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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Sad, but better to happen on the ground than in the air…..
  2. I think it will be a hurry up AND wait deal, but it will happen one day……
  3. 760 MTOW is on its way……they could have told us to all go suck eggs?
  4. In this day and age, how hard can it be to repair the problems? I bet if they were auctioned off to private enterprise they would find a way. But it’s far easier for Govt to just bin them and spend a few more billions on a replacement.
  5. Your skills of negotiation need to come to the fore, IF you don’t have a card?
  6. IF CASA have some pull on this ASIC Card b/s they may be a chance that the new boss Pip Spence may get a chance to look closer, rumour has it she has been working on quite a few things that GA and RAaus may benefit from, but it will be CASA driven.
  7. Be lucky to have chronic smokers and drinkers to pay for medical treatment needed because of their habit…….moist are broke and destitute, no money to pay for any medical treatment. People would say they deserve what they get, but they are still human beings and deserve consideration for medical treatment.
  8. Turbs, it’s complicated for newbies like me! OK for you guys who have been in the Aviation field at all levels, since the Dinosaur age 🙂 I just have a lot of learning to do and am prepared to do what is needed, think I am getting there, should have enough time before I croak, given luck…….
  9. I have downloaded the latest digital version VFRG V7 ( hate e-books) but have also ordered the print copy from CASA when they have it available. I rather print copies as I can easily book mark relevant pages so can easily refer to them as needed since the text makes reference to various sections on other pages. In for some study time, I think 🙂
  10. It looks to me that it’s almost impossible to prove your innocence against an accusation of breaching the rules, in some cases? WHY has all this got to be so complicated.
  11. Looks like I will end up in CASA ‘gaol’ as I am bound to miss something, somewhere 😞.
  12. Bruce, what would you be evicted for? Anyway IF you went over height a bit, how would that be proven if you don’t electronically log your flight, only radar might get you? But you won’t be anywhere near one of those. Going to be interesting what is said about all this in the next few months…..
  13. VFRG V7 is out, over500 pages of it 😞. I have an idea? RAAus go through it and bulk edit out of it all the blurb not relevant to RPC and RPL holders. Create a version only for RPC/RPL holders? The more complexity a document has, the more mistakes can be made in interpretation of it. After all, it’s al about safety, safety and more safety…….
  14. Bruce, your last word ‘illegally’ says to be unsafe? Well maybe that’s the way it will have to be. The 3 things needed for safe flight are Fuel, Airspeed and Altitude……compromise any one and you are at adverse risk?
  15. You will be safe when RA get a mandated ‘not above 500ft’ 🙂
  16. I watched a C17 fly North past Rockhampton 3 weeks ago via my Skyecho2 ECD……
  17. Looks like lates VFRG for Dec 2 not yet available on CASA website?
  18. It’s a whole load of b/s…..media believe and publish anything.
  19. Australia Post delivered for me today 🙂 Ordered some AN hardware yesterday from Caboolture, sent in red satchel ordinary post and it arrived this morning Rockhampton 🙂 Send dead bodies ordinary post and they would still be warm when they arrived!!!
  20. Mainstream media ethics are lower than a Snake’s belly, in a wagon wheel rut 😞
  21. That’s what happens when you engage auto pilot on a Pterodactyl:-)
  22. Not sure IF this one needs new skins?
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