................

... spinner. That's how us big butch (not that there is anything wrong with that) Darling (nttiawwte) Downs'ers start our aircraft up there .............. except for the Axes which .............



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...need a special kind of luvin'. question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif (Hmmm...033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif there's no stick your fingers in your ears 'cuz of the scream smiley..) "Love the sound of a rotoraxe in the morning " 004_oh_yeah.gif.9e5fda4460dcecb69107978dfbca9899.gif boasted O'Dalby, "Sounds like....."

[Moderated: Luvin' is not a word in the English speaking world, but may be local to Wagga Wagga or Gumly Gumly, however its ownership of a question mark made me scratch my head for 40 days and 40 nights before decisding to let it go, the next bit clearly is something for smileynerds.


"Love t1he sound of he rotoraxe in the morning" I'll pass, especially for the rice area, where the 700,000 ducks would depart from Siberia after hearing that AWFUL sound.


It actually sound like grandpa in the days of the outhouse when the sound was accompanied by a bulging of the galvanised iron walls and...



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"Love t1he sound of he rotoraxe in the morning" I'll pass, especially for the rice area, where the 700,000 ducks would depart from Siberia after hearing that AWFUL sound.

It actually sound like grandpa in the days of the outhouse when the sound was accompanied by a bulging of the galvanised iron walls and...

..... and that Axe sounds just like Jack Herbert & Graeme Parker squealing after the Fitzgerald Inquiry.


"They're all doing it" chorused Graeme and Jack, who had a hangar and a couple of Drifters at Dalby International Air & Space Port, where they also had ......



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the stolen lear used earlier in this this story......

.... which was actually the Qld Gov't corporate transport for Jo B-P.


However on further investigation it was actually an over-hours Drifter (with a triple seized 582 [aviation term]) that people used to leer at (but Jo was a notoriously crappy speller), so it was converted to a corporate transport Lear-Drifter by Parker & Herbert Aircraft Conversion Enterprises for $2 M, which was a lot of cash back then, even when they were also on a good earner from all of the shady dives down in the valley.


But flight planning was difficult, as every time that Jo and Flo would head up to their holiday mansion in Bone (with Nanna and Mavis in tow for wristies & as maids + live-in babes [it was a while ago]), they would need to leave Brisbane 2 weeks before they had to be there (which was then also just before they needed to leave to go back).


"No worries" commented the crusty old F111 pilot who was in charge of Jo's official flights "As long as you pack 10 litres of 2 -stroke oil (each way) and a ..........



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.... which was actually the Qld Gov't corporate transport for Jo B-P.

However on further investigation it was actually an over-hours Drifter (with a triple seized 582 [aviation term]) that people used to leer at (but Jo was a notoriously crappy speller), so it was converted to a corporate transport Lear-Drifter by Parker & Herbert Aircraft Conversion Enterprises for $2 M, which was a lot of cash back then, even when they were also on a good earner from all of the shady dives down in the valley.


But flight planning was difficult, as every time that Jo and Flo would head up to their holiday mansion in Bone (with Nanna and Mavis in tow for wristies & as maids + live-in babes [it was a while ago]), they would need to leave Brisbane 2 weeks before they had to be there (which was then also just before they needed to leave to go back).


"No worries" commented the crusty old F111 pilot who was in charge of Jo's official flights "As long as you pack 10 litres of 2 -stroke oil (each way) and a ..........

......jar of vaseline for when I am..........



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doing the dump and burn [it makes it easier to........................


....add colour to the display when we do it to the politicians in Canberra. We can hardly walk for days afterwards though", he



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....add colour to the display when we do it to the politicians in Canberra. We can hardly walk for days afterwards though", he

..... said while scratching his fuel dump valve, which was not as efficient as it had been 10 years ago.


Then he added "When I pull this lever (or at least I think it is a lever), the valve & Mavis, go ..................



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..... said while scratching his fuel dump valve, which was not as efficient as it had been 10 years ago.

Then he added "When I pull this lever (or at least I think it is a lever), the valve & Mavis, go ..................

.....into harmonic resonation (just like a couple of songbirds in the reception of a high class bordello at peak hour (Elratto told me about it))


This of course causes unsynchronised vibration throughout the.........



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.....into harmonic resonation (just like a couple of songbirds in the reception of a high class bordello at peak hour (Elratto told me about it))This of course causes unsynchronised vibration throughout the.........

...... European Union.


"Vous are the one zat eees responsible for the seengle handed buggering up of zee Euro" said Nicolas Sarcozy (Le Président de la République Française) at the Summit being held today "Et by the way, does anyone vant to buy a few Euros at a cheap rate?"


"Halt, there Nicolas" said Angella Merkel "Don't flog off your Euros before I do, and look on the bright side, what is about to happen to our glorious common currency is sure to make Axes, Stings and SportSzara's a lot cheaper the buy for our Aussie mates."


"What's a matter you" yelled Berlusconi "Its-a only a ...................



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fields of peanuts,next to jo and flo private airstrip at klingeroy. This caused premature[middle age term]cracking of the....................

...... bubble that Queens Landers have been living in for the past 50 years.


And it didn't just crack, it ...............



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