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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Like many organisations today, transparency seems to be a problem with some agendas or ideas. Too much secret squirrel stuff, only release information that puts organisation’s in a good light. I have little trust generally these days and too often I am proven right. Fundamentally most human beings do their best to be open and work for the benefit of others, but some don’t.
  2. I am compliance minded, WHEN it’s fair, logical, reasonable and safe for me and others. Sadly that is not always the case as EGOs and control freaks get in the way, a fast increasing human trait. Where required, I flip ‘em the bird and do my own thing…..worked for me the last 70 years 🙂
  3. All I can say is the members of the day must have had rocks in their head to do this. It now means all sorts of things can be done behind their back. We all know what that means when some human beings have that power 😞
  4. No I wont 🙂. Aircraft are my last hurrah, before I die……
  5. I still fail to understand how a company can be a regulator……..
  6. 1.7km grass strip normally used by Gliders 🙂
  7. Well tomorrow I will find out taking to the air in my Thruster T300. Looking forward to flying “The Flintstone” hopefully will be soaring with eagles! At least I won’t be grounded with turkeys! Taken all the info from the forum and hope my Instructor does not fire me 🙂
  8. As an old aviator told me on the phone last week over this Senate Committee debacle, just paint over your rego number and go flying, can’t put us all in gaol 🙂 I watched the whole thing and after that many questions on notice, I thought it was a major shambles. However there maybe some answers come from the future spillover meeting. In the meantime Pip Spence should rip out a hatchet and fire some of the deadbeats below her, starting with Mr ‘Blackhawk’ 🙂
  9. I did a couple of hours in a Jabiru 230 and it flew well for me……not sure about grass strips though, I will be in my Thruster this coming week, weather is looking good for it. Will see how it goes, probably nice and slow which is more to my liking, don’t ever see me in some slick plastic fantastic 🙂. Brendan, just look to the skies for fun days ahead, no matter what you fly 🙂
  10. https://youtu.be/EXG0kEEUclA These Webinars will be a great watch, includes a lot of information of Rotax 2 stroke maintenance etc
  11. Tight turn to final for landing in nearby paddock:-)
  12. We need a drop in replacement for 503/582? Since Rotax don’t want to continue, they should sell off the tooling to someone who does, even IF they get back small royalties?
  13. If you are waiting for a Govt subsidy……..it will be LONG time unless it’s Covid19 related. I just sucked it up and bought one. Rarely be in range of ATC anyway, but if other aircraft ‘see’ me and likewise I see them, it’s better than nothing……
  14. Well, the ‘regulators’ better pull their head out of their……… and realise anything that can help with safety is a bonus. CASA needs to get with the program 🙂 and include ECDs into part of the ATC alerting system.
  15. Well, the Skyecho2 broadcasts its position, other aircraft receive it although I don’t think airspeed and altitude is sent, correct me if I am wrong. I phoned our local ATC and they did not know what an ECD was 🙂. I mentioned Skyecho and still drew a blank!!
  16. It might also help IF ATCs could ‘see’ electronic conspicuity devices, too.
  17. Sure looks great 🙂 New skins, prop too!
  18. Well, as you all ,know I got a Thruster T300. It’s been packed away until I got a temp hangar for 12 months. So, last week I reassembled it all with new AN hardware etc. Decided I better go right over it all and found a few things not to my standard, wiring needs to be tidied up and secured better, new radio to put in, fuel pump replaced, fuel lines replaced, check plugs, clean carby bowls etc. So I need a 582 repair manual, fuel pump, and a few other bits……I guess Floods are the only choice for a manual etc, any other places for parts? I notice the top of the carbies where the throttle cables go in, there are no waterproofing boots? Putting a Scintex fuel flow guage in as I have no fuel gauge on board. Have to replace shock cord on elevator trim, that’s easy. All in all I just want to tidy the machine up so it’s reliable until I get the new motor for it. Any clues appreciated.
  19. Sorry to see you had to sell it 😞. I have just been through the hangar thing, my CFI is 65km from home and the hangar I have leased for 12 months is 70km from home. I assembled my machine 2 days ago and will relocate it on Friday. THEN I can finally get it into the air. Gives me 12 months to build my own hangar and finish strip at home. Rang Floods today my new crate 582 arrives end of March, now……so have that to look forward to as well.
  20. https://simpleflying.com/5g-roll-out-delayed/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=echo&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR04DNNEHwJhA9qpTWAyfesWSjW-K7rQp8emQQuX1uwxY6yENiXzpioN-Fc#Echobox=1642552790
  21. The blurb on that engine is to coerce some investor funding from people who have no idea of engineering that goes into aircraft development. Glossy brochures with generalised claims, nothing specific. Naturally there will be a development time line that will be unachievable. First thing to get rolling will be new Mercedes/Lexus/BMW/some other expensive bucket, so the CEO of the Development Company can hit the road, and leave his $300 rusty Corolla at home 🙂 From here, it will all be down hill, with no blue sky in sight!!
  22. Seems there are some problems for Altimeters? https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/2022-01-06-5G-Implementation-on-Hold?utm_source=enewsletter_ehotline_010622&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news_2022&utm_content=feature_cta&mkt_tok=OTEwLVNFVS0wNzMAAAGB0GIga1TGATZSZYeHGibt8VmV9wjUtW8-SIvKhk-fdcpSmZsPa5fWbogXft6P1h_LKkhc9BLhDTf44vqB_0_1GCT-1rh8aPB1qsAEVsNuhQ-JZQ
  23. AND, many pilots think they are F-35 Top Gun drivers so they talk as fast as they think they can fly 🙂 Do that and they get a ‘say again’ from me. Communications are useless if they can’t be understood, I am not into taking guesses……
  24. Funny you should mention that Nev, I asked my CFI about premix for my 582 a few weeks ago and he said that to store it premixed. Now, I remember Yamaha was very specific about stale fuel causing holed pistons in outboards, but these were not premix fuel motors. I have ordered a new crate premix 582 engine to put in my Thruster, not because the old one is cactus but to simply have reliable as possible.
  25. I consider my ‘two stroke endorsement” is 5 years LJ50 ownership, wonder if that can be RPL’d? 🙂
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