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Everything posted by jackc

  1. I am tipping there will be a rash of engine development with the demise of the Rotax 2 strokes……Rotax have made a big mistake in my opinion.
  2. As I have said before, we need a low budget, foundation aviation sector to foster interest and affordability. The U.S. FAR Part 103 system is going ahead in leaps and bounds, factory built and kit aircraft are flying out the door. It embodies all the aspects of Recreational Aviation. Would RAAus support this? They were happy to see the old AUF gone, maybe we need to recognise what was old, can be new again. Given the good and modern airframe designs, why not? Or are we only interested in hanging off the skirt of GA?
  3. Thanks, that’s the link I downloaded the pdf from. Too hard for me, I am Aviation illiterate! I know planes are meant to have wings, and are not meant to fly backwards 🙂 Anyway I will see what CASA comes back with, they will probably make me stand in the corner of an empty hangar, for a week!
  4. Well, I went onto CASAs WEB site and have asked for a simplified version of CASR Part 91 Plan English Guide as it applies to RPC/RPL Certificate holders, along with a possibility of transiting controlled airspace by those certificate holders. You need to fill in the WEB form and they send back a confirmation of receipt. https://updates.communication.casa.gov.au/what-can-i-do-now-8-november-2021?fbclid=IwAR04fpLpY7z7FnRMguDLMW_Z7zOkn4bG_MMb23nK9wFEP5KL066aPtb5OwM
  5. Well, I TRIED to read the Part 91 Plain English Guide as applicable to RPC/RPL certificates. I got totally lost……. I can see me inadvertently breaking rules, unfortunately. CASA, as any regulator has a duty of care to the people it regulates, to make any rules easy to interpret…….sadly, years of bandaids have created a towering mess in this regard. I fear RAAus will go the same way, over time. When I see FAR Part 103 rules in the U.S. being only 3 pages, I wonder WHY we are stuffing up things so badly, here 😞
  6. Got me beat WHY this whole plan is drowning in a sea of regulatory references to other pars of rules and previous history. How hard is it to streamline the whole process and make it easy to interpret and implement? Its almost like trying to cover a leg amputation with bandaids and MORE bandaids. Its been going on for years.
  7. I know Allan of Wingtech sold all his inventory, machinery and I imagine all the skins templates must have gone somewhere. He did use up all the skins materials at the end.
  8. ASK21 are a nice glider, I did some training in one at Benalla about 7 years ago.
  9. It’s an expensive ‘weed’ to plant but I am hoping it could be the answer to solving erosion problems, too. Never any frost here, just dry spells that seem to be getting longer and longer……
  10. Well, not much of it means anything to me…..except there are some unhappy people? Maybe they should hold their TWG meetings at a weekend piss up, and it will get sorted 🙂
  11. Update time 🙂 My local rural stock and station agent came up with Indian Couch as a suitable solution. Not cheap at $40 per kilo for the seed he says for the area at 40 kilos. So, I am looking around the $1800 to seed my strip. I did some research and came up with this…….basically I am sowing an expensive weed 🙂. http://era.daf.qld.gov.au/id/eprint/5475/1/Loss of productivity in Qld pastures invaded by Indian Couch.pdf I have Landcare contact number for someone who has done much research on this, but from a grazing productivity aspect. Not making airstrips!
  12. My personal attitude only, buy the best for the job and hang the cost. I have already spent the money on the plane so I won’t complain about the cost of a few AN nuts and bolts. I always buy spares, but may never need them. I bought a spare set of Wingtech skins, even though the ones on the plane are 3 years old. May never get to use them but if I do……. Ordered a new crate 582, might not need it but…… Bunnings Aerospace is the place to go for…..Billycart parts!! If only they were around when i was a kid 🙂
  13. Turbs, this would lead me to believe that addition of injector cleaner would be a help to keep carbides clear of any residue forming?
  14. Geez, after all this I am probably not game to buy Mogas from anywhere for my plane 🙂
  15. At least there is a few of the venerable 747s present……. Trusty old beast they are 🙂
  16. Might not be alive IF he tried to fly that day 😞
  17. Where is the cheap PC6/B buy one, get one FREE deal 🙂
  18. It WILL be worth waiting for 🙂
  19. It CAN be the good old days (snicker snicker!). Depends on where you live 🙂 Always remember, illegal is a sick bird 😉
  20. First thing I asked myself as a member was……is it too much to expect a reply in a couple of days, even IF they had questions to ask me? When you need to make a buying decision based on the requirement that must be met…..I thought it would be an easy thing to get a determination on? I mean look at the realism about this…….I just fit the thing and be done with it 🙂. Am I going to get a ramp check on a property airstrip……CASA won’t bother, too busy in more closely populated areas. IF I crash the aircraft for what ever reason and die, They can investigate all they like……no so sure the RAAus track record for investigation is intensive, never the less you can t prosecute a dead body 🙂 Personally, I would suspect many people have or would do these kinds of additions/mods anyway? Not the it compromises safety or anything, it’s just that the regulators want the last word? Correct me IF I am wrong……
  21. Yesterday I made the enquiry about it to RAAus Tech Dept……. Get in part replay saying quote: Thank you for your email, RAAus will be in contact with you within 10 business days. RAAus business hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, however Tuesdays and Thursdays telephone support is only available from 12pm to 5pm Australian Eastern Time. Due to current circumstances surrounding Coronavirus, RAAus has implemented a callback system for all phone calls - RAAus will look to return calls to members as soon as possible during this time. Unquote…… The wheels turn slowly in the RAAus Tech Dept…….
  22. So Turbs that is what you think some peoples comments are? A ‘general spit about Govts and Australian flying in general’. ? You must expect some ‘yaw’ in threads……. There is a reason no one has spent a razoo on that airfield, it’s because it’s future was under a cloud, for want of a better description. Yes it’s substandard but is upgradable and IF there was certain tenure that problem could be solved. Aviators in general nurture their airfields and are proud of them but only IF they see a good future……
  23. Wingtech told me it was a standard Thruster colour scheme. However I was not able to get same due to a shortage of materials for the original colour scheme on the skins I got a couple of weeks ago, before Allan closed down 😞
  24. Looks like LSA and Sport Pilots don’t have restrictions flying over buildings, people etc. Unless I have missed something? https://www.eaa.org/eaa/aviation-interests/~/media/371132a085ce4204ba93c2b4a6ee0902.ashx
  25. That is for the no licence, no rego flyers…….
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